Оценочные и методические материалы по английскому языку

Приложение 2 к рабочей программе учебного предмета «Английский язык»
для учащихся 9 А класса на 2014/2015 учебный год
Оценочные и методические материалы по
английскому языку

Тест №1
Выберите правильные артикли(отсутствие артикля обозначается знаком 0):
the; b. a(an); c.0
Open…door, please.
There is… picture on page 20.
There are… flowers on the table.
Where is…your plan?
What colour are …walls in your room?
Are those… English books?

Выберите правильные предлоги (отсутствие предлога обозначается знаком 0):
Why are standing in the in the corridor? Come …, please.
in; b. into; c. out of; d.0
Who is …duty today?
a. of; b. in; c. on; d. for
I am fond of listening… these records.
a. 0; b. in; c. on; d. in
…what language are you speaking?
a. at; b. 0 ; c. on; d. in
There is a picture …the sofa.
a. round; b. in ; c. on; d. over
There are a lot of flowers… the building of our institute.
a. around ; b. after; c. for ; d. with
Mary is writing… chalk on the blackboard.
a .for; b. with ; c. around ; d. of
The desk is …the wall.
a. in; b. with ; c. on; d. at
Tom is giving… me the book.
a. to ;b.0 ; c. for ; d. after
They are not showing any designs…us.
a. for ; b. into; c. 0 ; d. to

Выберите правильный глагол:
is ; b. are; c. am; d. was
There… ten pens and a magazine on the table.
There …many cars in front of the house.
Who…speaking? What… you doing?
I…very sorry.
Our class…over.
Выберите необходимые модальные глаголы:
My sight is getting worse. Next year, I’m afraid, I…read without glasses. a. Can not ; b. may not ; c. won’t able to
The police, fire-fighters, newspaper reporters…work on holiday in the USA.
a. could; b. might; c. must
…you…get up early yesterday to meet the delegation at the airport? a. Did…have to ; b. Had…to ; c. Have had
… you like a cup of coffee?
a. Should ; b. Would; c. Could
Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:
There are (мало) foreign students in our institute.
a. few; b. many; c. some; d. a lot of
Her flat is on the ground floor, (моя) is on the ground floor.
a. my; b. me; c. mine; d. I
Whose map is this? It’s (его).
а. him; b. his; c. he; d. hers
Give me ( какой-нибудь) magazine, please.
а. few ; b. some; c.a few; d. anything
Their institute is in N. street, (наш) is in centre of the city.
a. our; b. we; c. ours; d. us
Say it(повторите), please.
a. again; b. through ; c. to; d. only
Ask (его) about his new flat.
a. him; b. his; c. her; d. he
(Его) daughter is seven years old.
a. he; b. his; c him ; d. her
(Ее) parents are pensioners.
a. his; b. she; c. she; d. their
Tom is telling (нам) about his work.
a. them; b. we; c. our; d. us
Show (им) the plan of our work.
a. they; b. their; c. them; d. us
The room is big, but (ее) windows are not large.
a. their; b. its; c. her; d. our
Tell us (несколько) words about your studies.
a. a few b. many c. much d. a little
She is helping (своему) brother with his lessons
a. my; b. our; c. his; d. her
(Почему) are you late?
a. Why; b. Because; c. who; d. what
(Их) children are at home.
a. them; b. their; c. they; d. our
His children are so nice. I am fond of (их).
a. them; b. their; c. they; d. him
Выберите слова, противоположные по значению(антонимы):
busy( a. free; b. white; c. comfortable)
to give(a. to put; b. to take; c. to show)
low( a. comfortable; b. high; c. modern)
to stand up( a. to sit; b. to sit down; c. to stand)
to be over( a. to begin; b. to say again; c. to be late)
there ( a. in front of; b. here; c. around)
much ( a. a lot of; b. little; c. few)
small ( a. many; b. a few; c. little)
many ( a. much; b. a few; c. little)
Для следующих предложений выберите английские эквиваленты:
В книжном шкафу много английских книг.
a. There are a few English books in the bookcase.
b. The English books are in the bookcase.
c. There are a lot of English books in the bookcase.
В нашем городе нет заводов.
a. There are some plants in our town.
b. There are not any plants in our town.
c. Those plants are not in our town.
Не выходите, пожалуйста.
a. Come in, please.
b. Don’t go out, please.
c. Let’ go out.

Давайте ответим на их вопросы.a. Let’ answer their questionsb. Don’t answer their questions.c. We are not answering their questions.
Пусть она отошлет письмо своему брату.a. Let’s send her a letter from her brother.b. Let her send a letter to her brother.c. Don’t send her a letter from her brother.
О чем они говорят?a. What book are they speaking about?b. Are they speaking English?c. What are they speaking about?
Выберите вспомогательный глагол:
Who speaks English in your family? I… a. have b. do c. am
When…you buy the new TV set?
a. did b. were c. are
61. We…never been to London
a. had b. were c. have
62. …your friend like to watch TV in the evening?
a. do b. does c. is
63. What are you doing? I…reading a book.a. was b. am c. shall
64. Many new buildings… built in our town last year.a. had b. are c. were
65. The letter … sent tomorrow.a. will be b. has c. will
66. I… Nick today.a. haven’t seen b. hadn’t been c. didn’t see
67. Were you tired after the skiing trip yesterday? Yes, I…
a. were b. did c. was
68. When we came into the hall, they … this problem.a. were discussing b. discussed c. have discussed
69. We … from the institute in five years.a. have graduate b. graduate c. shall graduate
70. Don’t go out. It… hard.a. is raining b. was raining c. rains
Переведите на английский язык:
Ваша семья маленькая?
Он лучший студент в нашей группе
Мой друг работает в школе.
Погода вчера была плохая.
Он вернется в понедельник.
Когда мы вошли в комнату, он читал книгу.
Можно я возьму вашу ручку?
На том столе нет цветов.

Тест №2
Выберите правильные артикли(отсутствие артикля обозначается знаком 0) :
a(an) ; b. the; c. 0
I have… lot of English books.
His father is…old.
She is …architect.
My brothers are…doctors.
I am… artist.
These are…nice ties.
That is…good plan.
The plans are on…table
… my plates are good.
Выберите правильные предлоги:
I am very fond…sport.
of; b. with; c. in
His ties are… the box.
on; b. in; c. at
The paper is…the shelf.
on; b. at; c. in
Put the plates…the table.
in; b. at ; c. on
Выберите правильные времена глаголов:
We…take a vacation this month.
is not; b. did not; c. shall not
Probably, I…my friends at this time.
shall have visited ; b. shall be visiting; c. have visited
After the festival is over she… a vacation with her family.
will take; b. take; c. taking
Выберите правильную форму глагола to be или to have: a. has; b. have; c. is ; d. are; e. am
My brother…got English magazines.
…you got a flat in Moscow?
I…very busy today.
…the floor clean
…you well?
How many students…present?
Who…got thin paper?
Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:
(Эти) books are thin.
this; b. these; c. that; d. those
What colour are (те) pens?
that; b. those; c. these; d. this
(Этот) house is of modern design.
that; b. these; c. this; d. those
(Это) is our classroom.
that; b. this; c. these; d. those
(Какая) book is this?
that; b. this; c. what ; d. who
(Где) is your flat?
Why; b. where; c. what; d. colourHave you got (тонкие) notebooks?
grey; b. clean; c. thin; d. thick
He has got (мало) friends here.
many; b. few; c. a lot of; d. much
She has got (много) bread.
few; b. little; c. many; d. much
(Сколько) rooms has your brother got?
how many; b. how much; c. where; d. why
( У кого) has clean paper?
What; b. Who; c. Where; d. Why
What is (его) father?
her ; b. his; c. my; d. their
Where are (ee) parents?
her; b. his ;c. their; d. its
This is (их) flat.
their; b. its; c. her; d. his
What colour are the walls in that room? (Ee) walls are grey.
her; b. its; c. his; d. their
(Наша) flat has five rooms.
my ; b. his; c. their; d. our
I have (только) one brother.
with ; b. also ;c. very; d. only
I am (свободен) today.
busy; b. free; c. married; d. unwell
Выберите синонимы:
much (a. a lot of; b. few ; c. little; d. how much)
nice (a. good; b. bad; c. thick; d. brown)
big (a. large; b. nice; c. brown; d. class)
many ( a. much; b. few; c. little ; d. large)
Выберите антонимы:
old( a. young; b. nice; c. small; d. big)
to be well (a. to be busy; b. to be ill; c. to be fine; d. to be married)
thin ( a. thick; b. big; c. large; d. good)
to take ( a. to give; b. to put; c. to open)
to be present( a. to be absent; b. to be well; c. to be fond of)
few (a. much; b. little; c. many; d. only)
Выберите соответствующие смыслу выражения:
Boris has no father. His father is…
a worker; b. social work; c. absent ; d. dead
Ann… sport and she spends a lot of time on it.
is fond of; b. is present; c. is free; d. is dead
His mother is a pensioner… she is old.
or; b. but; c. because; d. only
We have no white bread. We have only… bread.
brown; b. yellow ; c. good; d. bad
…English in class!
open; b. speak; c. close; d. spell
Выберите английские эквиваленты для предложений:
Как поживают ваши родители?
Are your parents well?
Where are your parents?
How are your parents?
Сколько лет вашей дочери?
How is your daughter?
How old is your daughter?
How many daughters have you got?
Выберите правильные вопросы:
These are thin pencils.
a. What is this?
b. Are these pencils thin or thick?
c. Are these thin or thick pencils?
d. Where are the pencils?
60. The English books are on the shelf.
a. What books are on shelf?
b. Are those English or Russian books?
c. Is the English book on the shelf?
d. Is the shelf on the wall?
Выберите модальные глаголы:
He (должен был) read a lot of books to make his report.
Was able to b. had to c. was allowed to
I shall not (cмогу) to go to the skating-rink with you tomorrow.
Be able b. have c. can
He will ( разрешат) to go in for sports again.
Be able b. have c. be allowed
You ( должны были) finish this work two weeks ago.
Had to be b. had to c. must be
(Умеет) your brother speak English?
Can b. may c. must
Выберите вспомогательный глагол:
When…you finish writing your report?
Have b. did c. are
What magazine …you looking through when I came in?
Did b. were c. have
The problem … discussed at our next meeting.
Was b. will c. will be
…it still raining?- No, the rain has already stopped.
Is b. will c. does
Many new houses… built in our town at present.
Were b. were being c. are
Переведите на английский язык:
Эта девушка русская?- Да.
Их комната больше нашей.
Она не ходит туда каждое утро.
Я читал эту книгу в прошлом году.
Фильм будет очень интересным.
Вчера он два часа рассказывал о своей поездке.
Вы не должны курить здесь
В вашей группе много студентов?

Тест №3
Выберите правильные предлоги:
We go home…bus
in b. by c. to
They are going to leave… Moscow tonight.
to b. for c. in
The hall is full…people.
of b. by c. for
Let’s listen…the new records.
to b. for c. over
How do you get…your office?
by b. in c. to
How much time do you spend...your English a day?
at b. on c. for
We are very busy …weekends.
out of b. at c. on
The classes end… 3 o’clock.
at b. in c. to
You must translate this text…Russian
in b. into c. for
Выберите глагол-связку или вспомогательный глагол:
do b. does c. is d. are
…you speak English?
Where…your son study?
I can’t translate this text because I …know a lot of words.
Peter …not doing any sports this winter since he is unwell.
When…the first spring flowers appear on the ground?
…it snowing now?
…it often rain in autumn?
…it still dark?
When …it get light in January?
What hobby group…you going to join?
My father …too old to do this work.
How long…it take you to get to the institute?
Выберите модальные глаголы:
must b. can c. may d. need
I am sorry. I am late. …come in?
My sister studies French. She…already read and speak French a little.
It is late. I…go home.
Must I describe the picture? No, you…not.
May I take these magazines home? No, you…not.
There are no people in the hall, we…have a talk here.
The weather is getting worse. It…rain.
… your little daughter walk? No, she can’t. She is only eight months old.
Выберите правильную форму глагола:
My brother… home late as a rule.
come b. comes c. is coming
Look, your brother…home.
go b. goes c. is going
What are doing? I…a book.
read b. reads c. am reading
When do you…?
get up b. gets up c. getting up
Are you …to smoke?
go b. to go c. going
It does not…me long to wash and dress in the morning.
take b. takes c. taking
Does it sometimes…in summer?
snow b. snows c. snowing
My sister is fond of … .skate b. skates c. skating
Какой вспомогательный глагол будет использоваться для образования вопросительной формы?
is b. do c. does
They usually have dinner at home.
He is getting older.
It often rains in spring.
Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:
He has (больше) free time than I have.
more b. most c. better
(Лучше) late than never.
better b. best c. worse
This is the(самый удобный) chair.
more comfortable b. most comfortable c. less comfortable
He plays tennis (хуже) than I do.
better b. worse c. worst
We have(меньше) flowers than they have.
less b. least c. fewer
We have(меньше) white paper than we have.
less b. least c. fewer
Winter is the (самое холодное) season in the year.
cold b. colder c. coldest
Take some other books because these stories are (слишком) easy for you.
much b. too c. more
He( coбирается) to paint a picture
is fond of b. wants c. is going
It is not (так тепло) in autumn as in summer.
warmer than b. the warmest c. so warm
My daughter is(гораздо моложе) than she is.
less younger b. much younger c. youngest
(Необходимо) for you to help your friends.
It is possible b. Necessary c. It is necessary
Выберите антонимы для следующих слов:
short( a. long b. black c. fine)
early (a. never b. late c. long)
far( a. good b. often c. near)
warm( a. dark b. cool c. bad)
more(a. fewer b. larger c. smaller)
best( a. least b. most c. worst)
to come back (a. to leave b. to attend c. to forget)
always( a. never b. seldom c. often)
Выберите правильную форму недостающей части сказуемого:
Foreign languages are… by us.
studying b. study c. studied
Many books on art…published last year.
are b. was c. were
She is often…in the library.
saw b. seen c. sees
When…you born?
were b. did c. had
He… waiting for you the whole day yesterday. Why didn’t you come?
is b. had c. was
Какой вспомогательный глагол следует употребить для образования вопросительной формы?
It rained hard yesterday.
does b. did c. was
You have to see a doctor.
are b. have c. do
She often goes on business to Moscow
is b. did c. does
They go to the disco on Saturdays.
have b. do c. am
These students combine studies and work.
will b.are c. do
Переведите на английский язык:
В нашей квартире три комнаты.
Она не смогла написать нам письмо.
Прочитайте эту статью.
Она будет дома в 9 часов?- Нет.
Семьи этих женщин большие?
Она нечасто пишет мнеюВ 10 часов мы слушали радио.
Я собираюсь вечером пойти к моему другу.
Тест №4
Выберите правильные предлоги:
Let’s translate this article … Russian
in b. into c. on
Let’s listen…the latest news.
for b. into c. in
He gets …the institute by bus.
to b. into c. in
He is free… Mondays
on b. in c. at
The classes are over… 3 o’clock.
in b. at c. on
Выберите правильные обстоятельства:
I haven’t finished my drawing…
yet b. just c. already
I have… been to London
never b. since c. now
She has… painted the picture.
yet b. just c. already
Выберите вспомогательный глагол:
… he meet us at the station tomorrow?
will b. does c. is
… you finished writing your article yet?
were b. did c. have
What magazine… you looking through when we came into the hall?
did b. were c. are
This problem… discussed at our last meeting.
will be b. was c. had
When …they come back?
did b. have c. were
…it still raining? Yes, it is.
is b. does c. will
…your sister want to buy a new television?
has b. is c. does
Выберите правильную форму глагола:
Oh, I am sorry. I didn’t … you at first.
understanding b. understood c. understand
He was so tired that he couldn’t …us.
to join b. joined c. join
Have you written the letter yet?- No, I haven’t. I…still…it.
have written b. am writing c. was writing
Did she… her plan last month?
fulfills b. fulfill c. fulfilled
Does your son … to watch TV?
likes b. liked c. like
My father… home at 5 o’clock yesterday.
was coming b. has come c. came
At 5 o’clock I … to the news on the radio.
was listening b. listened c. have listened
Какой вспомогательный глагол следует употребить для образования вопросительной формы?
do b. did c. does d. had
We played football yesterday.
They had to stay at home.
These workers combine work and studies.
He goes on business to St.Petersburg.
Выберите английские эквиваленты для слов, стоящих в скобках:
Foreign languages (изучаются) by the students.
have learnt b. are learnt c. are learning
(Умеете) you play tennis?
must b. can c. may
I (не смогу) to help you.
shall not allowed b. shall not be able c. shall not have
They(должны были) to take part in the competition.
must be b. had c. had to be
He(сможет) go skiing.
will have to b. will allow c. will be able to
We (пришлось) to stay at home because it was raining.
were able to b. had to c. could
Do you speak(какой-нибудь) foreign language?
some b. any c. something
(Все) knows him.
everything b. somebody c. everybody
Did(кто-нибудь) ring me up?
somebody b. anybody c. anything
This project is the(самый лучший) in our group.
better b. best c. worst
This flat(менее) comfortable than ours.
worse b. least c. less
The 21st of June is the(самый длинный) day in the year.
warmer b. longer c. longest
Did you hear(что-нибудь) ?
everything b. something c. anything
He did not tell me (ничего).
nothing b. something c. anything
He rang(никому) up.
anybody b. nobody c. somebody
(Их) work is not interesting.
them b. theirs c. their
I can’t see(их).
them b. they c. their
I live in this house. There is a bus stop in front of (ним).
him b. it c. its
I have not met(его) sister.
his b. him c. its
I don’t hear(его).
him b. his c. he
Найдите синонимы или определения к указанным словам:
usually( a. as a rule b. seldom c. often)
to continue(a. to make pleasant b. to go on c. to enjoy)
to arrive( a. to come b. to visit c. to introduce)
to receive (a. to get b. to divide c. to depend)
recently( a. a year ago b. not long ago c. some time later)
to watch(a. to get interested b. to look attentively c. to devote)
to leave( a. to attend b. to come in c. to go away)
Выберите пары слов- антонимов:
a. famous-unknown b. outstanding-good c. thick-white
a. to make progress- to forget b.to get light-to get dark c. to be born-to live
a. far-near b. happy-favourite c. to dance-to sing
a. to be well -to be untidy b. to ask-to answer c. to be glad-to be free
a. to read- to agree b. to miss classes-to attend classes c. to translate-to repeat
a. to make-to do b. a lot of-few, little c. to combine-to miss
a. to learn-to forget b. to do-to finish c. to ask-to discuss
Заполните пропуски вспомогательными глаголами:
Glass… made from sand
are b. is c. will
I… made some coffee. Would you like some?
have b. was c. am
This shopping centre…built ten years ago.
are b. did c. was
The streets in this town…cleaned every day
have b. were c. are
…you finished your work?
are b. have c. do
John… go to Italy for a holiday tomorrow.
does b. have c. will
George and Linda are here. They… arrived.
have b. are c. did
She is Italian, but she… born in France.
is b. was c. has
Can you tell me how this word… pronounced.has b. is c. was
He… lost his passport.
was b. does c. has
Переведите на английский:
Ребенок Анны не маленький.
Моя книга интереснее вашей.
Он изучает английский или немецкий?
Мы ходили по магазинам, когда увидели его.
В это время на следующей неделе мы будем путешествовать.
Я только что получил письмо от своего друга.
Пусть она сделает эту работу сама.
Критерии оценивания по английскому языкуКритерии оценки письменных развернутых ответов
Баллы Критерии оценки
«5» Коммуникативная задача решена полностью, применение лексики адекватно коммуникативной задаче, грамматические ошибки либо отсутствуют, либо не препятствуют решению коммуникативной задачи.
«4» Коммуникативная задача решена полностью, но понимание текста незначительно затруднено наличием грамматических и/или лексических ошибок.
«3» Коммуникативная задача решена, но понимание текста затруднено наличием грубых грамматических ошибок или неадекватным употреблением лексики.
«2» Коммуникативная задача не решена ввиду большого количества лексико-грамматических ошибок или недостаточного объема текста.
Критерии оценки устных развернутых ответов
Оценки Коммуникативное взаимодействие Произношение Лексико-грамматическая правильность речи
«5» Адекватная естественная реакция на реплики собеседника. Проявляется речевая инициатива для решения поставленных коммуникативных задач. Речь звучит в естественном темпе, учащийся не делает грубых фонетических ошибок. Лексика адекватна ситуации, редкиеграмматические ошибки не мешают коммуникации.
«4» Коммуникация затруднена, речь учащегося неоправданно паузирована. В отдельных словах допускаются фонетические ошибки (например замена, английских фонем сходными русскими). Общая интонация в большой степени обусловлена влиянием родного языка. Грамматические и/илилексические ошибки заметно влияют на восприятие речи учащегося.
«3» Коммуникация существенно затруднена, учащийся не проявляет речевой инициативы. Речь воспринимается с трудом из-за большого количества фонетических ошибок. Интонация обусловлена влиянием родного языка. Учащийся делает большое количество грубых грамматическихи/или лексическихошибок.