Конспект урока английского языка по теме: «Страна изучаемого языка и родная страна» (Учебник для 4 класса школ с углублённым изучением английского языка под редакцией Верещагиной И.Н, Афанасьевой О.В. )

Урок английского языка в 4 классе
Урок по теме: «Страна изучаемого языка и родная страна»
«Heroes of the Great Patriotic War»
Цель: Формировать навыки аудирования по теме “ Our country”
Задачи: 1. Научить учащихся понимать тексты о героях Великой Отечественной войны
2. Расширить словарный запас по теме
3. Развивать навыки языковой догадки
Оборудование: мультимедийный проектор, компьютер, книги о героях Великой Отечественной войны «Ратная доблесть Белгородцев», «Stories About Young Heroes”, журнал для изучающих английский язык «Speak out”, картинки с изображением пионеров - героев.
Ход урока
Warming- up
Teacher: What day will be after tomorrow?
Pupil: The ninth of May.
T: What kind of holiday will you celebrate?
P: Victory Day
Introduction of the lesson’s theme
Today we are going to listen to the stories about heroes of the Great Patriotic War and speak on the topic.
What word associations you can name. Look at the pictures.
Alexei Maresyev

Heroes of War

Pre- listening activity
Answering the questions
Introduction of new words
(new words are in presentation)
Writing the words down into the copy – books
Listening activity
Children listen to the stories and watch the presentation about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War.
Post- listening activity
Answering the questions
Underlining main facts in each text
Discussing the answers in pairs
Speaking on the texts using key words
Remembering about using Past Tenses for retelling
Help to find the verbs in each story.
Presentation of the stories.
Pupils present their stories about heroes, using pictures and photos.
Retell about heroes of the Great Patriotic War (who wants to get “5”
Write down some sentences about one hero of War ( who wants to get “4”
Draw a picture on the topic and label on English (who wants to get “ 3”
Did you like our lesson?
Was it interesting?
What have you learnt at the lesson?
Who do you want to be like at? Why?
Would you make a friend with any of them?

Text 1

Yuta Bondarovskaya In the summer of 1941 from Leningrad on a school vacation it has arrived to village near Pskov. Utah the terrible message Here has overtaken: war! From there she has seen the enemy. Utah began to help guerrillas. First was coherent, then. Having changed clothes the boy-poor, collected on villages of data: where a staff of fascists as it is protected, how many machine guns. Coming back from the task, at once tied a red tie. And as if forces increased! Utah supported tired fighters a sonorous pioneer song, the story about native Leningrad... And as were pleased everything as guerrillas congratulated Utah when the message has come to group: blockade is broken through! Leningrad, has won Leningrad! That day and dark blue eyes of Utah, and its red tie, apparently, never. But still the ground groaned under an enemy yoke, and the group together with parts of Red Army has left to help guerrillas of Estonia. In one of fights - at the Estonian farm Rostov - Utah, the small heroine of the big war, not left the red tie, has fallen death brave. The native land has awarded the heroic daughter posthumously with a medal to " the Guerrilla of Domestic war " 1 degrees, an award of Domestic war of 1 degree.

Valya Kotik
He was born on February, 11th, 1930 in village Hmelevka of area Shepetovska of Khmelnitskiy area. He went to school №4 of Shepetovka, was the recognized leader of pioneers, the coevals. When fascists have rushed in Shepetovka, bringing down together with friends has decided to struggle with the enemy. Children have collected the weapon which then guerrillas on a cart with hay have forwarded to group on a place of fights. Having looked narrowly at the boy, guerrillas have entrusted the Shaft to be coherent and the scout in the underground organization. It learned an arrangement of enemy posts, the order of changing of the guard. Fascists have planned retaliatory operation against the guerrilla, and Bringing down, having tracked down the hitlerite officer headed chastisers, has killed it... When in city arrests have begun, Bringing down together with mum and brother Victor has left to guerrillas. The pioneer to whom it was only just executed fourteen years, battled shoulder to shoulder to adults, releasing the native ground. On its account - six enemy echelons, blown up on a way to front. Bringing down Kotik. Awards a medal to " the Guerrilla of Domestic war " 2 degrees. An award of " Domestic war " 1 degrees. A rank «the Hero of Soviet Union " posthumously. Valya Kotik was lost as the hero. Before school in which this brave pioneer studied, the monument is put to it.

Marat Kazei... War has fallen upon the Belarus ground. In village where veins Marat with mum, Anna Aleksandrovna Kazej, fascists have rushed. In autumn it was not necessary to go to school in the fifth class any more. Fascists have transformed a school building into the barracks. The enemy came. Anna Aleksandrovna Kazej has been seized by communication with guerrillas, and soon Ìàðàò has learned, that mum have hung up in Minsk. The anger and hatred to the enemy filled heart of the boy. Together with the sister, pioneer Marat Kazej has left to guerrillas in Stan'kovskii a wood. He became the scout in a staff of a guerrilla brigade. Got into enemy garrisons and delivered to command valuable data. Using these data, guerrillas have developed impudent operation and have crushed fascist garrison in the city of Dzerzhinsk... Marat participated in fights and invariable showed courage, fearlessness, together with skilled demolition men mined the railway. He was lost in fight. Battled up to last cartridge and when with it has remained only one pomegranate, has admitted enemies more close and has blown up them... And. For courage and courage pioneer Marat Kazej has been awarded ranks of the Hero of Soviet Union.

Zina Portnova
(Zinaida Martynovna Portnova). Born Feb. 20, 1926, in Leningrad; died January 1944 in the village of Goriany, now in Shumilino Raion, Vitebsk Oblast. Young Soviet partisan heroine during the Great Patriotic War of 1941–45. Hero of the Soviet Union (July 1, 1958, posthumously). Member of the Komsomol from 1943. Daughter of a worker.
Portnova arrived in early June 1941 at the village of Zuia, near Obol’ station, Vitebsk Oblast, for the summer vacation. In 1942 she became a member of the Obol’ underground Komsomol youth organization Iunye Mstiteli (Young Avengers), led by E. S. Zen’kova, and served as a member of the group’s committee. Portnova distributed leaflets among the population and took part in sabotage actions. From August 1943 she served as a scout for the K. E. Voroshilov Partisan Detachment of the V. I. Lenin Brigade. In December 1943, while returning from a mission to investigate the causes for the failure of the Iunye Mstiteli organization, she was arrested in the village of Mostishche and identified as a traitor. At one of the interrogation sessions, Portnova seized the investigator’s pistol from the table, shot him and two other Hitlerites, and tried to flee. She was caught and brutally tortured.