Тест по английскому языку для 3,4 классов по теме Have(no) and has(no)

Exercise 1. Вставьте глагол have или has:
1)I ………………..a big family.
2)She ……………………..many toys.
3)We ……………………. cute dogs.
4)They ………………….toy trains in the box.
5)You …………………... twelve candles on the cake.
6)I ………………………. family photos on the table.7)Cats ………………..long tails.
8)The pig ……………..short tails.
9)My brother ……………..toy helicopters.
10)Children ………………parents.
Exercise 2. Вставьте глагол have или has, have no или has no:

1)The boy ……………………………toy penguin.
2)The girl ……………………………dolls.
3)The boy ……………………….toy trains.
4)The girl …………………….toy bee.
The girl …………………………. bags.4)The boy ……………………………..toy cars.
5)The boy ………………………………toy lorry.
6)The girl ……………………………….red teddy bears.
7)The boy ………………………….toy planes.
8)The children ……………………….toy cubes.