Урок по английскому языку по теме «Основные мировые религии»

Тема: Major world religions

Цели: 1) обсуждение о значении религии
совершенствование всех видов речевой деятельности: письма, чтения, говорения, аудирования
3) активизация лексического материала
4) активизация работы с одаренными детьми
Оборудование: учебник, карточки с письменным заданием, компьютер, интерактивная доска, презентации учащихся о главных мировых религиях

Ход урока:

Организационный момент:

Hello, dear children! I’m glad to see you. Well, let’s begin o
·Фонетическая зарядка:
Now I’d like to give you some interesting facts about religion and your task is to name the religion:
The followers of this religion don’t believe that the world was created by God. ( Buddhism)
In these religions men and women usua
Men following this religion cannot be bareheaded when in the place of worship.(Judaism)
A key concept of this religion says that one of their holy men sacrificed his life for them.

III.Речевая разминка:
Now answer my questions.

What are the majo
·rmation about one of this religion?

IV. Лексический тест
So your home task was to learn words on page 68 – 70 and now you’ll a computer test.
A feeling of great respect and admiration
awe +
To say in a very firm way and admiration
Let’s go on our work. Take the shits of paper and your task is to change the sentences so that you could use the new words.
( учащиеся делают письменное задание на листочках, один из них делает это задание на интерактивной доске)

1. The
·. Deny
4. Innocent
5. Sentence
6. Seek
7. Awe

VI. Обсуждение
( звучит сура из Корана ) Ученица рассказывает про Ислам, идут слайды на экране
P: Islam is the second most popular religion in the world. Islam began in Arabia and was revealed to human
· Монологическая речь учащихся
T: Your arguments were true. We can’t imagine religion without religion holidays.
They are:
in Islam – Kurban bairam
Christianity – Easter
Judaism – the Sabbath
Buddhism – different religious day when there is a full moon.
Now tell us please about the main religious holidays of Islam and Christianity.

P. Tell their monologues with presentations

VIII. Заключительный этап урока:

At the end of our lesson I’d like you to remember the main percepts:
( учащиеся читают и переводят по одному заповеди)

Trust in the Lord and do good
Don’t kill
Don’t steal
Don’t bear false against your neighbor
Honor your mother and father
Don’t eat too much
Don’t envy

I want you try to keep these percept. The lesson is over, thank you very much for your being so active. You marks are good.