Внеклассная работа по английскому языку по теме: Many countries — one world

Many countries – one world (game)
Цель: Систематизировать знания учащихся по теме «Казахстан». Формировать навыки говорения по теме. Практиковать в восприятии на слух и понимании иноязычной речи. Практиковать в развитии языковой догадки. Развивать память, внимание. Формировать навыки общения. Воспитывать учащихся патриотами своей страны. Поддерживать у студентов интерес к иностранному языку.
Hello boys and girls and teachers! I’m glad to see you on this game. Today we have guests from another country, such as Russia, China and The UK. They are living in KZ now. They know kz language and about KZ. I’ll invite them to participate in this game that is called “Manycountries - oneworld”. I hope all of you enjoy our game and also I’ll see who will be the winner. Here are our participants. Let me introduce them: firstly I want to introduce you guests from Russia: Natalya(Ainur), Anna(Zhadyra), Vlad (Erzhan), Anton(Bakytzhan). Next guests from China: Aimin (Al’bina), Meili (Akmaral), Minchzhu (Nauryzbek), Sinhua (Samat). Guests from UK: Ted(Asan), Billy (Adilbek), Kate (Aigul), Clare (Zhuldyz).
Now, I’ll show you the rounds of our game:
Who will be the faster?
7 wonders.
To make a poster.
1-round Polyglot. I’ll say you Kazakh proverbs with one missed word. Your task is to find that word and translate it into Russian and English.
Отан оттан да .....(ыстық, горячий, hot)
Ананың сүті ..... (бал, мед, honey)
...... адамның арқауы (Ас, еда, food)
...... көпті жау алмайды(досы, друг, friend)
...... көпті дау алмайды. (Ақылы, ум, brain)
...... жолы жіңішке (қыздың, девочка, girl)
Бала .... бал. (тілі, язык, language)
Көз қорқақ, .... батыр. (Қол, рука, hand)
Судың да ..... бар. (Сұрауы, спросить, просить, ask)
Ел іші .... бесік. (Алтын, золото, gold)
Батыр туса ел ырысы, ..... жауса жер ырысы. (Жаңбыр, дождь, rain)
Қына басқа бітеді, білім ..... бітеді. (Басқа, голова, head)
Оқу білім азығы, білім .... қазығы. (Өмір, жизнь, life)
2-round who will be faster?
What country is Kazakhstan?
When was taken the Independence of Kazakhstan?
Who is the head of KZ?
Where lies our country?
How many populationshave Kazakhstan?
How many countries does KZ border on?
The coldest part of KZ is …
When was adopted the first Constitution?
How many regions have KZ?
The colour of flag of KZ. Is…
What can you see in the flag?
What is the symbol of peace?
When Astana didbecome as capital of our country?
What religion dominates in Kazakhstan?
When was flown the first cosmonaut to the space?
What is the symbol of Astana?
When is celebrated the Kazakh national holiday?
How many nationalities live in our country?
Who is the author of emblem of KZ?
Where and when was born the President?
What river is Astana on?
What is the official language of our country?....3-round 7 wonders. There are several themes with questions about KZ and you’ll answer. Choose one card.
Culture yellow paper
Who was the winner of contest Sazalemy? (K. Nurtas.)
After whom is called the film studie of KZ? (ZH. Aimanov)
Where is the Fine Art Museum of A. Kasteev? (in Almaty)
The wellknown composer in 19 th century (Kurmangazy)
Tradition red paper
What was Kazakh traditional home? (kuizyu)
When is celebrated Shildehana? (on baby’s birthday)
What are Kazakh national women’s costums?
Name the ingredients of Nauryzkosze?(milk, salt, raisn, wheat, water, kurt, meat)
Literature green paper
The popular kazakh novel and its author (Abaizholy)
Name the famous modern kazakh poets (M. Zhahanov, F. Ongarcynova)
By whom was written a dram Hamlet? (W Shakespair)
What was the the official name of Abai?
History pink paper
When, where was the Zheltoksan story? Name victims of this story
What action was organized against Semey polygon? Who was the leader of this action? When was it closed? (1991. Nevada – Semey, O. Suleimenov)
When was adopted the Kazakhstan – 2030 Strategy? How many parts does it consist of? (1997, 7parts)
When is celebrated the Independence Day?
4-round to make a poster on themes: independence 20 years; independence 25 years and independence 30 years.