Best of the best intellectual game

Grades : 7а-7к
Theme : “Best of the best” intellectual game.
Aims : to check-up student,s knowledge ;to widen student,s vocabulary stock ;to stimulate the student,s interest , their imagination and thinking in the foreign language.
Methods : group work , question-answer ,
Type of the lesson : competition
The procedure of the competition lesson :I . Org-moment : - Dear children! Today we’ ll have a competition lesson. It is an unusual lesson. Because today we will compete between two grades : the 7a  and 7k grades. The 7a grade is called “Friendship” and the 7k grade is called “Knowledge” ( 8 students in each team ). Today you have to show your knowledge of Kazakh , Russian and English languages. The President of our Republic N. A. Nazarbaev pays great attention to education, in his ” Message to the People of Kazakhstan” he also underlines that new generation must know 3 languages ( Kazakh, English and Russian ) and use them in communication. So, I hope that today you will show good knowledge of Kazakh, English and Russian. Try to be active. Our competition consist of 6 rounds. They are
The 1st round “Interesting questions”
The 2d round “The more we learn, the more we know” match the proverbs
The 3d round “Best reader”
The 4th round “Do you know grammar”
The 5th round “Everyday words” Translate the words into English
The 6th round “Word building”
Now let us start our game. Let’s greet each other “Greeting each other”.
I-Let’s start the 1st round. “Interesting questions”. Every group must answer to 5 questions
The 1st team : 1What is the official language of Kazakhstan? Kazakh
2The capital of Kazakhstan…. Astana
3Who is the first president of Kazakhstan? N.A.Nazarbaev 4. What is the official language in Great Britain? English   
 5. Big Ben is … a clock   
 The 2d team 1. The capital of Great Britain is … London   
 2. The name of the river in London is … The Thames  
 3. Who is the head of England?   the Queen   
 4Who discovered America? (Christopher Columbus)
 5. Who is the President of The USA now? (Donald Tramp)
II -The 2d round “The more we learn, the more we know” match the proverbs
1st Team 
Find out Kazakh and English equivalents.
1.Better late than never .Оқудың ерте кеші жоқ
2.East or West, home is best b.Денсаулық – зор байлық
3. Health is better than wealth. c.Ештен кеш жақсы
4. It is never too late to learn d.Жылтырағанның барлығы алтын емес5. All is not gold that glitters e.Өз үйім – кең сарайдай боз үйім
2d Team
Find out Kazakh and English equivalents.
1. First think, then speak..  a.Бүгінгі істі ертеңге қалдырма
2.Every country has its customs b.Адал дос шын дос
3.Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today. c.Білім - қуат
4. A friend in need is a friend indeed d.Әр елдің салты басқа
5.Knowledge is power e. Бірінші ойлан, сосын сөйле.
ІІІ-The 3d round “Best reader” task for best reader.
-good reading (1 point)
-give a name to the text (1 point)
- do “True or false” (5 points)
The 1st team. Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
a)The man looks at twenty-three cars. ___
b)The man doesn’t ask questions. ___
c)The man buys a blue car. ___
d)It takes the man five hours to choose a car. ___
e)The woman buys a blue car. ___
A man and a woman go shopping to buy a car. The man looks at twenty-three cars. He sits inside ten cars. He drives four cars. He doesn’t like them. He talks to the salesman and asks hundreds of questions. He drives the red Silva GTX 3 litre Turbo with alloy wheels. He likes it. He buys it. It takes five hours and forty-two minutes. The woman chooses a nice blue car. It takes twenty minutes.
The 2D team.-good reading (1 point)
-give a name to the text (1 point)
- do “True or false” (5 points)
Read the text. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)?
a)On Bondi beach Valerie went windsurfing. ___
b)She watched beautiful people in Brazil. ___
c)In Thailand, the water was green. ___
d)There is a restaurant on Kalafatis beach. ___
e)She didn’t visit the shops in France. ___
Last year I visited forty beaches to decide which were the top 5 beaches in the world. These were my favourites:
1 Bondi beach, Sydney, Australia. I went surfing and drank a beer with friendly people.
2 Ipanema beach, Rio de Janiero, Brazil. I played football and watched beautiful people.
3 Maya beach, Phi Phi Le, Thailand. I took a boat to this beach, and went swimming in the beautiful blue water.
4 Kalafatis beach, Mykonos, Greece. I went windsurfing and diving, and had lunch in a small beach restaurant.
5 Promenade des Anglais, Nice, France. I went shopping and drank wine in a café.
IY- The 4th round “Do you know grammar” write Present Simple or Past Simple
The 1st team
1.I get up at 7 o, clock.
2.They do their homework every day.
3.Ann wrote a letter to her friend yesterday
4.When does your school start ?
5.She watched this film on TV yesterday.
2d team
1.I have already done my homework.
2.My mother waters flowers every day.
3.Aidar went to Almaty last week.
4. She has just come home.
5. My father is a doctor.
5.She watched this film on TV yesterday.
Y- The 5th round “Everyday words” Translate the words into English
st team
Орта мектеп Мемлекеттік Заң Денсаулық пән 2d team
Бастауыш мектеп Жеке меншікті құқық Жан жақты (Бутик ) бөлім YI-The 6th round “Word building”To make as many words as they can in 2 minutes
KINDERGARTEN You have done great work. Let’s summarize the results