Конспект урока Экология. Экологические проблемы.

Государственное автономное образовательное учреждение
Мурманской области среднего профессионального образования
«Мурманский строительный колледж им. Н.Е. Момота»
на заседании предметно-цикловой комиссии
филологических дисциплин
«11» сентября 2014 г.
Председатель ПЦК
_________________ И.А. Вдовина
Разработчик: Карпенко Е.А., преподаватель английского языка Мурманского строительного колледжа
Цели урока:
Воспитание нравственного гражданина, формирование гармонично развитой личности, воспитание толерантного отношения к окружающей среде, расширение кругозора.
Развитие регулятивных, познавательных, коммуникативных и личностных способностей студентов. Формирование ключевых компетенций (постановка проблемы и поиск путей ее решения, осуществление поиска и использование информации, умение работать в коллективе, применение приобретенных знаний на практике).
Обучение монологической речи по теме, обучение поисковому (извлечение конкретной информации) и изучающему (полное понимание прочитанного) видам чтения.
Тип урока: комбинированный
Форма: традиционный с элементами использования инновационных технологий (технология проблемно-диалогического обучения, проектная технология).
Оснащение урока: раздаточный материал по теме, средства мультимедиа, презентация.
Структура урока:
Организационный момент.
Определение проблемы урока и постановка студентами цели урока.
Актуализация ранее изученных знаний по теме.
Открытие нового знания.
Решение проблемы урока.
Домашнее задание. Подведение итогов урока.
Ход урока:
Организационный момент.
Вступительное слово преподавателя. Определение темы урока.
Good morning. I’m glad to see all of you. Look at the screen and at the picture. Can you guess the topic of our lesson today?
По фотографии студенты называют тему урока. Преподаватель зачитывает эпиграф к уроку.
As an epigraph of our lesson I’d like to read a phrase of one of the most famous English writers John Galsworthy: “If you don’t think about your future you will not have it”.
Определение проблемы урока и постановка студентами цели урока.
Преподаватель помогает студентам определить цель урока, используя подводящий диалог и опорные словосочетания на экране (It’s a really hot problem nowadays. It’s just a topic of the lesson, I don’t care of it. Flora and fauna are in danger. We must take care of our environment. I don’t think that pollution is a global problem. We must find the right way to save our land, people and animals.).
So, as far as we said, the topic of our lesson is ecology. Why we should speak about ecology and ecological problems?
Студенты определяют цель урока:
We must find the right way to save our land, people and animals.
Актуализация ранее изученных знаний по теме.
To find the right way to save our land we should remember new words and word combinations and information you have already learnt.
Повторение значения слов и словосочетаний по теме:
to pollute
wastesenvironmentinfluenceemissionsto increase
carbon dioxiderelationship between all forms of life
intensive development
rapid growth of population
nuclearchemicalglobal warming
living beings
to take care
to cut down
oxygento survive
to rescue
trees and plants
natureto destroyПовторение информации по теме.
Look at your activity sheets (приложение 1) and match the answers with the questions.
Студенты соединяют вопросы и ответы по теме, далее преподаватель читает вопросы, студенты на них отвечают.
Открытие нового знания.
Студентам предлагается текст с пропущенными словами (приложение 2), студенты выполняют задание и самостоятельно проверяют задание. Ответы на экране:
1). ecology2). forests
3). oxygen
4). breathing
5). Greenpeace
6). wildlife
7). flora and fauna
8). natureЗатем студентам предлагается высказать свое мнение по теме с использованием опорных фраз на экране:
People depend on…
At present … are in danger.
Our ecology …
People destroy…
We can’t live without …
One of the organizations … is Greenpeace.
To save our planet we must …
Решение проблемы урока.
Работа в группах. Дано несколько текстов о глобальных проблемах (Приложение 3). Каждой из групп дается один текст, студенты выписывают, а затем озвучивают пути решения глобальных проблем.
Домашнее задание. Подведение итогов урока.
Make up a list of global environmental problems and propose your way of solving them. Illustrate your material with pictures.
Приложение 1
Match the questions with the answers.
What is ecology? It includes our planet’s population, animals, birds, fish, insects, all other living beings.
232600525717500What does ecology include? Many territories, water basins, lakes, rivers, seas, oceans and atmosphere are polluted.
Where did the word ecology come from? There are such kinds of wastes as technological, agricultural, chemical, nuclear.
What territories are polluted? The intensive development of science, industry, chemistry, rapid growth of population has made it a global problem.
What kinds of wastes do you know? It is a science which studies the relationship between all forms of life on our planet with its environment.
What has made the pollution of our environment a global problem? This word came from the Greek which means home.
What increases carbon dioxide? The most important influence on the weather of the future is to be a global warming.
What is the most important influence on the weather of the future? Industrial and transportation emissions increase carbon dioxide.
Приложение 2
Fill in the gaps with the words given in the box.
center0Greenpeace, oxygen, forests, ecology, breathing, nature, wildlife,
flora and fauna
020000Greenpeace, oxygen, forests, ecology, breathing, nature, wildlife,
flora and fauna

People depend on the planet, on the Sun, on animals and plants around them. People must take care of the Earth. Our 1___________________ becomes worth and worth with every new day. People destroy 2 _____________________________and cut down trees to make furniture.
They forget that they can’t live without trees and plants, because they fill the air with
3 ______________________. Oxygen is necessary for our 4 _______________________.
We can’t stay indifferent to these problems.
There are a lot of special organizations which are trying to save our nature. One of them is 5 _____________________________. Their aim is to help 6_________________________to survive, to rescue animals, to save 7 __________________________, which are in danger of destruction. We must find the right way to save our land, people and animals. We must take care of 8 ______________________________ because we are a part of it.
Приложение 3
What are the right ways to save our planet? Write down the ways of solving ecological problems. Use the texts given below or express your own opinion.
Environmental problems Ways of solving
Each person threw away about 4 pounds of trash daily. Put it all together and you’d fill 45000 trash trucks every day. About 1/3 of this waste comes from packaging.
Some companies have begun to use less packaging and some cities started recycling projects. In these ways we can make less trash. Everyone should look at what they trough away and try to throw away less. ENERGY
When we burn coal and oil for energy, we cause pollution. But little by little we’re getting more energy from the sun and the wind. This energy is clean and renewable.
Many electric companies have discovered that saving energy is better than making new energy. Also we should use energy-saving bulbs. POISONS in FOOD
Farmers often spray chemicals on crops to protect them against pests. These chemicals are called pesticides. Pesticides can cause health problems – especially for kids. Scientists try to help farmers to find ways to protect crops without using pesticides. AIR POLLUTION
The main problem is the pollution of air. A lot of people have their own cars and a lot of companies, especially transport ones, use lorries in their work. These transport facilities do a lot of damage to nature. Lately the number of cars and garages in our yards has decreased but it would be better to use another transport, to move the garages to the suburbs.
Electric minivans have been invented. Such cars don’t pollute the air. TREE CUTTING
Another problem which is worth mentioning is the tree cutting. Trees are a source of oxygen and clean air. So, by doing this people simply violate the biological balance. Many animals are in danger. All the above mentioned ecological problems are the result of man’s careless interaction with nature.
If we start recycling paper and cardboard, we can save lots of trees. Local governments can also help to prevent some problems, if they forbid logging companies to destroy the forests. Also the World Wildlife Fund is fighting to save animals from extinction.