Урок 5 по амереканской литературе на тему Г.Бичер Стоу — представительница аболиционизма в американской литературе

Урок Л* 5
Тема: Г.Бичер Стоу - представительница аболиционизма в американской литературе Задачи Практиковать учащихся в чтении и переводе с охватом основного содержания и в обсуждении прочитанного Учить учащихся выражать свое отношение к прочитанному. Развитие памяти и мышления.
Оснащение: “Reader”-2, “Digest”^, магнитофон, распечатки
Ход урока
I. Начало урока.И. Прослушивание “There Was a Little Girl" Henry Longfellow.
There was a little girl, she had a little curlRight m the middle of her forehead,
And when she was good, she was very, very good,
And when she was bad, she was horrid.
3383280-2252345Retell by heart. После проыушиштя.
Чтение "Harriet Beecher Stowe
Harriet Beecher Stowe(1811 - 1896)
Harriet Beecher Stowe was bom in the State of Connecticut in the North of the USA in the family of a poor clergyman The Beechers were a large and hard working family Harriet Beecher began to teach in a school for girls when she was thirteen She helped her elder sister Catherine Beecher, who had opened the school.
At that time family lived in a small town on the Ohio River. The town was situated not far from that part of the South where the life of slaves was especially hard. Slaves often ran away from their masters and went to Canada On their way to freedom they passed the town where the Beechers lived Harriet heard stories of the slave-markets, of broken Negro families, of the cruelties of masters.
In 1836 she married Calvin Stowe, a professor of theology They were not rich and Harriet had much work to do in the house, as well as looking after her children. She had four sons and three daughters When she had time, she attended a literary club and tried to write short stories. Some of the stories were printed in newspapers. In 1843 her best stories were published in the book “Mayflowers”
Progressive people in the USA were against slavery, and Harriet’s father organized an antislavery society, the members of which wanted to put an end to slavery They opened school for Negro children Harriet was an active member of the society She knew the conditions of life on the plantations and wrote articles for the newspapers published by the society Slave
owners often killed Newoes who fought against exploitation and burnt down their houses and villages Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote a short story about the death of an old Negro named Uncle Tom The story was published and was a great success with the readers The author was asked to continue the story and she wrote a whole novel describing the life of Uncle Tom and his family. In 1852 the novel “Uncle Tom's Cabin” was published The book had a great influence on anli-slaverv movement
Revolutionary democrats in Russia used the novel in their struggle against the Russian landowners In 1858 Sovremennik, a progressive magazine, published a Russian translation of "Uncle Tom’s Cabin"
Some American critics attacked the book sayinR that the facts in the novels were not true. H.Beecher Stowe then published another book, “Key to Uncle Tom’s Cabin" (1853). It was a collection of the documents used in her novel.
H.Beecher Stowe’s next anti-slavery novel was “Dred: A Tale of the Great Dismal Swamp” (1856), which tells about an uprising of slaves
When the Civil War between the North and the South began, Beecher Stowe wrote leaflets to the soldiers of the North She was proud of her son, who was a soldier in the army of the North Гп 1862 Abraham Lincoln. President of the USA, received her at the White House and said, "You are a little lady that provoked the great war.”
When the writer died in 1896, flowers were laid on her grave with the following words: “From Uncle Tom’s Children ’’
Беседа Г-Р1.Р2. P3...
Speak about the writer’s family
a Why did H.Beecher Stowe know the life of Negro slaves so well?
Say what progressive people of the USA thought of slavery and what they did to help the
4 Say how the novel “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was written and received by readers and by critics.
Speak about the writer’s activity in the Civil War 17. Чтение
‘'Uncle Tom’s Cabin”
Part I.
Mr.Shelby had a large plantation and many slaves in the South of America He never had enough money He borrowed large sums from a man. named Haley, whose business was to buy and sell slaves Mr Shelby could not pay the money back, and Haley said he would take Shelby’s house or some slaves Mr Shelby decided to sell Tom, w-ho helped him to look after the farm.
Tom is a good man, - said Mr Shelby ; -he helps me on the farm and 1 trust him.
Well, I’ll take your Tom if you add a boy or a girl to him, - answered Haley
I don’t think I have a boy or a girl that I could sell. If 1 could pay the money back I wouldn’t sell the slaves at all.
Here the door opened and a small Negro boy, between four and fives years of age, entered the room. Mr Shelby gave him some fruit and said, “Now, Harry, show this gentleman how you can dance and sing The boy began to sing one of the most popular Negro songs in a clear voice.
Bravo!- said Haley, throwing the boy a piece of an orange
Now, boy, walk like an old man1 - said Mr. Shelby. The boy began walking about the room, his master’s stick in his hand, in imitation of an old man
Hurrah! Bravo' What a boyl - said Haley - Shelby, I like that hoy, if you add him, the business is done,- at this moment the door opened and a young Negro woman about twenty-five entered the room You could tell immediately that she was the mother of the boy. The same beautiful dark eves and silky black hair
Well, Eliza? - asked her master as she stopped and looked at him.
I was looking for Harry, please. Sir
The bov ran to his mother showina her the nice things which he had got from the men for the
Well, take him away, then.- said Mr Shelby; and she quickly left the room, carrying the child in her arms
I say. Shelby. - said the trader. - that is a fine woman. You cold aet much money for her in New Orleans, any day. I’ve seen a thousand dollars paid for a girl like that
I don’t wan any money for her. My wife likes her and wouldn’t part with her I don’t want to speak about it.
Well, you’ll let me have the boy, won’t you'?- said the trader
What do you want the boy for? - asked Shelby
I have a friend who sells Rood boys in the market He sells them to rich people Boys can be waiters, open doors and help in the house
I'll think it over and talk to my wife. - said Mr. Shelby
But I want to know the result as soon as possible, - said Haley, rising and putting on his coat.
Well, come this evening between six and seven, and you’ll have my answer, - said Mr Shelby, and the trader left the house
Ш. Составить план (письменно) к I части.
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