Урок на тему Look at teenager’s problems

Тема: Look at teenager’s problems.
Учебный аспект:1.Развивать навыки и умения устной речи: монологической – через выполнение различных упражнений и составления резюме по итогам интервью; диалогической – через составление диалога-интервью.
Развивающий аспект: Развивать фонематический слух, способность к переключению внимания в разных видах речевой деятельности, к планированию своего высказывания, к выбору выражений, адекватных ситуации, к осуществлению репродуктивных и продуктивных речевых действий, развитие памяти и способности к анализу.
Коммуникативный аспект: Учить учащихся выражать свое личное отношение к проблеме, аргументировать свое высказывание, определять и формулировать собственные пути решения проблемы.
Воспитательный аспект: Формирование потребности осознавать и анализировать трудные ситуации, самому находить выход из них, воспитание толерантного отношения к проблемам других людей и желания помочь им.
Лексические единицы: A problem, an argument, a behavior, a trouble, a punishment, comfortable, angry, upset, depressed, happy, surprised, feel, look, allow, agree, do smb’s best.
Оформление доски: английские и русские афоризмы (русские афоризмы перепутаны):
The good we have today Никогда не бойся повернуть
Becomes the happiness tomorrow. Назад с неверного пути.

There is no ill luck in turning back, Если не видишь в жизни светлой стороны,
If you are on the wrong road. Протри темную и взгляни на нее.

It is always easier to settle Добро, сделанное сегодня,
Differences by shaking Завтра обернется счастьем.
Hands, not fists.

If you can’t see the bright side Разногласия лучше улаживать рукопожатием,
Polish up the dark one and Чем рукоприкладством.
Look at it.

Ход урока
1. Организационный момент:
а) Good afternoon. How are yo
· (Один учащийся называет слово, другой повторяет его и добавляет свое и т.д.).
c) Give associations:
a trouble

d) Match the words with the same meaning.
A trouble express disagreement
Comfortable lucky
I’m allowed to invite my friend’s home.
3. Have you got any problems in your life?
We’ll watch video. One teen, his name is Tim, has got a problem too. Listen to the teen’s conversation and say what kind of problem Tim has got. (Биболетова М.З. «Enjoy English 4»).

Have you got any problems with your sister or brother? What kind of problem?
Is it good for your brother or sister that you take care of them?
And what do you think about this proverb:
The good we do today Добро, сделанное сегодня,
Becomes the happiness tomorrow. Завтра обернется счастьем.

Read the English equivalent.

4. Are you tired? We have a rest.
If I speak the negative feelings, you’ll stamp your feet.
If I speak the positive feelings, you’
· Никогда не бойся повернуть назад
If you are on the wrong road. С неверного пути.

Is a problem a wrong road? Find the English equivalent. Read it.

And what kind of problems do teen’s have else?

6. Read the texts and be ready
· to make the tasks (worksheet 3).
Simone. I have a big problem. All my friends smoke, they think it’s really cool but I don’t. They can’t imagine any party without alcohol. I am a merry, sociable girl and I needn’t such things. My friends don’t understand that I really don’t want to. I am fed up with them telling me try. But I am so depressed. I feel very alone myself.
Jim. Who can help me? I like to play computer. But I need more pocket money so I can buy some new computer games. All my friends have Saturday jobs, but my Mum won’t let me get one. She says I’ll be too tired to do my school work. BesidesI have ti take care of my little sister. It’s so boring. I am so angry about it.
Julia. I’m in the 9th form and I have to choose the subjects for the next year. My parents and my teachers want me to continue History because I’ve got good marks, but I really hate History. I want to learn English and French. I want to travel when I leave school. No one listens to me. I’m upset.
Martin. I don’t feel comfortable with my classmates. I like to read the books and to learn much interesting about different things. I like to study and I have good marks. But I don’t like sport. My classmates call me names and say I’m too tall and pale.
a) Tick: true or false (ex.1)


Simone has a problem with her friends.

She wants to smoke and drink alcohol.

Simone is very independent.

Jim has enough pocket money.

He is allowed to get a Saturday job.

Julia wants to travel around the world.

Martin doesn’t like to study.

Julia wants to learn History.

His classmates call him nicknames.

b) Make up the sentences:
1. Simone is depressed because
2. Jim gets angry because
3. Julia feels upset because
4. Martin feels uncomfortable because

7. Which proverb helps us to solve the problem with our friends?
Read it. Read the English equivalent.
It is always easier to settle Добро, сделанное сегодня,
Differences by shaking Завтра обернется счастьем.
Hands, not fists.

8. Look at the mirror (worksheet 4). Write down your problems on the left of the mirror, and the ways of solving of these problems – on the right. Draw your face in the mirror and write down your feelings after our lesson.

9. Make up the conclusion of our lesson: Can you solve the problems yourself?

And if you can’t solve:
If you can’t see the bright side Если не видишь в жизни светлой
Polish up the dark one and стороны, протри темную и
Look at it. Взгляни на нее.

Thank you for the lesson.

Do you like many subjects?

Have you got any school problems?

What kind of problem is the most important for you?

Are your classmates talkative/ friendly/ stupid/ angry?

Are your teachers strict/ easy – going/ normal/ skilled?

Are your lessons interesting/ fun/ boring/ useful?

How can you solve your problem?

How do you often feel yourself at school
