Учебное занятие по английскому языку в 9 классе на тему Хобби

Рахманько Татьяна Леонидовна
Учитель английского языка
ГУО «Средняя школа № 14 г. Пинска»
Категория первая, педагогический стаж 7 лет
Урок английского языка в 9 классе
Тема урока: Как избежать скуки?
Второе занятие по теме
Тип урока: комбинированный
Формы и методы определены, исходя из целей и задач урока, в соответствии с уровнем подготовки учащихся и имеют коммуникативную направленность
Цели урока:
- формирование коммуникативных компетенций по теме “How do you spend your free time? Hobbies”;
-развитие познавательных интересов учащихся, умения социального общения в совместной деятельности;
-формирование творческого мышления учащихся, умения обосновывать свою точку зрения.
Задачи урока:
-учебная: формировать навыки и умения в понимании и восприятии иноязычной речи на слух, чтении, устной речи по теме “How do you spend your free time?” с использованием введенного ранее лексического материала;
-познавательная: продолжить ознакомление учащихся с различными видами увлечений;
-развивающая: развивать интерес к учебно-познавательной деятельности на иностранном языке, развивать логику, внимание, память, целостность высказывания;
-воспитательная: воспитание познавательного интереса, положительной мотивации к изучению иностранного языка.
Оборудование: компьютер, на доске фото и картины с изображением различных видов хобби.
Февраль 2012
Ход урока:
Организационная часть.
T: Good morning, students. Glad to see you. Sit down, please.
II. Речевая разминка.
T: Let’s start. We have an interesting topic for discussion, but first I’d like you to tell me what lesson you would like to have? Give characteristics using just adjectives. For example: interesting, funny, etc.
P1: Useful.
P2: Unusual, etc. (Учащиеся говорят, какой урок они хотели бы иметь, используя прилагательные, учитель записывает их на доске в столбик.)
T: I’ll do my best to make the lesson useful, interesting, unusual, etc.
I hope you remember that yesterday we started learning the new topic "Leisure”. Today we’ll continue our work on it.
Now I d like you to listen to a small poem and be ready to describe the author of this poem (his character, I mean) and his main life problem.
There's nothing for me in this town.
Everywhere I go people put me down
There's nowhere to go and nothing to see,
There's nobody here to think about me
Nothing to do... No, no... Nothing to do
My parents say, "Why don't you go somewhere?
Why don't you find a job? Why don't you cut your hair ?My parents talk, but they don't understand
There isn't anything for me in this land.
Everyone everywhere every time says "No."
Life here is boring, life here is slow,
Nothing to do... No, no... Nothing to do.So, what do you think about this person? Is he a pessimist? Is he a stay-at-home or a sloth? Is he full of beans? (ученики описывают характер человека, написавшего данный стих)
Could you give him some advice? Remember when we give advice we usually use the modal verb should.
P1: I think he should find what to do in his spare time.
P2: To my mind he should take
T: Yes I also think that he should take up some hobby. Because the best way to avoid boredom is to do something in your free time.III. Контроль лексического материала предыдущих уроков.
T: Can you give me all possible synonyms to "free time"
P1: leisure, spare time,
P2: recreational activity, favorite occupation or hobby.
T: How do you understand the notion "leisure time". Give me the definition please.
P1: It is free time we spend on our recreational activities
P2: It is time apart from our work and studies
P3, P4….
Now let's remember the names of different hobbies.
Name hobbies connected with physical activity
P1: swimming, boating, pedal boating, yoga, dancing
Connected with entertainment
P2: cinema, theatre, reading, music, watching movies, TV
Connected with creating of something
P3: Knitting, crocheting, embroidery, making models, candles, photography, design
Connected with learning something
P4: Reading, watching TV, learning languages
T: Well-done, thank you.
IV.Просмотр видео фрагмента (с извлечением необходимой информации)
We've revised the words. Now let's listen to a short video. Take some pieces of paper and try to put down the names of all hobbies mentioned
Scuba diving
Play video games
Do bikes
Play basketball
Being outside
Movies Clubs
Walk out
Rhyme poetry
Water skiing
T: Yes, you are right, I'd like you to divide all this words into 2 groups: the group past time and the group hobby.
Can you explain the difference between past time and hobby?
Ps: No.
T: Then please watch one more video and be ready to explain what pastime and hobby mean. And put down new phrasal words. Be ready to explain their meaning too.
You don't do too much work. You don't need to learn a skill. It helps you to relax Hobby
Something you do and you need a skill for it.
Get into smth Овладеть чем-либо To brush up Восстановить знания, освежить
T: So we' ve discussed different types of hobbies and the words connected with them. Now let's discuss the main functions of hobbies. What for do we need them?

P1: to entertain us
P2: to make our life more interesting,
P3: to enjoy ourselves
P4: to find new friends ………
VI.Чтение с извлечением необходимой информации
T: Now let's read the information from ex. 1 p. 181. Let's add some more functions:
Ps: to keep the mind active, keeps the body energetic, emotions under control, to bring joy and relaxation, to make life exiting.
T: So can you advice everyone to take up hobby. Why?
Ps (express their own opinions using the information on the blackboard)
T: Let’s work with the task on page 182 (the 1st six paragraphs). You'll have one minute to think it over. Give proper advice for every person using the information on page 183 under the letters,
Ex. 2c p. 183
Match the words with their translation
VII.Монологическое высказывание по теме
T: Now you are to work in pairs and describe the hobby trying to use as many active words as possible.
Doing sports
Collecting smthWatching TV or movies
Listening to music
So we've done a lot today. Your marks are…..Thanks for your work. Now I'll give you magnets. Fix them to the blackboard opposite the words describing our lesson.
IХ. Постановка домашнего задания.