Конспект урока на тему Lets Measure (2 класс)

LESSON 6: Unit 5 Health and body
Let’s Measure School: №36
Date: Teachers’ names:
CLASS: Number present: Absent:
Learning objectives(s) that this lesson is contributing to 2.UE2 use cardinal numbers 1-50 to count
2.L1 understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions
2L4 recognise with support short basic question relating to features such as colour and number
Lesson objectives
Students will: All learners will be able to:
recall new English words after the teacher
count 1-50
Most learners will be able to:
understand the questionsHow tall am I? How heavy am I?with some support
Some learners will be able to:
Use new words and make sentences
Fully understand questions like How tall am I? How heavy am I?without any support.
Previous learning Students are familiar with parts of the body and numbers. Students can count up to 100.
Planned timings Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities) Resources
5 mins
Good morning children! I’m glad to see you! How are you?
Warm up activity. Atom Game.
Children run around the classroom in all sorts of directions. The teacher calls out "Atom___" and a number. Whichever number is called, the children have to get into groups of that number. For example, the teacher calls "Atom 6!" and children get into groups of 6. Those left out of a group, are out. Middle
Pre-teaching vocabulary.
Teacher introduces new words on flashcards: meter = m, centimeter = cm, kilogram = kg., demonstrates the correct pronunciation and drills them in groups and individually and then explains the forms of them.
Pupils do the exercise 5 where they should look at the pictures and learn the usage of the words taught.
Teacher asks pupils the following questions:How many kilograms are you?How many centimeters are you? in order to make pupils produce their own sentences or smoothly transfer to the topic “Let’s Measure” in case pupils’ do not know their height or weight.
Presentation of the topic.
Teacher introduces the topic of the lesson and lesson objectives. -Today we are going to measurehow tall we are and how heavy we are.Teacher writes new theme on the board. “Let’s Measure”, so that pupils can write it down.
Introducing key words.
Teacher introduces the words tall, heavyby giving antonyms and demonstrating with the help of realia.
Teacher drills these words with pupils in groups and individually.
Teachers asks concept checking questions to check the understanding of the words by pointing at the toys and objects in the classroom which are heavy and tall. – Is it tall? Is it heavy?
- Pupils listen to the dialogue in ex:6and read it
- Teacher emphasizes the key phrases-How tall am I? /How heavy am I?- You are ___ cm/ You are __kg.repeating each question.
- Teacher explains the meaning of the phrases by role-playing with toys.
- Pupils role-play the dialogue in pairs
Pupils, in pairs, do the exercise 7 and answer the question then write in their copy-book.
Production. Assessment.
Pupils are divided into three groups. Teacher gives instructions on the task and worksheets to fill in.
Differentiation: Teacher groups pupils so that in one group there will be one weak, one middle and strong students.
Note: as there are 8 pupils in the class, there will be one group with 2 pupils, so, teacher can group 2 strong students.
Pupils are to fill in the table by measuring their height and weight of each other in turns.
Encourage pupils to use the phrases: -How tall am I? /How heavy am I? - You are ___ cm/ You are __kg.
Name Height (cm)-How tall am I? Weight (kg)- How heavy am I?
Teachers monitor the process of an activity to assess.
Feedback. Assessment.
As pupils finish, teachers give group and individual feedback and praise them by smileys. Flashcards
Pupil’s Book, Ex: 5, p. 44
Apples, dolls, classroom objects
Pupils book Ex6, p44
Pupils book Ex7, p45
Cards for grouping
Handout 1, Meters and scales for measuring for each group.
5 min. Extension activity. Energizer.
Pupils do the Total Physical Response activity to get energized.
Are you tired?
People to people,
Hands to hands
People to people,
Knees to knees
People to people,
Fingers to fingers
People to people,
Back to back
Hometask.Pupils have to measure their parents and brothers and sisters at home and report back in the classroom. Interactive WhiteBoard, video
Board, marker/chalk
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? Formative Assessment – how are you planning to check students’ learning?
Questions were formulated at all levels according to Bloom’s Taxonomy levels
Questions that do not have right or wrong answers
Evaluative questions which promote further discussion.
Application questions that allow students to relate the topic to their own lives and experiences. By monitoring students’ usage of new words and numbers and understanding of them while their role play
Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic? What did the learners learn today? What was the learning atmosphere like? Did my planned differentiation work well? Did I stick to timings? What changes did I make from my plan and why?
Summary evaluation:
What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?