План по английскому языку на тему What do you eat for breakfast? (5 класс)

Lesson plan 36
Date: 22.01.16
Grade: 5 “A”
The theme of the lesson: “What do you eat for breakfast?”
The aim of the lesson:    
a) Оқушыларға“What do you eat for breakfast?” тақырыбын меңгертіп,тақырыпқа байланысты жаңа сөздермен таныстырып, Present Simple грамматикасын жан жақты түсіндіру ;
b) Оқушылардың тыңдау, сөйлеу, жазу, оқу қабілеттері мен дағдыларын жан жақты дамыту;
c) Оқушыларды дұрыс тамақтануға, асты сыйлауға, білімсүйгіштікке, ұқыптылыққа, жинақылыққа, жүйелілікке тәрбиелеу.
The type of the lesson: аралас сабақ
The methods: түсіндіру, сұрақ-жауап, жарыс, дәптермен, тақтамен жұмыс.
The visual aids: cards, placards, textbook, scales and video project, presentation.
The procedure of the lesson:
1. Organization moment
2. Phonetic drill
3. Checking home task
4. Presentation
5. Practice
6. Production
7. Conclusion
8. Homework
I. Organization moment.
A conversation with duties.- Good afternoon pupils. Who’s on duty today?
- Who’s absent today?
- What season is it now?
- Do you like spring?
II. Checking homework.
- What was the homework for today?
- Who wants to begin?
- Exercise 16 page: 60
III. Phonetic drill.
- Pupils, look at the blackboard. There is a poem. I’ll read, then you should repeat after me all together.
Breakfast in the morning,
Dinner in the day
Tea comes after dinner,
Then comes time to play
IV. Presentation.
-Now, pupils open your copy-books and write down today’s date and the theme of our lesson. Today’s theme is “What do you eat for breakfast?”
Сыныпты 3 топқа бөлем:
1- Fruits
2- Drinks
New words:
Pork - шошқа етіMutton - қой етіBeef - сиыр етіSausage -шұжық 
Fish -балық
Chicken -тауық етіWeight -салмакPound -фунт
Equal -тең
Grammar: Present Simple (do/does) Осы шақ
Positive sentences
I eat fruits
You eat fruits
She/he eats fruits
Negative sentences
I do not (don`t) eat fruits
You do not (don`t) eat fruits
She/he does not (doesn`t) eat fruits
Question sentences
Do I eat fruits?
Do You eat fruits? Yes,I do/No,I don`t
Does She/he eat fruits? Yes, She/he does/No, She/he doesn`t
V. Practice.
T: We continue our lesson
- What do you eat for breakfast? (dinner, supper).
- I eat ______ for breakfast.
( to use names of food in their speech)
T: Pupils, you are so activity today. The next task is a dialogue between Asel and Jenny. You must read and translate it. (Ex 2.p 136).Then I’ll give you cards, you must complete it.                                      (Working with cards)                                                   Aspen High School                                                   Name: _________________
Name: Asel Bolatkyzy                                              Colour of hair: _______________
Colour of hair: black                                                 Colour of eyes: _______________
Colour of eyes: Brown                                              Height: ______________________
Height: 5 feet                                                            Weight: ______________________
Weight: 105 pounds
Relax time: “Heads,shoulders, knees and toes!”
 VI. Production
Task-3. Writing.Ok pupils I`ll give you verbs, you should make sentences in the blackboard
1- Fruits write (You)
2- Drinks drink (She)
3-Foods Swim (We) 
VII.Conclusion and marks:
T: So, very good pupils. You showed the best knowledge in English. Today we have talked about health and food. To the sum up I want to play a game with you: The game is called “Night and Day”
When I say Night you should close your eyes, and when I say Day you should open your eyes at that moment I`ll say one Kazakh word you should translate this word.
T: Let`s count your stars.
T: You were very active today your mark is 5, your mark is 4
VIII. Homework
Your home task is to make a dialogue with new words.
Open your mark book and write dawn the homework
Lesson is over!
Good bye!
БЕКІТЕМІН Директордың әдістемелік
Мектеп директоры жұмыстары жөніндегі орынбасары
Рақымжан.Б.К Беспаев О.Д

Тақырыбы: “What do you eat for breakfast?”

Пән мұғалімі: Бейсенова Д.М
Сыныбы: 5 «А»
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