Эссе на английском языке на тему: Нужны ли нам сегодня леди и джентльмены?

Муниципальное общеобразовательное учреждение
Одинцовская средняя общеобразовательная школа №3
(143006 Московская область, г. Одинцово, ул. Верхнепролетарская, д.14)
Тел. 593-48-91

Эссе на тему :«Нужны ли нам леди и джентльмены? Кто они такие?»
Цыганова Анна Сергеевна, 10 класс
143006 Московская область
г. Одинцово, ул. Союзная, д. 32А, кв. 72
Чернякова Татьяна Михайловна
учитель английского языка
Одинцовского муниципального района
Municipal educational institution
Secondary comprehensive school № 3
“Do we need ladies and gentlemen?
Who are they?”
Made by
Tsyganova Anna,
Grade 10
Chernyakova T.M.

Odintsovo 2013
Do we need ladies and gentlemen?
Who are they?
Definitely, everyone should know what words “ladies” and “gentlemen” really mean. Sometimes we just don’t think about it or don’t pay too much attention to the meaning of these words. That’s why something we hear are questions like ‘Have we got any ladies and gentlemen? Who are they?’ Let’s answer it!
To my mind, ladies and gentlemen are persons, whose names can actually stay on the top! I mean that they aren’t ordinary people, but persons with secular manners. They are, certainly, so cultural, well-educated, polite and graceful. For instance, it’s Queen Elizabeth II, isn’t it? She is a very lady, of course. Besides, I know that words “lady” and “gentleman” mean aristocratic title.
However, some people think another way. They say: “Ladies” and “gentlemen” are beautiful words and no more. It sounds like forms of a bland usage! I, you, she, he – we all can be ladies and gentlemen with accustomed manners.”
I deny this point of view. Firstly, “ladies” and “gentlemen” aren’t just ‘beautiful’ words. It means more, than some people suppose. Secondly, not everyone can be a real lady or a gentleman! She or he must deserve it and correspond to this title! Thirdly, it’s not only ‘a bland usage’. These words define your place in society!
Summing up, I’d like to say: you are a lady or a gentleman – it depends on your bringing up, good manners, soul and moral statures. It’s a part of you! Not always polite and graceful man is a gentleman inside, as sometimes poor and uneducated man is a gentleman of his soul. It doesn’t matter that Elizabeth II is a lady. It’s much more important who you are!