Professions we choose. Aims of the lesson: Келешектегі жоспарлары жайлы тал?ылау, ой б?лісу 1 Жоспарлар?а, маманды?тар?а сипаттама жасау, ж?мыс жайлы ??гімелесу, болжамдар жасау, та?ырыпты? с?здіктермен ж?мыстар ж?ргізу 2. Ты?дап т?сіну , диалог ??расты

Professions we choose. Aims of the lesson: Келешектегі жоспарлары жайлы талқылау, ой бөлісу1 Жоспарларға, мамандықтарға сипаттама жасау, жұмыс жайлы әңгімелесу, болжамдар жасау, тақырыптық сөздіктермен жұмыстар жүргізу2. Тыңдап түсіну , диалог құрастыру арқылы оқушының сөздік қорын кеңейту, ауызша сөйлеу дағдыларын жетілдіру3. Жауапкершілікке баулу, келешекте мамандық таңдауда дұрыс шешім қабылдауға бағыт беруСабақ түрі: Түсіндіру сабағы.Грамматикалық ереже:Present Simple tense.Сабақтың әдіс-тәсілдері: Сұрақ-жауап, жазу және оқуP r o c e d u r e o f t h e l e s s o nI. Organization moment- Good day, students!- How are you?- Who is on duty today?- Who is absent?II. W a r m u p- This is the season,- When mornings are dark.- And birds do not sing,- In the forests and park.- This is the season,- When children ski.- And father Frost brings,- The new year tree!II. Checking up the homeworkСергіту жаттығуI like my friends.So do I. I like my old friends.So do I. I like my new friends.So do I. I"m happy today.So am I.1.My sister would come to see me a. If he had enough money at that moment2. He would have bought the book b. If she were not busy today3. Patty’s dreams would probably have come true c. If he hadn’t made so many grammar mistakes.4. He would have passed the exam d. If we care about the environment5. We shall save our Planet e. If the jug of milk hadn’t fallen on the road.Match the sentences using the conditionals. 1-b 2-a 3-e 4-c 5-dProverbIf you are planning for a year, sow rice;If you are planning for a decade, plant trees;If you are planning for a lifetime, educate people;(Chinese proverb)Reading. What do you want to be in Future? – I have often heard this question. Sometimes it is diffident to answer this question, sometimes not. Little children usually dream of an unusual profession. Some of them want to become spaceman, others want to discover new lands, thirds – to dive in deep seas. But most of them want, to be famous, so they usually want to become a star – a film star, a pop star, a football star and so on. I used to dream of being a film star as well when I was a little boy.I don’t know for certain, what I shall do, but I think the way to prepare myself for a future job is to get a good education. Jobs are changing and constantly appearing. In a few years, there will be more new jobs and nobody knows what they will be. But good education cannot solve the problem alone. It is important to have good health to face difficulties and changes. That’s why I pay great attention to sports.Say in English:Say in English:жауап айту қиын-difficult to answer-ең ерекше мамандық- an unusual professionғарышкер болу-to become spacemenжаңа құрлықтар ашу-discover new landsкиножұлдызы болу-a film starпоп-жұлдызы болу-a pop starтанымал болу-to be famousанық білу-know for certainжақсы тәсіл-the best wayкелешектегі жұмысқа дайындалу-to prepare myself for a future jobжақсы білім алу-to get a good educationбірнеше жылдан кейін-in a few yearsжаңа мамандықтар әлдеқайда көбейді-will be more new jobs мәселені шешу-solve the problemденсаулығы мықты болу-to have good healthқиындықтар мен өзгерістерді кездестіру-to face difficulties and changesFind the missing letters:Careers do not just happen. People train for them. How much training is needed depends on the kind of career chosen. Some jobs take only a few months of training. Others take several years, certain careers need college or university education.There is a song that says, “people who like people are the luckiest people in the world.”So, people who feel like this may have a job that deals with people all the time.For additional reading. Read and talk in small groups. Ecologists. There are some kinds of jobs that deal with environment we live in. Ecologists study the environment and try to find ways to protect it from pollution. The earth is our home and we must always keep it clean.For additional reading. Read and talk in small groups. Doctors. Health is important to people. People who lose their health are not very happy. Doctors and their assistants help to take care of their health. A person who wants to become a doctor goes to a special medical college or university. For additional reading. Read and talk in small groups.Үйге тапсырма. My future life (Менің болашақ өмірім) тақырыбына әңгіме жазып келу.