Урок по теме: Good and bad habits, цикл 4 «Healthy Living Guide», разработанный на основе УМК «English-9»

Урок по теме: "Good and bad habits", цикл 4 «Healthy Living Guide», разработанный на основе УМК «English-9» под редакцией В.П. Кузовлева и др.
Цели урока:
формировать лексические навыки по теме “Good and bad habits”;
формировать навыки чтения с целью поиска конкретной информации;
формировать навыки аудирования с общим охватом содержания;
формировать умение говорить на основе прочитанного;
формировать ответственное отношение к здоровью.

1. Раздаточный материал (карточки).
2. Учебники «English-9», Кузовлев В. П. и др..
3. Проектор (презентация из 2 слайдов)

Ход урока:
Организационный момент
Good morning, boys and girls! How are you getting on today? What shall we do today? Look at the blackboard. So y
Введение новой лексики
a diet
high fibre food
gain weight
to keep fit
physical activity
Активизация лексического материала, навыков устной речи.
Give antonyms to the following words and word combinations(работа на карточках, в парах)
Health, activity, high-fat food, more, to gain weight, to eat breakfast, healthy, chaotic lifestyle.
There are good
·Работа над чтением
Now please, open your student books at page 99. You can see the text “Seven Deadly Health Sins “. Read the text, name modern health sins and get ready to answer my questions.
Ученики читают текст и выискивают современные грехи людей, которые влияют на здоровье человека, затем класс делится на 2 группы, одна группа называет хорошие привычки, а вторая – вредные привычки для здоровья.
“Seven Deadly Health Sins“
When the Bible set down the Seven Deadly Sins they were not meant to be taken literally. Few of us will die of pride (гордость), envy or anger. There are, however, modern health sins which are in fact far more deadly.
Two of them – obesity and physical inactivity are known from ancient times .They are joined by the modern bad habits: smoking and drinking too much alcohol , and the su of sleeping too much or too little, eating between meals and skipping breakfast. In combination, these poor health habits could double the chance of dying or lead to different diseases (болезни) for those who survive.
Of course sleeping too much or too little, snacking and skipping breakfast are not quite as deadly as smoking, obesity and drinking. But they are indicative of dangerously chaotic lifestyles.
Regularity in life promotes your health. Sleeping seven or eight hours , getting up early, eating breakfast, a healthy diet and regular meals is really a good way to live.
5. Работа над аудированием.
Now listen to the dialogue twice and answer the following questions:
1. What did the old gentleman complain of when he came to consult the doctor?
2. What did the doctor recommend the patient after examining him carefully? How many cigarettes could the man smoke every day?
3. When did the patient come to see the doctor again?
4. How did the patient feel after the rest-cure?
5. Did the patient follow all the doctor’s orders?
6. Why did one cigarette a day almost kill him as he said?
A visit to the doctor (аудирование)
Once an old gentleman came to consult a doctor.
“What do you complain of?” – asked the doctor.
“You see, doctor, my nervous system is in a bad state. I have a heartache, often headache and my sleep isn’t good. Sometimes I cannot sleep all night long.”
The doctor examined the patient very carefully and said: “Your treatment will be very simple, is other words it will be a rest-cure. You should go to a quiet place in the village for a month and have an active rest there: get up early, do morning exercises, have breakfast and go for a walk. You should walk much, go to the forest for fresh air, eat much fruit and vegetables and drink milk before going to bed. And you can smoke only one cigarette a day.
A month later the gentleman came to see the doctor again.
“How are you?”- asked the doctor.
“I am quite well now,” –answered the patient – “I’ve done everything that you recommended me, doctor. I strictly followed all your orders. I walked much, ate much fruit and vegetables and drank milk before going to sleep. But one cigarette a day almost killed me.”
“But why?” –asked the doctor.
“It’s not a joke to begin smoking at my age, I had never smoked before,” –answered the gentleman.
Завершение урока.
How to remain healthy? What should we do to be fit and healthy? (2 слайда)
Выставление оценок. Домашнее задание: найти пословицы о здоровье на английском языке(6-7 пословиц), выписать в тетради.