Тест по английскому языку по теме Active Voice

Контрольная работа в 8 классе
the Passive Voice and the Active Voice
I. State the tense forms of the verb in the Passive or Active:

was not answered
will be done
is starting
is being wanted
has been put
were being given
will have be
·__ (to bring) new textbooks next wee.

III. Translate

Послушай! Играют очень знакомую мелодию.
Дети не ложились спать, пока елка не была украшена.
Самые важные новости печатаются в газетах.
Вас обслужат через пять минут.
После обеда посуда была вымыта.
Результаты уже объявили.
Письмо было написано вчера к пяти часам.
Обед готовился вчера в 2 часа.
Домашнее задание будет сделано завтра к 8 часам.
Английский язык изучается в школе уже в течение нескольких лет.

IV. Ma
·ke these sentences passive. Make the underlined words subjects of the passive sentences:

They offered me a cup of tea.
Students take examinations at the end of each term.
The waiter will serve you breakfast in five minutes.
We have just sent for the doctor.
The lights went out when they were serving the meal.
The police were following him until he got to the office.
They haven’t brought back my skates.
They are repairing the clock now.
He had interrupted me.
10. I will have read this book by 10 o’clock tomorrow.