Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств для специальности Технология продукции общественного питания

Комплект контрольно – оценочных средств
для оценки освоения итоговых образовательных результатов
Иностранный язык (английский)
основной профессиональной образовательной программы
по профессии специальности среднего профессионального
«Технология Продукции Общественного Питания»
Краснодар, 2017
Заместитель директора по НМР
______________ Н.И. Тутынина«___» _____________ 20 г.
Заместитель директора по УР
_______________ Г.А. Словцова«_____» _______________20 г.
на заседании кафедры общих гуманитарных и естественно-научных дисциплин
______________ А. В. Роменский«___» _____________ 20 г. Разработчик:
Саргсян Ю.А., преподаватель ГАПОУ СПО КГТК КК
1.Общие положения
Контрольно-оценочные средства (КОС) предназначены для контроля и оценки образовательных достижений обучающихся, освоивших программу учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык (английский) в профессиональной деятельности.
КОС включают контрольные материалы для проведения текущего контроля и промежуточной аттестации в форме контрольной работы/зачетной работы.
КОС разработаны на основании положений:
- федерального компонента государственного стандарта общего образования;
- основной профессиональной образовательной программы по специальности СПО 101101 «Гостиничный сервис»;
-рабочей программы учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык (английский).
2. Результаты освоения дисциплины, подлежащие проверке.
Результаты обучения
(освоенные умения, усвоенные знания)
У 1. Переводить со словарём иностранные тексты профессиональной направленностииУ 2. Общаться устно и письменно на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы.
У 3. Самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.
З. Лексический и грамматический минимум в объеме 1200-1400 лексических единиц , необхожимый для чтения и первода со словарём иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности.
3. Распределение оценивания результатов обучения по видам контроля
Наименование элемента умений или знаний Виды аттестации
Текущий контроль Промежуточная аттестация
У. 1.1. Контрольное чтение с соблюдением норм и правил фонетики и интонации;
У.1.2. Перевод текстов разного уровня содержания со словарем/без словаря Контрольный перевод У.2.1.Пересказ текста Контрольный пересказ У.2.2. Изложение содержания текста на разных лексических уровнях Контрольный пересказ Устное высказывание по профессиональным темам
У.2.3. Владение монологической речью Составление монолога У.2.4. Владение диалогической речью Составление диалога У.2.5. Ведение бесед и обсуждение на иностранном языке с применением лексического минимума по тематике Сам. работа по карточкам У.2.6. Зрительное и слуховое восприятие монологической и диалогической речи Монолог, диалог
У.2.7. Выполнение грамматических упражнений разного уровня сложности Грамматические
упражнения Контрольный тест
У.3.1.Выполнение грамматических тестов по разделам и темам Тест У.3.2. Самостоятельность работы по изучению иностранного языка Домашнее задание Результативность выполнения домашних заданий
У.3.3. Владение и активная работа со всеми средствами ТСО, используемыми на занятиях и во внеурочное время при подготовке самостоятельной работы Слайдовые презентации Контрольное творческое задание с использованием ТСО и Интернета
У.3.4. Самостоятельное творческое использование ТСО и Интернета Творческое задание З.1. Активное использование словарно-справочной литературы согласно правилам и нормам, установленным основными техниками перевода
с применением словарно-справочной литературы З.2. Владение иностранным языком на уровне получения информации профессионального содержания Словарный диктант З.3. Активное использование лексики профессионального содержания Сочинение Доклад, реферат
З.4. Владение лексическим минимумом общего и терминологического характера в минимальном объеме 1200-1400 лексических единиц Словарный диктант 4. Распределение типов контрольных заданий по элементам знаний и умений
учебного материала по программе УД Тип контрольного задания
У1.1 У1.2 У2.1 У2.2 У2.3 У2.4 У2.5 У2.6 У2.7 У3.1 У3.2 У3.3 У3.4 З.1 З.2 З.3 З.4
Раздел 1. Вводно-коррективный курс.
Тема 1.1. Правила чтения кчДЗ Тема 1.2. Местоимения УВ ГУ ДЗ СД Тема 1.3. Порядок слов в английском предложении. Артикль ГУ ДЗ Раздел 2. Устройство на работу
Тема 2.1. Представление, знакомство профессия. Типы вопросов. КЧ ПД Д A ГУ ДЗ О СД Р
Тема 2.2. Мой рабочий день. Деловое письмо. Числительные. А УВ ГУ ДЗ СД СД
Тема 2.3. Выходной день. Множественное число существительных. А ПД ПЗ Д A ГУ ТЗ О Тема 2.4. Мой друг. Спряжение глагола «to be» , “to have got “ ПД ПЗ М A ГУ СД СочТема 2.5. Времена года и погода. Степени сравнения прилагательных. А ПЗ УВ Д ГУ СД Тема 2.6. Путешествие. Предлоги. ПД М Д УВ ГУ СП Раздел 3. Страноведение.
Тема 3.1. Великобритания. Времена активного залога группы INDEFINITE. А Д ГУ ДЗ СД СД
Тема 3.2. США. Времена активного залога группы CONTINUOUS. А ПД М М ГУ ДЗ О СД
Тема 3.3. Австралия. Новая Зеландия.
Времена активного залога группы PERFECT. ПД ПЗ М Д ГУ ТЗ СочРаздел 4. Моя будущая профессия.
Тема 4.1. Работа с иностранной клиентурой Модальные глаголы. ПД Д Д ГУ ДЗ СД
Тема 4.2. Встреча и приветствие клиентов в гостинице. Прием, регистрация и размещение гостей.Эквиваленты модальных глаголов. А ПЗ УВ ГУ ТЗ СД
Тема 4.3. Информирование клиентов и ответы на их воспросы. Оборот «there is/are» УВ А ГУ ТЗ О СД
Тема 4.4. Забота о клиентах. Безличные предложения КЧ Д ГУ СП Раздел 5. Ведение информационной базы данных.
Тема 5.1. Бронирование мест. Порядок слов в английском предложении. Типы вопросов. Косвенный вопрос. А ПД ПЗ УВ A ГУ ДЗ СД
Тема 5.2. Организация хранения ценностей. Повторение времен активного залога. ПД УВ Д ГУ ДЗ О СД Тема 5.3. Жалобы клиентов. Повторение времен активного залога. А ПД УВ Д A ДЗ О СД Тема 5.4. Чрезвычайные ситуации. Повторение времен активного залога. ПД УВ М Т Тема 5.5 Оказание первой помощи. Причастие 1 и 2 типа. ПД ПЗ УВ ГУ Р Раздел 6. Профессиональные требования
Тема 6.1. Подготовка и организация уборки помещений. Времена пассивного залога. ПД УВ ГУ ДЗ Тема 6.2. Потребности и ожидания клиентов. Герундий. КЧ ПД УВ ГУ ДЗ СД Контрольная работа ПД Т Раздел 7. Должностные обязанности.
Тема 7.1. Уборка ванных комнат. Сослагательное накл. ПД ПЗ УВ ГУ ДЗ О Тема 7.2. Уборка гостевых номеров. Сослагательное наклонение. КЧ М A ГУ ДЗ СД
Тема 7.3. Уборка свободных номеров. Прямая и косвенная речь. УВ Д A ГУ ДЗ О Тема 7.4. Подготовка номера ко сну клиента. Согласование времен. А М УВ ГУ СП О Тема 7.5. Проведение замены номеров. Придаточные предложения времени и условия. ПД М A ГУ ДЗ СД
Дифференцированный зачет ПД Т Раздел 8. Страна изучаемого языка
Тема 8.1. Страноведение. Великобритания. Географическое положение. Климат. Настоящее завершенное время. ПД УВ А ГУ ДЗ О Тема 8.2. Политическое устройство ( парламент, политические партии). Прошедшее завершенное время. ПД УВ A ГУ ДЗ О Тема 8.3. Лондон-столица Великобритании (достопримечательности Лондона) Будущее завершенное время. ПД УВ А ГУ СД
Тема 8.4. Традиции и обычаи. Культурная жизнь. КЧ ПД УВ A ДЗ О СД Тема 8.5. Рестораны Лондона. Питание гостей в гостинице. А ПЗ Д А СП ТЗ О СочСД
Раздел 9. Деловая поездка за рубеж
Тема 9.1. Подготовка к путешествию. Цель поездки. Покупка авиабилета, железнодорожного билета. А ПД М Д ДЗ СД Тема 9.2. Путешествие на поезде, на самолете. Таможенный и паспортный контроль в аэропорту. ПД М Д А СП СД Тема 9.3 Контрольная работа. Т Раздел 10. Психология и культура взаимоотношений.
Тема 10.1. Пользование телефоном и ПК. ПЗ A СД
Тема 10.2. Организация дезинфекции. А УВ Д ДЗ О Тема 10.3. Подготовка номера к заселению. Дополнительные придаточные предложения. КЧ ПЗ УВ М ГУ ДЗ СД
Тема 10.4. Инструктаж работников. ПД М A О Тема 10.5. Техника безопасности. Определительные придаточные предложения. Союзы. ПД М ГУ ДЗ О Тема 10.6. Дополнительные услуги: автостоянка, почта, медицина, спорт и т.д.. А Д А СД
Тема 10.7. Экскурсионные услуги гостиницы. Условные предложения. Согласование времен в сложных предложениях с придаточными условия. ПД УВ Д A ГУ ДЗ СД Тема 10.8. Транспортные услуги гостиницы. УВ Д A СД Тема 10.9. Бюро обслуживания (сервис - бюро). ПД Д О Тема 10.10. Придаточные предложения времени. УВ ГУ ДЗ Тема 10.11. Услуги переводчика. УВ Д СД
Тема 10.12. Ролевая игра. Д УВ А ТЗ Раздел 11. Организация выезда гостей
Тема 11.1. Ориентировка в городе. Диалоги по теме. Предлоги. КЧ ПД Д УВ A ГУ ДЗ СД
Тема 11.2. Формы причастия I и II типа в функции определения. Расчёт с клиентами. Д ГУ ДЗ О СД Тема 11.3. Оформление выезда гостей. Тематические диалоги. ПД Д УВ А ГУ ДЗ О СД
Тема 11.4. Повторение пройденного материала. ПЗ Д СочТема 11.5 Дифференцированный зачёт. Т Расшифровка типов контрольного задания:
Аудирование - А;
Контрольное чтение - КЧ;
Грамматическое упражнение - ГУ;
Перевод – ПД
Пересказ – ПЗ
Монолог – М
Диалог – Д
Устное высказывание – УВ
Творческое задание – ТЗ
Опрос – О
Словарный диктант – СД
Сочинение – СочДомашнее задание – ДЗ
Реферат – Р
Слайдовая презентация СП
тест – Т.
5. Распределение типов и количества контрольных заданий по элементам знаний и умений, контролируемых на промежуточной аттестации. (Отсутствует, т. к. содержание учебного материала не относится к программе ПМ.)
6. Структура контрольного задания
6.1.Текст задания
Устные высказывания по темам (7-8 предложений)
1. Introduce yourself and say a few words about yourself/ Представьтесь и расскажите о себе.
2. Tell where you live and study/ Расскажите о том, где вы живёте и учитесь.
3. Tell about your working day/ Расскажите о своем рабочем дне.
4. Tell about what you like to do on weekends/ Расскажите о том, что вы любите делать в выходные.
Контрольная работа
по дисциплине «Английский язык»
для студентов 2 курса
Вариант 1
Составьте по 2 вопроса к каждому предложению.
He can drive a car.
There is a pen in the bag.
We are leaving for London next week.
The teacher will ask us some questions.
She has graduated from our college.
Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных.
Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получить предложения в повелительном наклонении.
Put the post the letter don’t in
Don’t put the letter in the post.
your shoes the door outside leave
your name write every page at the top
faster than don’t 50 kph on this road drive
with the form complete a black pen
Вариант 2
Составьте по 2 вопроса к каждому предложению.
They must come to the lessons every day.
I have just done my homework.
We can use computers.
The receptionist will meet the guests.
He is filling the application form.
Образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных.
Поставьте слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получить предложения в повелительном наклонении.
Put the post the letter don’t in
Don’t put the letter in the post.
your boots outside leave
your name write every page at the bottom
faster than don’t 50 kph on this road drive
with the form complete a blue pen
Зачётная работа
по дисциплине «Английский язык»
для студентов 2 курса
Вариант 1
Соедините слова и их значения.
destination a. go and come back
one-way b. the cheapest seats
return c. the place you want to go to
standard classd. go but don’t come back
Подчеркните лишнее слово
thriller balletcartoon
tight trainerstrousers
comedymodern traditional
Составьте предложения, используя таблицу и степени сравнения прилаг.
Age Height Weight
Joe 33 1.80 m 82 kg
Ian 26 1.85 m 75 kg
Mac 40 1.95 m 80 kg
Joe/Ian: shortJoe is shorter than Ian.
Joe/Ian/Mac: oldMac is the oldest.
Ian/Mac: heavy
Joe/Mac: old
Joe/Ian/Mac: tall
Joe/Mac: short
Joe/Ian/Mac: young
Вставьте артикль a или the.
Dear Lilia,
We’re having a fantastic holiday here in Krakow! We’re staying in a great hotel near the centre of ___ city. ___ hotel has got a swimming pool on the top floor. We had a swim in ___ pool this morning, but the water was a bit cold!
There are lots of things to see in ___ city. There’s ___ castle and there are lots of interesting museums. We went to ___ castle yesterday and spent four hours there – it’s huge! We even had lunch in ___ castle – it’s got a great café. There’s ___ huge square in the centre of Krakow, full of restaurants and bars. There’s ___ lovely old church there as well. We had dinner in ___ square last night – pizza and ice cream: not very Polish, I’m afraid!
Напишите ответ на письмо Лилии, расскажите о своем путешествии.
Вариант 2
Соедините слова и их значения.
Direct a. go and come back
First class b. more comfortable but expensive seats
return c. when you leave
departured. no stops on the journey
Подчеркните лишнее слово
comedy balletcartoon
soft trainerstrousers
accountmodern traditional
sweater hathot
Составьте предложения, используя таблицу и степени сравнения прилаг.
Age Height Weight
Joe 33 1.80 m 82 kg
Ian 26 1.85 m 75 kg
Mac 40 1.95 m 80 kg
Joe/Ian: shortJoe is shorter than Ian.
Joe/Ian/Mac: oldMac is the oldest.
Joe/Ian: heavy
Joe/Ian/Mac: short
Ian/Mac: young
Joe/Ian: old
Joe/Ian/Mac: heavy
Вставьте артикль a или the.
Dear Lilia,
We’re having a fantastic holiday here in Krakow! We’re staying in a great hotel near the centre of ___ city. ___ hotel has got a swimming pool on the top floor. We had a swim in ___ pool this morning, but the water was a bit cold!
There are lots of things to see in ___ city. There’s ___ castle and there are lots of interesting museums. We went to ___ castle yesterday and spent four hours there – it’s huge! We even had lunch in ___ castle – it’s got a great café. There’s ___ huge square in the centre of Krakow, full of restaurants and bars. There’s ___ lovely old church there as well. We had dinner in ___ square last night – pizza and ice cream: not very Polish, I’m afraid!
Напишите ответ на письмо Лилии, расскажите о своем путешествии.
Контрольная работа
по дисциплине «Английский язык»
для студентов 3 курса
1. Вставьте слова в тексты по смыслу.
а) It is not easy to … (1) a good career. First, you should … (2) your career. Second, you have to … (3) hard. Another difficulty is presenting … (4) in the resumé or CV. Many job … (5) fail at the … (6) . They can't even … (7) the simplest question about the … (8) desired.
Make, answer, work, yourself, seekers, plan, salary, interview
b) Many people cannot imagine … (1) lives today without the … (2) . They ''get lost'' in the … (3) networks like Facebook. Some check their … (4) every five minutes not to miss a letter. Nowadays the … (5) to the Internet is very … (6) . You needn't apply to a … (7) provider to get … (8) . You just … (9) a USB-modem.
E-mails, social, buy, their, Internet, access, local, easy, connected
2. Выберите правильную форму глагола. Переведите предложения.
a) Jack … and … his resumé yesterday. (write...send/ wrote...sent/ has written...has sent)
b) We seldom … our jobs in Russia. (change/ are changing/ changes)
c) Where … you …? - I … my CV right now. (are writing/ do do … write)
d) I think I … for the interview next time. (have gone/ will go/ goes)
3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму.
a) If you (call/ will call) me later, I'll tell you the news.
b) When she (comes/ is coming) home, we (make/ will make) a party for her.
c) If you (worked/ work) harder, you would not fail at the exam.
d) If I (were/ are) you, I would buy this dress.
4. Вставьте артикли по смыслу (a, an, the, нулевой артикль).
a) … American English is one of … variants of … English language. b) She can speak … Welsh fluently. c) … English language is also spoken in … Canada, … Australia, and … New Zealand. d) Most … immigrants from … Soviet Union and … Russia speak … so called “Runglish” in … United States. e) … New York is … place where you can hear … hundreds of different “Englishes”.
5. Вставьте вопросительные местоимения и слова по смыслу. Одно из них лишнее.
Where, Why, Which, What, How many, How long
a) … is your last name?
b) … did you get higher education?
c) … have you chosen our firm?
d) … children have you got?
e) … have you worked in this business?
Экзаменационная работа
по дисциплине «Английский язык»
для студентов 3 курса
Задания к билету 1.
Types/categories of hotels. Types of rooms
I. Лексика по теме.
1. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Укажите лишнее слово. (3 балла)
accomodation, shelter, food, room, hotel, guesthouse
2. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Распределите слова по колонкам в зависимости от значения. (4 балла)
I. Rooms. II. Hotels. (suite, inn, junior suite, motel, commercial hotel, twin, single)
3. Составьте словосочетания, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
to provide, to manage, to check the bill, the chain of hotels, shelter and food
4. Вставьте слова в предложения по смыслу, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
a) The hotels are divided into several … according to the … provided for the … . b) A … hotel provides all the possible … to satisfy their needs. (facilities, types, luxury, guests, services)
II. Диалоги по теме.
1. Поставьте реплики в нужном порядке. Прочитайте и переведите. (3 балла)
- This is a three-star hotel.
- Excuse me, what type is “Queens” Hotel?
- Are there any family rooms for three people?
- No charge for one child under twelve, and a bed is provided.
- Is there any supplement?
- Unfortunately, there aren't, but twin rooms will do.
2. Подставьте пропущенные слова и словосочетания в диалоге. Прочитайте и переведите.
(4 балла)
(here you are; afraid; of our hotel; rent-a-car service; excuse me; information desk)
- …, miss, can I have the brochure?
- Certainly, … . It gives the fullest information … .
- Is there …?
- I'm …, there isn't any, but you'd better ask at the … .
3. Допишите в диалог пропущенные реплики, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
At the information desk of the airport
- Excuse me, …....................?
- You may stay at the airport hotel. It is just two minute walk from here.
- Great. But is….........................?
- Yes, the night clerk is always at your service.
- ….............................?
- Room service is not available, I'm afraid, you'd better buy some stuff in the shop right here.
III. Текст по теме. Прочитайте и выполните задание к тексту (письменно).
Hotel “Cleopatra” is a small family-owned hotel with ten single and six twin rooms. The hotel meets overall standards and offers all modern conveniences in the rooms. All baths and showers are private. The guests may have breakfasts and dinners in the dining room. There are also facilities for self-catering.
1. Установите соответствие нижеприведенных утверждений тексту TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED (верно/ложно/нет информации в тексте). (3 балла)
a) There are sixteen single rooms in the hotel. b) The hotel offers a parking lot. c) The dining room is provided for the guests.
2. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы по тексту. (4 балла) a) Is “Cleopatra” hotel a big one? b) Are the baths private? c) Are there facilities for self-catering?
3. Дайте полные развернутые ответы на вопросы по тексту (5 баллов). a) What kind of a hotel is “Cleopatra”? b) Where can guests have their meals? c) How many rooms are there in the hotel?
Задания к билету 2.
Types/categories of hotels. Types of rooms
I. Лексика по теме.
1. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Укажите лишнее слово. (3 балла)
twin, single, penthouse, guesthouse, family room, double room
2. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Распределите слова по колонкам в зависимости от значения. (4 балла)
I. Rooms. II. Hotels. (suite, guesthouse, resort hotel, commercial hotel, twin, sanitary facilities, convention facilities, lounge)
3. Составьте словосочетания, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
tourist, central, residential hotel, cabin, heating
4. Вставьте слова в предложения по смыслу, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
I liked staying in this … hotel very much. There were all the … in the room and in the hotel. I liked the ... and the sports ground. I stayed in the … room for five nights. The room … was splendid. But the bar didn't ... after 1 a.m. That was not very convenient. (service, work, resort, single, facilities, swimming pool)
II. Диалоги по теме.
1. Поставьте реплики в нужном порядке. Прочитайте и переведите. (3 балла)
- Are all the Mariott hotels luxury ones?
- Yes, there are Mariott hotels in all fifty US states and some twenty-four countries worldwide.
- No, Mariott has hotels in all market segments, and it has pioneered the way in the budget hotel sector.
- Is it true that Mariott hotel chain is one of the biggest in the world?
Подставьте пропущенные слова и словосочетания в диалоге. Прочитайте и переведите. (4 балла)
- Good afternoon, May's Travel. Mary Sparks … . How can I help you?
- I'm ... a hotel in Colombo.
- Well, there are two hotels that we usually … . They are the Oberoi and the Ivory Inn.
- … a bit about the first one, please?
- It is a …, with all the … you can expect. There is a …, a pool, tennis courts and so on.
(first-class hotel, speaking; looking for; good choice of restaurants; Could you tell me; recommend; facilities)
Допишите в диалог пропущенные реплики, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
- … about the Hyde Park Towers Hotel, Tom?
- Well, they have invested a lot of money into the hotel, and … . Our rooms are more comfortable, and we offer … .
- Do you charge higher prices?
- Of course, … . Moreover, we converted old family rooms into luxurious … .
- That's a good idea. Who's the chef? Is it still Jiovanni?
- Heavens, no! … His meals are mostly perfect, and the summer menu is … .
III. Текст по теме. Прочитайте и выполните задание к тексту (письменно). Уровень сложности вы выбираете сами.
This splendid suite is one hundred and fifty dollars per night. The rooms are on a split level. You go up to the sleeping area and then down to the bathroom and the lounge. There is a mini-bar, a fridge, a table and three comfortable armchairs round it. You can watch TV in the lounge area. There is a sofa and a newspaper table there.
1. Установите соответствие нижеприведенных утверждений тексту TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED (верно/ложно/нет информации в тексте). a) There is no lounge area in the suite. b) There are two tables in the room. c) The sleeping area is upstairs. (3 балла)
2. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы по тексту. a) Is there a fridge in the room? Is the bathroom upstairs? c) Can I watch TV in the lounge area? (4 балла)
3. Дайте полные развернутые ответы на вопросы по тексту a) How much is this suite? b) What furniture is provided in the suite? c) Where can I take a bath? (5 баллов).
Задания к билету 3.
Hotel Management. Hotel Staff.
I. Лексика по теме.
1. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Укажите лишнее слово. (3 балла)
general manager, house manager, resident manager, hotel chain owner, head housekeeper, front office manager
2. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Распределите слова по колонкам в зависимости от значения. (4 балла)
I. Responsibilities. II. Benefits. (to receive tips, to run the hotel, to serve the guests, to have a room at disposal, to provide food, to have opportunities for travel)
3. Составьте словосочетания, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
to run, to have control, family-run the department, hotel, over the operation
4. Вставьте слова в предложения по смыслу, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
1. Many … … receive additional income from … . Such staff as bellmen, bartenders, captains, … usually supplement their wages this way. 2. Hotels also offer opportunities for … work. Consultants are needed in such fields as hotel design, the development of …, accounting and other operational problems. (chambermaids, part-time, hotel employees, recreational facilities, tips)
II. Диалоги по теме.
1. Поставьте реплики в нужном порядке. Прочитайте и переведите. (3 балла)
At the Job Interview
- Not quite true. I've been in the hotels all my life. You see, my father owns a small hotel in Madrid...
- I understand. But you have just started with Savoy?
- Carlos, you have just begun in the hotel industry, I think.
- That's right. I've been there less than a year, and now I'm going through my training with them.
- In my case, no. I worked in my father's hotel for two years after I left secondary school.
- I must say, your English is very good.
- You didn't go to Hotel School in Spain, did you?
- I know English, French, and Spanish, of course. That was one reason Savoy took me on.
2. Подставьте пропущенные слова и словосочетания в диалоге. Прочитайте и переведите. (4 балла)
- I wonder if all the hotel personnel should have … … .
- Not quite. This is a … of the hotel industry that it creates employment for a number of people who are not typical for the … .
- Do you mean some special needs of the guests like … and so on?
- Not necessarily. It is especially true for … … with recreational facilities. Cocktail … and night clubs employ entertainers and …, for example.
(resort hotels, special training, musicians, lounges, babysitting, business, phenomenon)
3. Допишите в диалог пропущенные реплики и слова, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
Interview for a job of an assistant manager
- Good morning, … . Please, sit … .
- Thank you.
- I see from your … that most of your … is connected with large international … . Why are you going to …?
- I think that in a smaller hotel I will have more face-to-face … . Also I think there will be more scope for developing … .
- I'm glad you speak Russian as we have …. from Russia. Now tell me what are the main things for an assistant … to keep in mind?
- I would say that … is very important.
III. Текст по теме. Прочитайте и выполните задание к тексту (письменно). Уровень сложности вы выбираете сами.
It is very important to properly manage and coordinate the work of the hotel staff. The chief receptionist, for example, is responsible for the work of the front desk. S/he solves the problems (if there are any) about the room reservation and checking in/out. As for the back of the house, smaller hotels use outside contractors, while most larger hotels employ their own specialized staff. Maintenance and support staff must be available 24 hours a day because guests and visitors expect everything to work properly.
1. Установите соответствие нижеприведенных утверждений тексту TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED (верно/ложно/нет информации в тексте). (3 балла) a) The chief receptionist supervises the work of the information bureau. b) The back of the house staff in larger hotels is specialized and well-trained. c) Coordinating the work of the hotel staff is very significant as guests expect everything to work smoothly.
2. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы по тексту. (4 балла) a) Do smaller hotels use outside contractors for back of the house jobs? b) Must maintenance be available 24 hours a day? c) does the receptionist solve the problems about the room reservation?
3. Дайте полные развернутые ответы на вопросы по тексту (5 баллов). a) What is very inportant in managing a hotel? b) Who is responsible for problems with reservation and checking in/out? c) Who expects everything in the hotel to work properly?
Задания к билету 4.
Hotel Management. Hotel Staff.
I. Лексика по теме.
1. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Укажите лишнее слово. (3 балла)
assistant manager, head receptionist, chambermaid, bellboy, night clerk
2. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Распределите слова по колонкам в зависимости от значения. (4 балла)
I. Front Desk II. The Back of the House (landscape architect, general manager, head housekeeper, porter, receptionist, housemen)
3. Составьте словосочетания, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
to hire, unskilled, to manage, to meet the standards, labourers, hotel chains, the staff
4. Вставьте слова в предложения по смыслу, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
The … of the house represents many … . They are maintenance and …, food and … service, housekeeping and so on. The most … of them is housekeeping, I … . The guests should live in … conditions, and the housekeeping … provide everything necessary for rest and comfort. (services, comfortable, engineering, back, beverage, think, important, staff)
II. Диалоги по теме.
1. Поставьте реплики в нужном порядке. Прочитайте и переведите. (3 балла)
- First of all, is it far from the centre?
- Hello, Reception. What can I do for you?
- Yes, please. What would you like to know?
- Hello, I want to stay for a weekend, so I'd like to get some information about your hotel.
- No! Our hotel is located in the very centre.
- Of course, there are two bars, a coffee shop and a restaurant with excellent music.
- Well, and what about restaurants? Are there any?
2. Подставьте пропущенные слова и словосочетания в диалоге. Прочитайте и переведите. (4 балла)
- Front desk.
- Hello. This is Martin Baum. The ... light in my room doesn’t work. ... somebody come up and take a look at it, please?
- Oh, … , Mr Baum. What … is it, please?
- Room 615.
- I'll send a man up there … .
- Fine. And there's … - I don't seem to have a … menu. Is there one?
- Yes, there is. ... about that. I’ll have a room service ... bring you a menu up right away.
(Could you have...; one more thing; waiter; of course; room number; in a minute; bathroom; room service; I'm sorry)
3. Допишите в диалог пропущенные реплики, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
At the front desk
- Good … . My name is Kent. I … last week for my family and myself.
- Receptionist: Yes, sir. What did you say … , sir?
- Kent. I asked for two double rooms – one for my wife and myself and one for the two children.
-  Ah yes – here we are, sir. Yes – we got … . Rooms 11 and 12. If you sign the register, I’ll ask ... to show you the rooms and help you with … .
- Thank you. Where do … ?
- Just here, sir – full name, … , date and … .
III. Текст по теме. Прочитайте и выполните задание к тексту (письменно). Уровень сложности вы выбираете сами.
The back of the house
If you don't mind hard work and are interested in looking after guests, you are welcome to join hotel housekeeping staff. Housekeeping is not just about cleaning bedrooms but also keeping every public area pleasant, clean and tidy. No previous experience is required and most of your training will be in the job, with extra in-house training given by the company's training personnel.
Many people start their careers in the hotels as apprentices of the maintenance staff. To get a job of a plumber, a carpenter or an electrician a person can start as an apprentice, as no experience is needed.
1. Установите соответствие нижеприведенных утверждений тексту TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED (верно/ложно/нет информации в тексте). (3 балла) a) The function of the housekeeping department is to clean bedrooms. b) No experience is usually needed if you start your career in the housekeeping department. c) To get a job of a receptionist a person must get a special education.
2. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы по тексту. (4 балла) a) Is any experience needed for a career in housekeeping? b) Do many people start their careers in the hotels as chambermaids? c) Is in-house training given by the head housekeeper?
3. Дайте полные развернутые ответы на вопросы по тексту (5 баллов). a) What careers do many people start in the hotels? b) What is the mission of the housekeeping department? c) Where do the housekeeping staff get their training?
Задания к билету 5.
Hospitality Industry. Departments of a Hotel.
Лексика по теме.
1. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Укажите лишнее слово. (3 балла)
laundry service, valet service, housekeeping department, accounting, housemen, labourers2. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Распределите слова по колонкам в зависимости от значения. (4 балла) I. Hotels industry. II. Catering industry. (to lay the table, to register the guests, recreational facilities, dining table, coffee shop, motel chain)
3. Составьте словосочетания, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
personal, professional, unskilled, international language, labourers, qualities, training
4. Вставьте слова в предложения по смыслу, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
1. As I'm going to work as a … at the large … hotel, I should know English or French. I think … qualities are also important for … with guests. 2. Many of our … have undergone in-house … training. 3. If you want to start a … of a houseman, you may work as an … . (career, professional, dealing, staff, international, personal, receptionist, apprentice)
II. Диалоги по теме.
1. Поставьте реплики в нужном порядке. Прочитайте и переведите. (3 балла)
- I think they are important because a hotel is a temporary home for guests, and the staff should do their best to make the guests' stay comfortable.
- Excuse me, may I ask you some questions about your profession?
- What is your occupation?
- Yes, I'll answer them with pleasure.
- I work as receptionist at a small family-owned hotel.
- And why are personal qualities important in your profession? In your industry, on the whole?
2. Подставьте пропущенные слова и словосочетания в диалоге. Прочитайте и переведите. (4 балла)
- Hello, Tom, haven't seen you for ages. Do you still work at Marianne Hotel?
- No, I … a few weeks ago. I found a … immediately, as the Marriott … is going to open a new motel in the suburbs.
- And what are your … now?
- Oh, I'm busy with … training of the new staff.
- Does that mean you are a … now? Congratulations!
- Thanks … ! I think it is a good chance for me to build a … .
(hotel chain; a lot; responsibilities; quit the job; career; head housekeeper; hotel chain; new position; in-house)
3. Допишите в диалог пропущенные реплики и словосочетания, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
- Are there … in your hotel?
- No, there aren't so many departments here because ours is a small family-owned hotel, so we hire some … . Besides, we don't have …, so we needn't supply food and beverages.
- …...............? I think it could get you more income.
- You're right, but … . Besides, we cannot boast high room occupancy.
- I understand. So what are your daily duties in the hotel?
- Well, I register guests and keep the records of their requests mostly. Sometimes I help the accountant.
- So you work as … .
III. Текст по теме. Прочитайте и выполните задание к тексту (письменно). Уровень сложности вы выбираете сами.
Hotel guests have different tastes and needs. To serve those needs hotels have many different facilities, such as restaurants, business centers, fitness centers, swimming pools, saunas, tennis courts, gift stores, cafes. Some hotels offer butler service. There is a person on every floor whose job is to serve guests by taking or leaving messages, arranging for dry cleaning and providing for any other extra needs.
1. Установите соответствие нижеприведенных утверждений тексту TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED (верно/ложно/нет информации в тексте). (3 балла)
a) Some hotels offer valet and laundry service. b) Hotels have many facilities to satisfy the guests' needs. c) Butler is a person at the information desk.
2. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы по тексту. (4 балла) a) Do the guests have the same tastes and needs? b) Do all the hotels have butler service? c) Does butler provide for extra needs of the guests?
3. Дайте полные развернутые ответы на вопросы по тексту (5 баллов). a) What is the job of a butler? b) Where can we find a butler in a hotel? c) What are the facilities to satisfy the needs of the guests?
Задания к билету 6.
Hospitality Industry. Departments of a Hotel.
I. Лексика по теме.
1. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Укажите лишнее слово. (3 балла)
laundry service, accounting department, valet service, maintenance service, housekeeping department
2. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Распределите слова по колонкам в зависимости от значения. (4 балла) I. Receiving guests II. Paying for services (in cash, by credit card, check-in time, magnetic card, registration card, local currency)
3. Составьте словосочетания, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
housekeeping, check-out, all, full time, board, inclusive, department
4. Вставьте слова из задания 3 в предложения по смыслу, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
1. Our hotel provides … for our guests that means breakfast, lunch and dinner. The service “all ...” is not available in our hotel as we want to keep our rates reasonable. 2. The … department staff is ready to serve you at any time. 3. The … … is when you are supposed to leave your room and pay for services.
II. Диалоги по теме.
1. Поставьте реплики в нужном порядке. Прочитайте и переведите. (3 балла)
- Good morning. Do you have a reservation with us?
- Good morning, I'd like to check in.
- Brian Mitchell from San Francisco.
- Yes, I do. I made a reservation by phone last Friday.
- Perfectly correct.
- Let me see. Yes, you have a reservation for a single room. Is that correct?
- Would you please give me your name?
2. Подставьте пропущенные слова и словосочетания в диалоге. Прочитайте и переведите. (4 балла)
After checking in
- Here is your key, Mr Brown.
- Thanks. I've got some additional … .
- I'll … to answer them.
- What about room service?
- It is … from 6 a. m. till 10 p. m. You can dial your … from the telephone in your room.
- And … is the restaurant?
- It is on the 20th … . And the coffee shop is right here, in the … .
- Thank you so much.
- You are … . The bellboy will help you with your … .
(welcome, be glad; questions; available; lobby; floor; order; where; luggage)
3. Допишите в диалог пропущенные реплики и словосочетания, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
- Hello, madam, ...?
- I would like to ... for the night, … .
- Certainly. There are … . Would you like a double or a single room?
- I would like a single room with … .
- That’s no problem. A single room costs … . There is a bath and shower.
- Is breakfast … ?
- Yes, it is. Breakfast is served between 7 a.m. and 10 a.m. in … .
III. Текст по теме. Прочитайте и выполните задание к тексту (письменно). Уровень сложности вы выбираете сами.
The hotel offers 115 luxuriously furnished bedrooms including 20 with their own fax lines. Each has a private bathroom, direct dial telephone, colour television (including five satellite channels), radio, tea and coffee making facilities, and a hair dryer. Your bedroom will provide a perfect place to relax at the end of a busy day. The finest French cuisine is served in the elegant Le Parc restaurant. A choice of menus is offered and accompanied by our wine list to complement your meal.
1. Установите соответствие нижеприведенных утверждений тексту TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED (верно/ложно/нет информации в тексте). (3 балла) a) Each room in the hotel has a bathroom and many other facilities. b) Le Parc restaurant offers a good choice of Italian dishes. b) There are 20 bedrooms in the hotel that are luxuriously furnished.
2. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы по тексту. (4 балла) a) Are there any fax lines in the rooms? b) Does the hotel provide satellite channels? c) Is the menu accompanied by the wine list?
3. Дайте полные развернутые ответы на вопросы по тексту (5 баллов). a) What kind of cuisine is served in the restaurant? b) What facilities are there in the room? What will your bedroom provide?
Задания к билету 7.
The Front Desk. Reception. Checking in/out. Housekeeping Department
I. Лексика по теме.
1. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Укажите лишнее слово. (3 балла)
address, last name, telephone number, waitress, to stay for 2 nights, to hold the room
2. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Распределите слова по колонкам в зависимости от значения. (4 балла)
I. Reception II. Housekeeping Department (to change linens, to reserve the room, to clean the rooms, to remove the towels, to speak to the manager, to fill in the form)
3. Составьте словосочетания, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
a view, room, form number, of identification, from the window
4. Вставьте слова в предложения по смыслу, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
There are many different … in our city and people usually … the hotel they like. Older people prefer to … in quiet … hotels. If a person wants to relax he prefers a hotel … of the beach with restaurants and cafes. When people are here on business they … rooms in the … . (book, choose, hotels, old-fashioned, within easy reach; stay, city centre)
II. Диалоги по теме.
1. Поставьте реплики в нужном порядке. Прочитайте и переведите. (3 балла)
- I'll just check availability. Yes, that's fine. Is this a company booking or an individual booking, sir?
- Tavistok Hotel, Reservations. Charles Thompson speaking.
- Hello, I'd like to book a room, please.
- An individual booking – it's for our wedding anniversary.
- When for?
- We'll arrive on the 15th of April and are going to stay for two nights.
- Very well, sir. We can offer a double or a suite for you and your wife.
2. Подставьте пропущенные слова и словосочетания в диалоге. Прочитайте и переведите. (4 балла)
Receptionist: Here is your room ..., it's number 23, on the second floor.
Guest: Is there a lift? My ... is very heavy!
Receptionist: Yes, it's over there.
Guest: Oh, and is there some place I can … my valuables?
Receptionist: Yes, we have lockers, they cost ... a day.
Guest: OK. And … safe deposit boxes?
Receptionist: Oh, these are ... for the guests in the suites only, I'm afraid.
Guest: OK, I think that's everything, … .(thanks, key, suitcase, available, put, 2 pounds, what about)
3. Допишите в диалог пропущенные реплики, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
At the hotel manager's office
- Good evening! … ?
- Well, I hope, you can. I'm in room 655, and it is in … .
- Oh, we are so sorry. What exactly is wrong?
- Well, the room is very small – and I asked for … .
- Actually, room 655 is … .
- Is it? Well, in this case I'm very disappointed. Also it is very dirty: the bath … and the linens … .
- I'm … , Mrs Jenkins. I'm sure there is … . I'll send someone up … .
- Well, really I'd like to move … .
- I … . I'll see what we … . Why don't you wait in the … ? I'll arrange a complimentary drink.
III. Текст по теме. Прочитайте и выполните задание к тексту (письменно). Уровень сложности вы выбираете сами.
The front desk is the term that describes a counter where the guests register, pick up their keys and mail, request information, deposit their valuables, and pay their bills. It is also called the reception area. In a small hotel or motel, all of these different functions may be handled by one or two people, but a large hotel assigns several people to clearly defined jobs at the front desk. It should be noted that some of front-of-the-house employees – those in accounting, or sales and promotion, - have little or no contact with the public.
Установите соответствие нижеприведенных утверждений тексту TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED (верно/ложно/нет информации в тексте). (3 балла) a) The guests usually pick up their keys at the information bureau. b) In small hotel the reception functions are handled by one or two people. c) The accounting employees often help at the front desk.
Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы по тексту. (4 балла) a) Do the guests register at the front desk? b) Does a large hotel assign several people to the jobs at the front desk? c) Do the employees in sales and promotion have much contact with the public?
Дайте полные развернутые ответы на вопросы по тексту (5 баллов). a) What does the term “front desk” describe? b) What hotels have many employees at the reception area? c) What services do the guests receive at the reception area?
Задания к билету 8.
The Front Desk. Reception. Checking in/out. Housekeeping Department.
I. Лексика по теме.
1. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Укажите лишнее слово. (3 балла)
a chambermaid, an electrician, a head receptionist, a head housekeeper, a carpenter, a plumber
2. Прочитайте и переведите слова и словосочетания. Распределите их по колонкам в зависимости от значения. (4 балла) I. Checking In. II. Checking Out. (a registration card, a bill, to charge, to deliver luggage, to receive a key, to include room service)
Составьте словосочетания, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
night, head, 24-hour housekeeper, porter, service
4. Вставьте слова в предложения по смыслу, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
1. I think I'll come at 7 p. m. Will you .. the room for me by this time? 2. Here's your … . Service and … are included. 3. What is this … for? I didn't … room … on May the 4th. 4. Will you … the housekeeping? We need a … to fix the cold water … in room 345.
(item, hold, contact, bill, tax,plumber, service, order, tap)
II. Диалоги по теме.
1. Поставьте реплики в нужном порядке. Прочитайте и переведите. (3 балла)
- Is it far to walk?
- Thank you very much.
- Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the main post office, please?
- Where's the bus stop?
- It is not quite far from here, at the crossing of Pushkina and Rostovskaya Streets.
- Well, it's about half an hour from here. You can also take Bus 5. The post office is six stops from our hotel.
- Turn right as you go out of the hotel and walk up to the traffic lights. Don't cross the street. The bus stop is on your right.
2. Подставьте пропущенные слова и словосочетания в диалоге. Прочитайте и переведите. (4 балла)
- … you, madam?
- Excuse me, where is …? I cannot find the restaurant “Lotus”, so I'd rather … to get there.
- Let me … . I think I can help you. Yes, “Lotus” is … from here. Have a … at the scheme. We always … this restaurant to our … . It offers a good … .
- Very many … . You've been a great help.
- We're always … .
(information desk, see; Can I help; choice of dishes; thanks; at your service; five-minute walk; look; take a taxi; guests; recommend)

3. Допишите в диалог пропущенные реплики или словосочетания, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
- Good morning, Mr Fellows. The bill is ready for you. The total is … .
- Let … . Is Tax …?
- Certainly, sir. Any … ?
- Well, I can't get what … is for. I didn't stay in my room on the 5th.
- Oh, … , sir. There must be a mistake. I'll check … . You're right. It's all … .
III. Текст по теме. Прочитайте и выполните задание к тексту (письменно). Уровень сложности вы выбираете сами.
There are some rules for the guests to follow. Housekeeping service is provided daily and you must allow the housekeeping attendant to enter the room to clean and provide fresh linens. Leave wet towels and dirty bed linens in your hotel room. Do not place them in the hallway. The housekeeping service will pick them up. You are responsible for any damage in your room. The hotel charges the replacement fee for broken furniture or stained carpets.
1. Установите соответствие нижеприведенных утверждений тексту TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED (верно/ложно/нет информации в тексте). a) The hotel does not charge any fee for broken windows. b) The guests should leave wet towels in the bathrooms. c) Housekeeping service is provided on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. (3 балла)
2. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы по тексту. (4 балла) a) Does the housekeeping attendant clean the room and provide fresh linens? b) Must you place dirty bed linens in the hallway? c) Are the guests responsible for any damage in their rooms?
3. Дайте полные развернутые ответы на вопросы по тексту (5 баллов). a) What service is provided daily in the hotels? b) What does the hotel charge for stained carpets? c) Where should the guests place dirty bed linens?
Задания к билету 9
Food and Beverage Service. Room Service. Bars, Restaurants
I. Лексика по теме.
1. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Укажите лишнее слово. (3 балла)
chef, waiter, captain, receptionist, hostess, assistant chef, busboy
2. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Распределите слова по колонкам в зависимости от значения. (4 балла)
I. The service staff. II. The kitchen staff. (headwaiter, barman, dishwasher, wine waiter/steward, line cook, restaurant manager, chef, kitchen hand)
3. Составьте словосочетания, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
to supply, to serve, bar, kitchen lounge, staff, customers, provisions
4. Вставьте слова в предложения по смыслу, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
“Morris” is an elegant restaurant, with special … and fine food. The menu … a variety of dishes from which the … can choose. It is a big restaurant. It can … many people at a time. There are ten people on the … . (staff, service, offers, cater, guests)
II. Диалоги по теме.
1. Поставьте реплики в нужном порядке. Прочитайте и переведите. (3 балла)
- Room Service, Jane's speaking.
- Well, Room 212, vegetable salad, white coffee, toasts with jam, 7:30 a. m.
- Hello, Jane. This is Mr White from Room 212. I'd like to order something light for breakfast.
- How do you like your coffee: black or white?
- Well, Mr White, you can choose anything from the menu near the phone.
- White, please.
- I see. I'd like vegetable salad, toasts with jam and coffee. I leave at 8, so I want my breakfast for 7:30 tomorrow.
- That's right, thank you.
2. Подставьте пропущенные слова и словосочетания в диалоге. Прочитайте и переведите. (4 балла)
- Hello, how can I help you?
- Hello, I'd like to … in your restaurant.
- When would you like to come?
- On Saturday, … .
- For weekends … beforehand. What time … ?
- … 9 o'clock. It's for two.
- Well, could I …, please?
- We are Mr and … . And we'd like to … .
- No problem, …, Mr Black.
(sit closer to the window; book a table; we reserve tables; would you like; Mrs Black; if it is possible; you are welcome; at; have your name)
3. Допишите в диалог пропущенные реплики, слова и словосочетания, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
- Good morning, Mr Stephens. This is Room Service, Harry … . May I … ?
- Yes, Harry. I'd like you to … .
- Yes, sir. What would … ?
- I'd rather have eggs and … , a cup of … with … and fruit salad.
- Anything …, …?
- A couple of … with cheese, … .
- …, sir. I'll … your breakfast in twenty … .
III. Текст по теме. Прочитайте и выполните задание к тексту (письменно). Уровень сложности вы выбираете сами.
The food and beverage service is a major factor in hotel operation. The food and beverage income in many hotels is increased by providing service for banquets and conventions. Every modern hotel offers some form of food and beverage service. In some facilities are available only for a continental breakfast – that is, a light meal of bread and rolls and coffee, while others have a coffee shop or a restaurant. Ordering supplies is a daily routine. In a very large hotel, two people may do this task: one to order food and the other to order wines and spirits.
1. Установите соответствие нижеприведенных утверждений тексту TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED (верно/ложно/нет информации в тексте). (3 балла) a) Some hotels have only facilities for continental breakfast. b) Food and beverage service is not found in every modern hotel. c) Ordering food and wines requires special training.
2. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы по тексту. (4 балла)
a) Does every modern hotel offer some form of food and beverage service? b) Does continental breakfast include porridge or eggs and bacon? c) Do the hotels get more income providing service for banquets and conventions?
3. Дайте полные развернутые ответы на вопросы по тексту (5 баллов).
a)What facilities are provided by food and beverage service? b) How many people on the staff may order supplies? Why is food and beverage service so important in hotel operation?
Задания к билету 10
Recreational Facilities. Convention. Banquets
I. Лексика по теме.
1. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Укажите лишнее слово. (3 балла)
a tennis court, an elevator, a swimming pool, a fitness centre, a sauna, a sports ground
2. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Распределите слова по колонкам в зависимости от значения. (4 балла)
I. Convention. II. Banquets. (a waiter, an interpreter, to serve, to provide projectors, congress, formal dinner)
3. Составьте словосочетания, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
fitness, the charge for, special services, needs, centre
4. Вставьте слова в предложения по смыслу, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
1. Our hotel provides various … for people with special … . Moreover, the … for them is as low as possible. The access to the … centre for disabled people is quite easy, as it is on the ground floor, and there is a special lift for these people. 2. Our hotel … for banquets of all sorts. … waiters will serve our guests in the … … possible. (needs, fitness, facilities, provides, well trained, charge, best way)
II. Диалоги по теме.
1. Поставьте реплики в нужном порядке. Прочитайте и переведите. (3 балла)
Eating out at the restaurant
- Could we sit by the window?
- Good evening, sir.
- Certainly. Just here, sir.
- A table for two, please.
- I'm sorry. The window tables are all reserved. Are you ready to order, sir?
- Yes. I'll have tomato soup for starters and my wife would like vegetable salad.
- Would you like anything to drink?
- One tomato soup and one vegetable salad. What would you like for main course?
- I'll have the steak and my wife would like roastbeef.
- Yes, a bottle of red wine please.
2. Подставьте пропущенные слова и словосочетания в диалоге. Прочитайте и переведите. (4 балла)
- What convention facilities …. ….. in your hotel, Mr White?
- Well, we have two …, and the bigger one can … . There are some rooms as well that we use as … .
- What about facilities for interpreting?
- Oh, we provide … and our … deals with a number of interpretors from some agencies.
- That's a relief! We always have some participants who can … only in English.
- Anything else …..............?
- I wonder if you have … for me …............................ .
- Of course, we have.
(earphones; seat four hundred people; exhibition halls; a leaflet; convention rooms; are there; convention manager; give reports; I could tell you; to go through the details)
3. Допишите в диалог пропущенные реплики и словосочетания, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
- Good evening. How …........................?
- Do you have any rooms?
- Yes. Single, double or ...?
- Single, … .
- Would you like a room with a shower or … ?
- Just a shower … .
- Room 319. That'll be $12.50 ..., including breakfast. How long ….................?
- Just a couple of nights. ... is breakfast?
- Breakfast is from …........... .
III. Текст по теме. Прочитайте и выполните задание к тексту (письменно). Уровень сложности вы выбираете сами.
A good resort hotel must have some recreational facilities. All recreational activities require the employment of additional staff. Many resort hotels hire professional athletes to give lessons to the guests in tennis, golf, and skiing. Lifeguards are often necessary at swimming pools and beaches. In addition, many kinds of personal services are offered by the hotels of any size. One service in great demand is babysitting. If parents need to go out, the housekeeping department can arrange for someone, most frequently one of the chambermaids, to stay with the children.
1. Установите соответствие нижеприведенных утверждений тексту TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED (верно/ложно/нет информации в тексте). (3 балла) a) Additional staff is needed in many resort hotels. b) Luxury business hotels offer a number of personal services. c) The front desk can arrange for some assistant manager to stay with the children if parents need to go out.
2. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы по тексту. (4 балла)
a) Are lifeguards often necessary at swimming pools? b) Do many guesthouses hire professional athletes to give lessons to their guests in sports? c) Are personal services offered by the hotels of any size?
3. Дайте полные развернутые ответы на вопросы по тексту (5 баллов).
a) What service is in great demand in most hotels? b) Who usually stays with children if parents need to go out? c) Why do the hotels employ the additional staff?
Задания к билету 11
Recreational Facilities. Convention. Banquets
I. Лексика по теме.
1. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Укажите лишнее слово. (3 балла)
swimming pool, conference hall, sports grounds, fitness centre, roof garden, coffee shop
2. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Распределите слова по колонкам в зависимости от значения. (4 балла) I. Special needs. II. Convention facilities. (courtesy bus, babysitting, loudspeakers, a medical nurse, whiteboards, microphones)
3. Составьте словосочетания, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
to provide, to organize, to read, to serve a lecture, a banquet, facilities, a convention
4. Вставьте слова из задания 3 в предложения по смыслу, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
1. Sometimes managers hire additional staff to … a banquet after a … . 2. There are many … we need to … this conference. 3. Dr Lawrence will … his lecture in this room, so we need more chairs, as his lectures are very popular.
II. Диалоги по теме.
1. Поставьте реплики в нужном порядке. Прочитайте и переведите. (3 балла)
- Yes, Dr Jackson, these dates would be suitable. As for the facilities, I can give you a brief idea of what we can offer.
- So, it could hold all our delegates?
- Well, Mr Night, the conference would be from the second to the sixth of April with around 320 participants. Have you got the facilities for that number of people on those dates?
- We have a multi-purpose conference center for over 450 delegates. Our main auditorium seats 350 people.
- Yes, please, if you can give me some idea...
- Certainly. And we also have two smaller rooms which can be used for lectures.
2. Подставьте пропущенные слова и словосочетания в диалоге. Прочитайте и переведите. (4 балла)
- You know, Mr Night, we may have several … from Japan and China this year. Is there … ?
- Yes, there is. It is in our main auditorium. I would also recommend our exhibition hall if you may be planning to … .
- Yes, we would like some … . By the way, have you got … on these facilities? I'd like to … .
- Certainly, we have. But why don't you come with me and … the complete centre?
(equipment for translation, exhibition space, participants, exhibit books and equipment, leaflets or brochures, have a look at, study all the details)
3. Допишите в диалог пропущенные реплики, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
Getting ready for the convention
- This is our main conference hall. It seats … . There are also two smaller … .
- That's fine. And where will we make copies?
- Photocopying is available at … . Our convention rooms are well-equipped, with … .
- Is the acoustics good?
- veryone … , even Yes, eif something goes wrong with the microphone.
III. Текст по теме. Прочитайте и выполните задание к тексту (письменно). Уровень сложности вы выбираете сами.
A convention is a meeting of members of a business or professional group, such as scientists, dentists, booksellers, or language teachers. A typical convention lasts three or four days and includes business sessions, workshops and seminars, professional exhibits, and special events. A large auditorium or hall is usually necessary for group meetings and events such as banquets. A hotel that handles convention has several specialized people on the staff, the most important of whom are salespeople who are responsible for bringing in the business.
1. Установите соответствие нижеприведенных утверждений тексту TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED (верно/ложно/нет информации в тексте). a) A convention is a meeting of students or school staff. b) Usually the convention is three or four days long. c) Conventions bring the most prominent profit in the hotel business. (3 балла)
2. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы по тексту. a) Does a typical convention include workshops and seminars? b) Is a large hall necessary for banquets? c) Are the salespeople responsible for organizing the convention? (4 балла)
3. Дайте полные развернутые ответы на вопросы по тексту a) What is a convention? b) What events are included into a typical convention? c) What personnel is the most important in organizing a convention? (5 баллов).
Задания к билету 12
Room Rates. Accounting
I. Лексика по теме.
1. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Укажите лишнее слово. (3 балла)
Hotel voucher, to reduce, discount, auditor, flexible payment system
2. Прочитайте и переведите слова. Распределите слова по колонкам в зависимости от значения. (4 балла)
I. Room Rates Policy. II. Accounting. cashier, chief accountant, meal voucher, competing on price, audit, inferior quality
3. Составьте словосочетания, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
to compete, to offer, to go down group discounts, on price, in value
4. Вставьте слова в предложения по смыслу, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
One of the most … divisions of the hotel's administrative … is the … department. All the financial transactions not only must be …, but also checked for accuracy. This is usually the job of a night …, who goes through this mass of figures on the night shift, when there is little activity in the … . (auditor, hotel, important, posted, accounting, staff)
II. Диалоги по теме.
1. Поставьте реплики в нужном порядке. Прочитайте и переведите. (3 балла)
- Do you have a fixed room rate?
- What discounts do you offer on these basic room rates?
- Our room rate policy is quite complicated, but there is a basic room rate for all our room types.
- Why is it complicated?
- We have special weekend rates to encourage a two-night booking.
- This is because our Sales and Marketing Department has discussed different rates with different agents, corporate clients, and other clients.
2. Подставьте пропущенные слова и словосочетания в диалоге. Прочитайте и переведите. (4 балла)
- Here is a … with the hotels in Midford. It … you all the rates.
- …, my English is not so good. Can you explain this to me?
- … we have the Castle Inn, it is the … . It will cost you only 12 pounds for a … room and 15 pounds for a ….
- Does the price include the continental …?
- …, but for a full … breakfast you will have to … .
(I'm sorry, cheapest, English, single, double, pay extra, Yes, it does; gives, brochure, First of all, breakfast)
3. Допишите в диалог пропущенные реплики, прочитайте и переведите. (5 баллов)
- …?
- I think it is a great responsibility to work as accountant in the hotel like this.
- Why do …?
- I think it's because our guests value the quality of the service, so they often stay for several times.
- …?
- No, I can't say the accountant's job is dull. We take part in all the briefings on room rates and help the management to take decisions.
III. Текст по теме. Прочитайте и выполните задание к тексту (письменно). Уровень сложности вы выбираете сами.
The Park hotel is very reasonably priced. You should pay 16 pounds per person. Every room has a bath. There is a special rate of 25 pounds which includes dinner, bed and breakfast – what is called half-board. Or you can have full-board. That means the room plus all meals for 29 pounds per person per night.
1. Установите соответствие нижеприведенных утверждений тексту TRUE/FALSE/NOT STATED (верно/ложно/нет информации в тексте). a) There is a shower in every room. b) There is a special rate for the guests who don't need meals in the hotel. c) Full-board is 29 pounds per person per night. (3 балла)
2. Дайте краткие ответы на вопросы по тексту. a) Does every room has a bath? b) Is the Park hotel reasonably priced? c) Does half-board include breakfast? (4 балла)
3. Дайте полные развернутые ответы на вопросы по тексту a) How much is the full-board in the Park Hotel? b) What is called 'half-board'? c) What is there in every room? (5 баллов).
Контрольное тестирование по дисциплине Иностранный язык (английский)
He forgot …. ticket.
Myc) our
Herd) his
He has lost … pencil.
Themselvesc) ourselves
Hisd) me
I will do it … .
Myselfc) herself
Ourselvesd) yourself
This is his sister, …name is Jane.
Herc) his
Usd) our
… you help me?
Can c) when
Whyd) how
Do you know the man … wrote this letter?
Whoc) which
Whyd) how
Who’s there? It’s …
Mec) you
Id) her
The room … you rent is very light.
Thatc) this
Thosed) these
… is a house.
Thisc) why
Whend) where
My brother is a manager. …works in a hotel..
Hec) she
Id) him
I don’t know these girls. Do you know .....?  

I don’t like this friend of ..... .  
Am ..... invited her to stay in our hostel.  
them Willy is wearing a uniform that isn’t ..... .  
ours My room is bigger than hers, but ..... is nicer.  
him We know their names, but they don’t know ..... .  
his Remember ..... to your headwaiter.  
She This is not my cup; ..... is big.  
his Mary and Jim visit ..... colleagues very often.  
Mine 20. His advice___always reasonable. I advise you to follow___.
a) are, them c) is, it
b) are, it d) is, them
21. The applause___deafening. I can't stand___any longer. Let's go out.
a) are, them c) is, them
b) is, it d) are, it
22. The second witness's evidence___more convincing. ___made me believe that the suspect is innocent.
a) are, it c) are, they
b) is, it d) is, they
23. Look, her clothes___brand new. Where did she get the money to buy___?
a) is, it c) are, them
b) are, it d) is, them
24. The information he gave us___convincing. I don't think we should check___.
a) is, it c) are, them
b) is, them d) are.it25. Her pyjamas___made of silk. I like___very much.
a) is, it c) are.itb) is, them d) are, them
26. These scissors___dull! I can't cut anything with ____
a) are, them c) is, it
b) is, them d) are, it
27. When I move to London, I'll have to find lodgings. I'm afraid___will be very expensive and I'll have to pay for___half of my salary,
a) it, it c) they, it
b) they, them d) it, them
28 .I think billiards___a dull game. I wonder why the youth nowadays___so fond of___?
a) are, is, it c) are, are, them
b) is, are, it d) is, are, them
29. Our family ___ good at playing draughts. Draughts___our favourite game. We play___every weekend.
a) is, is, it c) are, are, them
b) are, is, it d) is, are, it
30. There are a few bananas and___apples in the fridge.
a) muchb) many
c) a lot ofd) little
31. She put___butter in the cake.
a) muchb) many
c) a lot ofd) little
32. Our teacher always gives us ___ homework.
a) muchb) many
c) a lot ofd) little
33. We don't need___eggs to cook this meal.
a) muchb) many
c) a lot ofd) little
34. He's made___progress in such a short time!
a) muchb) many
c) a lot ofd) little
35. Are there___unemployed people in your country?
a) muchb) many
c) a lot ofd) little
36. There are___oil deposits in Siberia.
a) muchb) many
c) a lot ofd) little
37. There is___time at our disposal.
a) muchb) many
c) a lot ofd) little
38. She is very sociable, that's why she has got ___friends.
a) muchb) many
c) a lot ofd) little
39 . Try to call Mr. Green. He never gives ___ useful advice.
a) muchb) many
c) a lot ofd) little
40. I opened the door and found___facing a stranger.
a) himselfb) themselves
c) myselfd) yourself
41. Go and see it for___if you like.
a) himselfb) themselves
c) myselfd) yourself
42. The newcomers built the houses___.
a) himselfb) themselves
c) myselfd) yourself
43. Would you mind keeping your words to ___?
a) himselfb) themselves
c) myselfd) yourself
44. He has injured ______.
a) himselfb) themselves
c) myselfd) yourself
45. During the breaks they amused _____ in the bar.
a) himselfb) themselves
c) myselfd) yourself
46. We protect.___from the cold with warm things.
a) herselfb) ourselves
c) itselfd) yourself
47. She settled___in the armchair as comfortably as she could.
a) herselfb) ourselves
c) itselfd) yourself
48. You can trust him. He is honesty __.
a) herselfb) ourselves
c) itselfd) yourself
49. He cut____shaving this morning.
a) himselfb) themselves
c) myselfd) yourself
50. Is there___ here who speaks English?
a) anyoneb) someone
c) anythingd) something
51. Do you have___ idea where I can borrow___ money here?
a) some, anyb) anything, some
c) something, anyd) any, some
52. ____ tells me you have got bad news for me.
a) anyoneb) someone
c) anythingd) something
53. If there is___ message for me, please send it to me.
a) anyb) some
c) anythingd) something
54. He is Mr. Know-All. He can give you ___ information you need.
a) anyb) some
c) anythingd) something
55. Our professor wanted to make up _____ exercises to teach the pupils how to use a dictionary.
a) somethingb) anything
c) somed) any
56. Where can I find___here who can give me___advice on this question?
a) anybody, someb) somebody, some
c) anybody, anyd) any, some
57. Hardly ___ understood what he meant.
a) somebodyb) someone
c) anybodyd) anything
58. I don't like that every evening you go___.
a) anywhereb) somewhere
c) anythingd) something
59. I can't find my glasses____.
a) anywhereb) someone
c) somewhered) anything
60. He crossed___stream which was below the pool stepping cautiously from___stone to___stone.
a) the,___,___
b) the, the, the
c) а, а, а
d) the, a, a
61. In___ spring of___following year we went___abroad and were absent several months.
a)___, the,___
b) the, the, the
d)the, the___
62. ___day after my talk with Isabel I left___Chicago for___ San Francisco where I was to take ship for___ Far East.
a) a,___,___,___
b) the,___,___, the
c)___, __, the, the
d) the, the, the, the
63. After___lunch they sat down under the oak tree drinking___Turkish coffee.
a) the, the
c)__, the
d)a, a
64.1 had scarcely got into___bed when a strain of _ music seemed to break forth in___air just below my window.
b) a,___, the
c)the, the,___
d) the,___, the
65. But after___fortnight of___bad weather it cleared. "Let's see how___weather turns out?" he said and took a chair nearer at___hand.
a)___,a,___, the
b) a, the, the, a
c) a,___, the,___
d) the, the, the, the
66. At___tea, which they both took with___lemon, John spoke about___Bahamas.
a)___, the, the
e)___,___, the
d) the, the, the
67.___map of ___world, until ___end of ___ fifteenth century exhibited only___one hemisphere, and even that was not completely explored.
a) the, the, the, the, the
b) the,___,___, the,___
c) a, the,___,___s___
d) the, the, the, the,___
68. As___weather was fine, they had___pleasant walk across___park which stretched along___Thames.
a) the, the, the, the
b)___, the, a, the
c) the,__, the,___
d) the, a, the, the
69. On___first of___May, after their last year together at___college, Frank and Robert were on___ tram.
a) the, the,___,___
c) the,___,___, a
d) the,___, the, a
70. Be quiet, please. We (work) at the translation and you (make) a lot of noise.
a) is working, is makingb) is working, are making
c) are working, is makingd) are working, are making
71. Where is Jack? — He (meet) his girlfriend at the station. She (come) at 12 o'clock.
a) was meeting, was comingb) was meeting, is coming
c) is meeting, is comingd) is meeting, was coming
72. She (cry). Is something wrong?
a) was cryingb) is crying
c) am cryingd) will crying
73. Hurry up, Jane! We all (wait) for you.
a) are waiting b) is waiting
c) will waiting d) was waiting
74. Turn off the gas. Don't you see the kettle (boil)?
a) are boilingb) was boiling
c) will boilingd) is boiling
75 The children are still ill but they (get) better gradually.
a) will gettingb) is getting
c) are gettingd) am getting
76. The living standards (change). Every month things (get) more expensive.
a) are changing, are gettingb) is changing, is getting
c) is changing, are gettingd) are changing, is getting
77. Tom and Mary (leave) for the Netherlands tomorrow.
a) are leavingb) is leaving
c) am leavingd) will leaving
78. I have just started English courses. I (study) English grammar.
a) is studyingb) are studying
c) am studyingd) will studying
79. We must buy new plates. — It's useless. You always (break) plates.
a) are breakingb) is breaking
c) will breakingd) am breaking
80. The child, ___ to school every day. His father ___ him there in his car.
a) goes, takesb) go, take
c) goes, taked) go, takes
81. She always___ lunch at school.
a) hasb) have
c) havesd) hav82. Richard's life in Paris is a bit difficult. He ___ only English.
a) speakb) speaks
c) speakingd) spoke
83. What's the matter? You __ very sad.
a) looksb) looking
c) lookd) looked
84. The building of the trade centre (begin) a month ago.
a) beginsb) beginedc) begand) begin
85. It (be) bitterly cold yesterday. I (put) on my warm coat but I (catch) a cold still.
a) is, put, catchedb) was, put, caught
c) was, putted, caughtd) is, putted, catch
86. The postman (bring) the morning mail only at 10 o'clock.
a) bringsb) bring
c) bringedd) brought
87. Tomorrow it _____ cold and wet.
a) areb) will be
c) isd) was
88. He___ fifty in June.
a) isb) are
c) will bed) were
89. It's too dark to go. I ___ a taxi.
a) will callb) calls
c) wills calld) calling
Please, put the book … the table.
Inc) on
Intod) at
We went … the park yesterday.
Toc) in
At d) into
Put your name … the top of the page.
Atc) to
Ond) in
The island was inhabitant, there was nobody … it.
Onc) at
Ind) into
Put some sugar … my cup, please!
Inc) into
Ond) to
There is a plate … my table, but there is no soup … it.
On; inc) at; into
- ; intod) into; at
Turn right … the end of the street.
Atc) in
Tod) into
‘ Where is my bag?’ ‘ It’s … the closet’
Inc) at
-d) into
Where are you going… your holidays?
Atc) on
Tod) for
My cat likes to sit … the window.
Atc) in
Good- _______ - _________
Better-the bestc) gooder-the goodestMore better- the most betterd) more good- the most good
The weather is horrible and now it’s getting even … .
Worsec) better
Badd) more bad
The Everest is … mountain in the world.
The highestc) higher
The biggestd) biggest
I am 16 and my brother is 12, so I’m the … .
Tallest c) eldest
Highestd) largest
It was … than ever.
Betterc) the best
Badd) good
I’m … than you.
Higherc) taller
Widerd) heavier
… these books have been published in Moscow.
Most of c) a lot
Manyd) much
Jack is little, but Alice is even … .
Smaller c) bigger
Tallerd) higher
We are glad that this work is … .
less difficult c) easiest
earliest d) hard
Amazon is … river in the world.
The longestc) the largest
The biggestd) the deepest
Nine hundred and forty sevenc) five thousand twenty six
Eight forty sixd) thousand twenty three
Three point twenty eightc) four point six
Seven point elevend)two point five
86 043
Eighty six thousand and forty three c) thirty four thousand and two
Eighty six and twelved) twenty eight
1 April
The first of Aprilc) April the first
The one of Aprild) One of the April
Forty nine percentsc) ninety four percents
Fifty eight percentsd) eighty seven percents
0. 15
Nought point fifteen c) nought point five
Nought point one fived) nought point eleven
Eight fifteenthc)fifteen and eight
Eight point fifteend) eight and fifty
1964 y.
Year one thousand sixty fourc)one thousand and sixty four
Year one thousand sixty forthd) year nineteen sixty four
5£ 12p
Five pounds twelve penniesc) five and twelve
Five twelfthd) five point twelve
365 017
Three hundred sixty five thousand and seventeen
Three sixty five point seventeen
Three hundred six five and seventeen
Three thousand sixty five hundred and seventeen
120. The Pan-American Highway is (long) road in the world.
a) the most longb) more longer
c) the longestd) longer
121. The Beatles were (successful) pop group.
a) the most successful b) more successful
c) the successfulest d) successfuler122. Japan has (crowded) railways in the world.
a) the most crowdedb) more crowededc) the crowdedestd) crowdeder123. This is our (old) national airline.
a) the most oldb) more old
c) the oldestd) older
124. The Chrysler Building was once (tall) in the world.
a) the most tallb) more tall
c) the tallestd) taller
125. Is English (useful) language to learn?
a) the most usefulb) more usfulc) the usfulestd) usfuler126. This is one of (expensive) stores in the city.
a) the most expensive b) more expensive
c) the expensivest d) expensiver127. The Queen must be (rich) woman in the world.
a) the most richb) more rich
c) the richestd) richer
128. Unfortunately, I haven't heard (late) news. I think it was very interesting.
a) the most lateb) more late
c) the latestd) later
129. Is the Mona Lisa (valuable) painting in the world?
a) the most valuableb) more valuable
c) the valuablestd) valuabler130. 567
a) five hundred and sixteen-sevenb) five hundred and seventy-six
c) five hundred and sixty-sevend) five hundred and sixty-six
Перечень основных тем сочинений, докладов, рефератов, слайдовых презентаций, творческих заданий
Types/categories of hotels. Types of rooms/ Виды, категории отелей. Типы номеров.
Hotel management. Hotel staff/ Управление гостиницей. Гостиничный персонал.
3.Hospitality Industry. Departments of a Hotel/ Индустрия гостеприимства. Службы отеля.
The Front Desk. Reception. Checking in/out. Housekeeping Department/ Служба размещения и бронирования. Заселение и выселение гостей.
Food and Beverage Service. Room Service. Bars, Restaurants/ Обслуживание номеров. Бары и рестораны.
Recreational Facilities. Convention. Banquets/ Оборудование, возможности для отдыха. Обслуживание конференций и банкетов.
Room Rates. Accounting/ Плата за проживание. Бухгалтерия.
Dealing with complaints/ Общение с клиентами по поводу жалоб.
6.2. Время на подготовку и выполнение:
Специфика подготовки заданий по иностранным языкам подразумевает необходимость разной установки времени на подготовку и выполнение в зависимости от уровня сложности и профессионализма задания. В связи с этим время на подготовку и выполнение заданий устанавливает преподаватель (от 10 минут до 90 минут).
6.3. Перечень объектов контроля и оценки:
Наименование объектов контроля и оценки Основные показатели оценки результата Оценка
- Переводить со словарём иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности
- Общаться устно и письменно на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы.
- Самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь, пополнять словарный запас.
Лексический и грамматический минимум в объеме 1200-1400 лексических единиц , необхожимый для чтения и первода со словарём иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности.
Студент обладает систематическим и глубоким знанием учебно-программного материала. Умеет свободно выполнять задания, предусмотренные программой; усвоил основную и знаком с дополнительной литературой, рекомендованной программой, усвоил взаимосвязь основных понятий дисциплины и их знаний для приобретаемой профессии, проявил творческие способности в понимании, изложении и использовании учебно-программного материала.
Студент, обнаруживший полное знание учебно-программного материала, успешно выполняет предусмотренные в программе
задания, усвоил основную литературу, рекомендованную программой. Показал систематический характер знаний по дисциплине и способен к их самостоятельному пополнению и
обновлению в ходе дальнейшей учебной работы и профессиональной деятельности.
Студент, обнаруживает знание
основного учебно-программного материала в объеме, необходимом для дальнейшей
учебы и предстоящей работы по специальности, справляется с выполнением
заданий, предусмотренных программой, знаком с основной литературой,
рекомендованной программой. Однако, допустил погрешности в ответе и при
выполнении практических заданий.
Студенту обнаруживает
пробелы в знаниях основного учебно-программного материала, допускает
принципиальные ошибки в выполнении предусмотренных программой заданий, не может продолжить обучение без дополнительных занятий по соответствующей дисциплине 5 ( отлично)
4 (хорошо )
3(удовлетворительно )
Шкала оценки образовательных достижений
Процент результативности (правильных ответов) Оценка уровня подготовки
балл (отметка) вербальный аналог
90 - 100 5 отлично
75 - 89 4 хорошо
50 - 74 3 удовлетворительно
менее 50 2 неудовлетворительно
6.4. Перечень материалов, оборудования и информационных источников, используемых в аттестации
Основные источники:
Агабекян И.П. Английский язык. Сервис и туризм. 2-е издание – Москва: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и Ко», 2013
Агабекян И.П. Английский язык . 20-е издание – Ростов-на-Дону: «Феникс», 2012
Сорокина Г.П. Английский язык. – Краснодар, 2006
Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 6-е издание – Москва: «ВЛАДОС», 2008
Щербакова Н.И., Звенигородская Н.С. Английский язык для специалистов сферы общественного питания. 7-е издание – Москва: Издательский центр «Академия», 2012
Карпова Т.А. Английский для колледжей. 8-е издание – Москва: Издательско-торговая корпорация «Дашков и Ко», 2011
Агабекян И.П. Английский для обслуживающего персонала. – Ростов-на-Дону: «Феникс», 2012
Дополнительные источники:
Mark Foley, Diane Hall “New Total English “ Elementary (A1 – A2) Student’s Book изд. Longman Pearson Education, 2011.
Mark Foley, Diane Hall “New Total English “ Elementary (A1 – A2) Workbook изд. Longman Pearson Education, 2011.
Mark Foley, Diane Hall “New Total English “ Elementary (A1 – A2) CD & DVD изд. Longman Pearson Education, 2011.
Melenciuc D. Practical Modern English Grammar.- Кишинёв: Издательский Центр ГУМ, 2009.
Tony Garside, Barbara Garside “ Essential Telephoning in English” Pre-Intermediate Student’s Book & Audio CD – Cambridge University Press
Francis O’Hara “Be My Guest! English for the hotel industry” Elementary - Cambridge University Press
Andrew Vaughan, Dorothy E.Zemach “Get Ready for Business” A1 – издательство «Макмиллан»
Электронные ресурсы:
Сборник тестов по английскому языку.
на комплект контрольно-оценочных средств по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский)» для специальности 101101 «Гостиничный сервис» (общий гуманитарный и социально-экономический цикл ОПОП СПО), разработанный преподавателем ГБОУ СПО КГТК КК Бухаровой Надеждой Александровной.
Рецензируемый комплект контрольно-оценочных средств учебной дисциплины составлен в соответствии с требованиями Федерального Государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования третьего поколения.
Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств разработан и оформлен в соответствии с макетом ФГОС СПО. Перечень показателей КОС составлен с учетом имеющихся в структуре программы умений и знаний, соответствующих программе дисциплины «Иностранный язык (английский)» для специальности 101101 «Гостиничный сервис». Задания для проверки теоретических знаний обучающихся по дисциплине носят компетентностно-ориентированный, комплексный характер.
В комплекте контрольно-оценочных средствт преподаватель предлагает подход к структурированию учебного материала и к организации деятельности студентов, основное содержание курса, тематическое планирование с характеристикой основных видов деятельности, описание материально-технического обеспечения.
Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств включает в себя общие положения, результаты освоения дисциплины, подлежащие проверке, распределение оценивания результатов обучения в виде контроля, распределение типов контрольных заданий по элементам знаний и умений, структуру контрольных заданий, экзаменационных билетов, творческих заданий, а также перечень объектов контроля и оценки. В работе указывается вид и содержание самостоятельной работы студентов, формы и методы контроля знаний. Автор предоставляет список рекомендуемой учебно-методической литературы и дополнительных ресурсов.
Следует отметить методически верный подход к составлению комплекта контрольно-оценочных средств по специальности 101101 «Гостиничный сервис». Рецензируемый комплект контрольно-оценочных средств соответствует Государственными требованиями к минимуму содержания и уровню подготовки выпускника по специальности 101101 «Гостиничный сервис» (общий гуманитарный и социально-экономический цикл ОПОП СПО) и отвечает требованиям ФГОС СПО 3-го поколения.
Рекомендуется для реализации в учебном процессе Краснодарского гуманитарно-технологического колледжа.
______________________________ _____________