Разработка урока по английскому языку на тему Одежда (6 класс)

План урока
Дата: 1. 11. 2012
Класс: 6 «Б»
Тема: «Clothes»

1. Образовательная: изучить новые лексические единицы, отработать их, прочитать и перевести текст.
2. Развивающая: развивать монологическую и диалогическую речь учащихся, навыки чтения и письма, потренировать память, мышление, воображение.
3. Воспитательная: воспитывать интерес к предмету, аккуратность, содействовать активному взаимодействию детей друг с другом, приобщить к культуре изучаемого языка

Тип урока: урок-презентация
Оборудование, наглядные пособия: компьютер, карточки с заданиями, магнитная доска.

Ход урока

Вид работы



Good afternoon dear children! I’m glad to see you! Sit down, please!


Орг. момент
Very good, let’s begin our lesson with the short dialogues.( Слайд № 2)
- Hi!
- How are you?
- What season do you like?
T: - What day is it today?
What date is it today?



Фон зарядка
Very good! Thank you! Today we have an unusual lesson. Very interesting guests came to our lesson. Look at the screen. You know them very well (Слайд № 3)
– they are Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs - Bashful, Doc, Dopey, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Sneezy. They prepared some interesting tasks for you. I am sure, you will manage to do them very well. Now let’s try to guess about what we’ll speak today. Look at these pictures (Слайд № 4)
Yes, we’ll speak about different clothes and our guests will help us.
Let’s start our lesson. First of all Doc would like you to practice some English sounds. Look at the screen: (Слайд № 5)
[‰], [d ],[
·:] Repeat after me



Лексическая зарядка
Very good. The dwarf Happy had fun at the English lesson and didn’t hear the teacher and now he can’t do his home task. (Слайд № 6)
Let’s help Happy to read and translate the words:
1. trousers [trauz‰z] - брюки
2. jeans [d i:nz] - джинсы
3. T-shirt [ti:
·‰:t] - футболка
4. jacket [d жkit] – куртка, пиджак
5. skirt [sk‰:t] - юбка
6. dress [dres] - платье
7. shirt [
·‰:t] - рубашка
8. blouse [blauz] - блузка
9. socks [s ks] - носки
10. shoes [
·u:z] - туфли
11. boots [bu:ts] - ботинки


Работа с лексикой
Very good. Children, Sneezy would like to know what clothes wear boys and girls and what clothes can wear both (Слайд № 7)
boys and girls


Работа по карточкам (разноуровневым)
Children, look at this dwarf.(Слайд № 8) His name is Bashful. He has some tasks for you, too. Take your cards, please.
I write the word instead of the picture.
1. I like this jeans.
2. Do you like this
·Мне нравится эта футболка. 2. Мне не нравятся эти брюки 3.Тебе нравится эта юбка?


Children, you know that Sleepy likes to sleep very much. (Слайд № 9) Let’s cheer up him. Remember our song. Look at the screen.
·ood. Sleepy don’t want to sleep anymore.


Работа с текстом
While we were singing Dopey has got a letter from his sister Kitty.(Слайд № 10)
She is from England. She wants to tell you what clothes she wears at school.
Hello. My name is Kitty. I am from England. I like to go to school. I like my school uniform very much. It is green dress and yellow shoes; red blouse and blue trousers; black skirt and green jacket. My uniform is comfortable and nice.


Задание по тексту
А теперь проверим, как вы запомнили содержание текста и выполним следующее задание:
True or False (Слайд № 11)
1. The girl’s name is Olga. F
2. She is from Kazakhstan. F
3. She likes to go to school. T
4. She doesn’t like her school uniform. F
5. Her uniform is comfortable and nice. T
А теперь поменялись тетрадями, проверили друг друга и поставили оценку. (Взаимопроверка)
0 - «5» 1 - «4» 2 - «3» 3 - «2»


Now let’s show and tell dwarfs about our school uniform. (Слайд № 12)Vasya and Lyuba now will go to the shop and buy clothes which wear at school. Grumpy likes shopping very much. Let’s take him with us.
1 dialogue
Can I help you?
Yes, please. Give me please this white trousers and shirt. How much is it?
Oh, sorry, I forgot to tick the price. 2000 tenge. What else?
And this white shirt.
Anything else?
Also I take this black boots and socks.
You should give me 6000 tenge.
Thank you very much! Good-bye!
2 dialogue
Excuse me!
Can I help you?
I need a blouse and a skirt.
What colour?
White blouse and black skirt. How much is it?
6000 tenge.
Thank you very much!
Boy’s uniform
Boy’s uniform consists of a white or black shirt, jacket and trousers, black socks and boots.
Girl’s uniform
Girl’s uniform consists of a white blouse and black skirt, black shoes.


White Snow likes poems very much. Let’s tell to her a poem about clothes Слайд № 13


Подведение итогов урока
Children, thank you for the lesson. You worked very hard today. And now I am going to announce your marks.


Домашнее задание
Open your diaries and write down your home task, please. (Слайд № 14)

To make up a crossword “Clothes”

Do you like our lesson?
The lesson is over. Good-bye. Слайд № 15