Тема урока «We live on the same Planet. Many countries — one world»

Северо-Восточный административный округ
Государственное бюджетное общеобразовательное учреждение города Москвы "Школа № 281"
Конспект урока
Тема урока «We live on the same Planet. Many countries - one world»
Предмет: Английский язык.
Учебник: М.З. Биболетовой.
Класс: 7 класс

Учитель английского языка
Савченко Марина Васильевна
Москва, 2016 год
Тема урока "We live on the same Planet many countries-one world"
Описание материала: конспект урока английского языка в 7 классе к УМК «Счастливый английский» М.З. Биболетовой.Урок имеет страноведческую направленность.
Цели урока:
Формирование, активизация и расширение страноведческих знаний по теме "Страны и континенты"
Формирование коммуникативной компетенции учащихся по теме "Страны и континенты"
Задачи урока:
1) Практические:
Развитие произносительных навыков.
Совершенствование навыков диалогической и монологической речи.
Развитие умений восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух/речь учителя и учащихся.
2) Развивающие:
Развитие умений коллективной деятельности(в рамках темы урока);
Развивать умение работать в группах;
Развивать познавательную активность учащихся;
Развитие языковой догадки учащихся (в рамках темы урока);
Развитие памяти (в рамках темы урока)
3) Воспитательские:
Формирование потребности в коллективной работе, и воспитание чувства ответственности за совместную работу;
Развивать умения работать в группе;
Воспитание толерантного отношения к представителям других народов, уважение к стране изучаемого языка, к собственной стране и странам всего мира.
4) Общеобразовательные:Формирование страноведческих знаний при интеграции межпредметных связей (английский язык, география, история)
Оснащение урока:
учебник"Enjoy English" Биболетова М.З
дидактический материал,
карточки для учащихся.
Ход урока:1) Приветствие (рапорт дежурного) Teacher:
Good morning children!
I`m glad to see you.
Sit down, please. Who is on duty today?
Who is absent?
2) Фонетическая зарядка:T: Please look at this poster(at the blackboard). Read the words after me.
You can see a short poem.
Your task is to complete the sentences choosing the word. (На доске написан список стран):
1. Portugal 6. Germany 11. Australia
2. Japan 7. Hungary 12. Finland
3. Spain 8. Greece 13. France
4. Russia 9. Egypt 14. India
5. China 10. Italy 15. Britain
Учащиеся заканчивают предложения подбирая рифму.Feed the kitten and go to... (Britain)Take your chance and go to...(France)Catch a train and go to...(Spain)Buy some cheese and go to...(Greece)Please read this poem all together.
T: What are we going to speak about today? -The topic of our lesson is "Many countries – one world".
4) Речевая разминка:T: Listen to my statements and agree or disagree with me.
If my statement is true you will repeat it, if I am wrong you will correct my statement. (Ученики повторяют утверждение, если оно верное и исправляют если неверно)Spain is in Europe.
The USA is in Australia.
Italy is in Asia. Madrid is the capital of Spain.There is only one country in Africa.Samara is the capital of Russia.
3) Ocновная часть урока.
T: Look at the blackboard. How can we divide these words?- (countries and cities). Name the counties. Name the cities.
(France, Oslo, Spain, Norway, Madrid, Wellington, Sydney, The Russian Federation, Moscow, Australia, Italy, Paris, New Zealand, Canada, Russia, Ottawa, the USA, London, Washington, the UK.
T: The main city of a country is the capital. Don`t forget to use "the" before the word capital.T:Canberra is the capital of Australia. And what about Madrid(Paris)? - P1, P2, P3. ….Look attentively and find the article.
Where do we use the article?Before the USA, the UK.We use article "the" with "states", "kingdom", "republic" and "federation"the Russian Federationthe Czech Republicthe United Kingdomthe United StatesWe don`t use "the" with the names of continents (Europe, North America, South America, Africa, Asia, Australia), countries (France, Russia, Italy), cities towns (Samara, Kiev, Madrid ,Oslo). Repeat and remember this rule!
(выполняется упражнение из учебника на артикль)
T: Now it’s high time to play.We need in two teams.
I`ll give you envelopes with the cards. At first you should match the names of the countries and their capitals and then you’ll name English-speaking countries.
Any questions? You have 3 min.
Are you ready?
The first team inform us about their results.
Then the second team.Repeat the names of English-speaking countries: The UK, The USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand.
Let me introduce five pupils from English-speaking countries.
They are from different countries. Our guests will tell us about their countries, their symbols and flags. You must listen to them very attentively and find the flags of their countries at the blackboard.
We have 5 flags and 5 pictures of symbols of the countries.
(Учащиеся читают сообщения, слушающие находят на доске их флаги и символы)
Pupil 1(The UK) LondonMy country is an island state. It`s one of the smallest countries in the world.
My country consists of four parts. Our capital is situated on the banks of the river. Our underground is the oldest in the world. We name it Tube. It was opened in 1863.Our flag is blue, red and write. It is called Union Jack.
Name my country and its capital. (The UK, London)
Pupil 2 (The USA, Washington)My country in one of the largest countries in the world. It has 50 states. It is a very developed country. People of many nationalities live in it. My country is called a "melting pot". There are six towns called Moscow in my country. The flag of my country is red , blue and white. It is called "Stars and stripes". The bald eagle is the symbol of me country.
What is the name my country?
Pupil 3 (Canada, the capital Ottawa)My country is the second largest country in the world. We have two official languages: English and French. We have a very strong hockey team. All boys like to play hockey in my country. We have four national parks. The symbol of my country is the maple leaf. The flag of my country is red and white.
Name my country and its capital. Pupil 4(Australia, Canberra)My country is the largest island and the smallest continent in the world. My country has summer when you have winter. January is the hottest month. My country is called "the Lucky Country ".My country occupies a whole continent. The national symbols are the kangaroo and the emu.
The flag is blue, red and white. Name my country.
Pupil 5 New Zealand(Wellington)My country is in the Pacific Ocean. It consists of two main islands and some smaller ones. It looks like Italy upside down. The school year starts in February. Our official languages are English and Maori. English is often called Kiwi English.The national symbol is the Kiwi. The flag is red, white and blue. What is the name of my country?
Teacher: …..
(1) When and who was Moscow founded by?Answer: It was founded by Yury Dolgoruky in 1147 (2) What in the heart of Moscow?-The heart of Moscow is the Kremlin.(3) Who was Moscow State University founded by?-It was founded by great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov(4)What city is one of the most beautiful cities in Russia?-St. Petersburg is.(5)What river is St. Petersburg situated on?-It is situated on the river Neva.We prepare presents for our guests. These are badges.ФизкультминуткаClose your eyes, open your eyes.Close your eyes, open your eyes.Look at me ,look at the blackboard.Look at the door, look at the window.Look at this pen.Look at your nose.Look up, look down.Look up, look down.Close your eyes, open your eyes.Close your eyes, open your eyes.Very good!
T: Now I want to check how you know the capitals of some countries.
I’ll give you a card with the names of some countries and you must fill in. Домашние задание 1) Рабочая тетрадь стр. 24, упр. 42) Написать небольшое сочинение на тему «Many countries - one world».Подведение итогов:1) Оценки2) The lesson is over Thank you for your work. Good-bye.