Сценарий рождественского праздника для старшеклассников на английском языке

Я, конечно, понимаю, что на дворе ещё осень… Но очень хочется сказать, а может и крикнуть: «Ура! Скоро Рождество!» Маленькие дети с нетерпением ждут Нового Года, а детки постарше – Рождественского праздника на английском языке (в нашей гимназии – точно). Ученики 8-11 классов, любители, а порой просто фанаты предмета «Английский язык» собираются вечерами, чтобы порепетировать, придумать что-то весёлое, необычное и на практике применить свои знания. В последние годы у нас прошёл Рождественский КВН, Рождественский баттл (встреча команд немецкого и английского Дедов Морозов), Рождественская сказка. Подумаешь, что мы уже не маленькие, но любовь к сказкам никто не отменял. Сказку придумывали вместе (группа самых креативных товарищей), и она получилась современной: смешной, немного страшной и про любовь. Чтобы было интересно, вместе ни разу не репетировали! А связность и отсутствие пауз зависело прежде всего от учителя и пары самых доверенных людей, вт. ч. звукооператора. Получилось здорово, весело, энергично!
Итак, в сказке участвуют: Санта Клаус (молодой бизнесмен), его секретарша (умная и влюблённая в своего босса), олени (военизированное подразделение), красавицы «модели», дружественные народы севера, работяги гномы, а также злые силы: мистер Halloween и его помощники. Каждая группа может готовиться самостоятельно, поэтому совместных репетиций можно избежать. И, главное, можно импровизировать, ставить ту музыку, что нравится вам, не бояться пропустить или заменить слово. И даже целую реплику.
Удачи, счастья, веселья! Merry Christmas!
Офис. Санта за столом, заваленным бумагами, постоянно звонит телефон. Суматоха, входят гномы, офисные служащие ит.п. с бумагами и др. Все требуют его внимания. Санта подписывает бумаги, ставит печати, что-то объясняет. Все также быстро убегают.
Санта: Oh, what a day! The 24th of December. It’s really annoying. What time is it?
Появляется секретарша:
Secretary: it’s half past ten! Mister Santa, there is some urgent business for today. At first, visiting the Christmas factory, then preview of Christmas fashion, meeting with Inuit people and at last, but not the least your reindeers…
Santa: Oh, my God! Time is money. I’m ready. Let’s begin with my factory.
Музыка: Beetles. It is a hard day’s night
Christmas factory. Gnomes and elves are working
Музыка: Elvis Presley. Common
Santa: OK, guys! Go on working! … So, what’s next?
Secretary: Aborigines! Oh, excuse me! Inuit are waiting for you. They want to show you something interesting!
Santa: Interesting? What special can they do? No, I haven’t time!
Secretary: Would you like to look at your reindeers?
Santa: well! Five minutes
Музыка: You’re in the army now
Stand up! Be equal! Number off!
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen
General Santa! Your reindeers to the Christmas are READY!
SK: At ease! (to secretary)They are my guard! Serious, brave, reliable!
Secretary: Mister Santa! I know, that you like your army, but it’s time to visit a Christmas show.
SK: I’m ready. Let’s go! Good buy, boys!
Reindeers: Right face! Forward! Sing a song!
A song Sergeant Black is turning green
Someone took up his canteen
(Reindeers go away; there are models on the stage)
SK: Hi! I hope your show will be cool!
Models sing and dance Jingle bells rock
Mr. Snowman (entering): Good evening, Mr.Santa. Mr. Snowman, FBI.
SK: What’s matter, cap?
Mr. Snowman: Bad news, sir. Not far from your office we saw some ugly monsters.
SK: Monsters? Where are they from?
Snowman: We think, they have left after Halloween or… Oh, we are late!
Музыка: Song Zombie
Three monsters enter the room. They scare top-models, they run away, the monsters catch the secretary.
Zombie: She is our hostage! You must listen to our boss and do what he says! Silence! I’ll kill you!
Mr. Halloween: (entering with music This is Halloween) It’s me, dear Santa. John Halloween, just little Johnny. Do you remember me, Santa? I see, you do. You‘ve made me bankrupt! All money, all sweets are spent on Christmas! And what about Halloween? This nice merry holiday? Eye for eye, tooth for tooth! My monsters are hungry!
Zombie: Oh, yes! I want to eat!
Secretary: A-a-a!
SK: But…
Zombie: Silence! I’ll kill you!
Mr. Halloween: Christmas is nothing! No joy, no magic, no love! Only business! This year people won’t celebrate Christmas! Or…
Zombie: I’ll kill her! (about Secretary)
Mr. Halloween: Who knows but the world may end tonight.
SK: Please, give me a chance! I can prove you that Christmas is a very kind holiday! And people need it, like your Halloween. We can share all sweets and cookies!
Mr. Halloween: Hmm. Let’s look who is stronger! (arm wrestling)
Музыка: Hallelujah.
Fairy: Hi, boys! I’m fairy of justice! What’s matter? I offer you a bet. Santa! I can give you only half an hour to show that you can bring people JOY, LOVE, LIGHT, MAGIC!
Mr. Halloween: I’m sure, he can’t! Well, I am waiting for half an hour. No more! But your secretary will be at me! (Zombie and Halloween are leaving the stage)
SK: To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
Fairy: I don’t think it’s the best time for Shakespeare, but may be I’m wrong.
SK: What shall I do?
Fairy: Just ask your friends. They always help you.
Elves, reindeers, top-models come on stage:
-We are here….
- What do they need?
-JOY, MAGIC , LOVE and LIGHT (discuss the problem: Oh, I know. Why not? I got it. Really? Are you kidding? Could you? But.. Let’s try!)
Rudolph: Mr. Santa, we are ready to help you. Don’t be so gloomy.
(Sing and dance)
Here's a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it
note for note
Don't worry, be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy
Don't worry, be happy now
Oo, oo-oo-oo, oo-oo-oo,
Don't worry
Be happy
Don't worry, be happy
During the singing reindeers take off hats and put on another ones.
Reindeer: I can't refuse it what to be, got to be
Feel like dancing dance 'cause we are free
Feel like dancing, come dance with me (singing and dancing)
Zombie: ha-ha-ha! They are really fantastic! What a fun! What a joy!
Fairy: so, the first thing is got: JOY!
Zombie: Truth sits upon the lips of dying men.
SK: good boys! I always knew you are the best!
Secretary: Don’t forget about magic!
Zombie: Silence! I’ll kill you and him!
Secretary: No-o-o!
SK: oh, Julia! (turns to her)
O she does teach the torches to burn bright:
It seems she hangs upon the cheek of night,
As a rich jewel in an Ethiop’s ear:
Beauty too rich for use, for earth to dear:
Music Lady in red dance + models
Models: All you need is love- all together!
All you need is love – everywhere
All you need is love, love
All you need is –
Zombie: LOVE!
FAIRY: Oh, the second world was said
All: love!
Mr. Halloween: oh! You, bastards! Shut up!
Zombie: It’s not our fault! We are hungry. My brain doesn’t work without sweets.
Hi, baby! We haven’t brains at all!
Secretary: Mr. Santa! Don’t forget we need LIGHT and MAGIC.
Inuits (entering with music of Enigma): We have light! Just look! We have a wonderful present for you! When you, Santa Claus and your reindeers drive through the sky, you will see our present – northern lights or as ancient people named them – Aurora Borealis!
Northern light
Zombie: Oh, how beautiful!
Mr. Halloween: Too bright and too light for me. (Put on sun glasses and try to close his mouth)
All: LIGHT… LIGHT! He says: LIGHT!
Zombie: You are very talkative today, my boss
Mr. Halloween: Oh, shit! But MAGIC! You have no MAGIC!
Elves: You are not right, Mister! Look around! We are magic creatures! If you deny this fact, surf through the Internet.
And what can you say about friendship and love? They are really magical things, because people can do much more when their friends help them…
Or they are in love/
Fairy: And they win! Christmas can come!
SK: Oops! I did it again! Thank you my friends! It’s time to bring presents ! Are you ready?
All: Yes, of course! Really! Why not!
Mr. Halloween: The prince of darkness is a gentleman. I lost, but I’ll be back!
SK: Wait, Halloween! Don’t bear a grudge against people! Stay and celebrate with us!
Zombie: Please! They have sweets!
Mr. Halloween: Well!
SK: And now, all together…
All: Merry Christmas!
Музыка: Last Christmas