Урок англійської мови для 6 класу з теми: Зовнішність людини. Зовнішність друга

Тема: Зовнішність людини. Зовнішність друга.
Організувати роботу з оперування лексико-граматичним матеріалом з теми « Зовнішність», автоматизувати дії учнів у говорінні, читанні, письмі, перекладі, ознайомити учнів з новими ЛО і практикувати їх і вживанні;
Розвивати мовну інтуїцію, мовну реакцію, збагачувати словниковий запас учнів;
Виховувати активність, культуру спілкування, інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, заохочувати до вивчення нового.
Тип уроку: Урок формування та вдосконалення знань, вмінь, навичок
Методи навчання, прийоми: складання семи, робота в парах, розгадування загадок, гра, ведення словника, виконання вправ
Обладнання: тематичні картки, індивідуальні завдання, підручники, зошити, словники, схематична таблиця.
Міжпредметні зв’язки: біологія, естетика, література
Хід уроку
І.Початок уроку
1.Організація класу до активної роботи на уроці
Т: Good morning, children! Sit down please. How are you? Are you happy? Who is absent today? Why? Is he/she ill?
Are you ready for the lesson? Let’s begin our lesson.
2. Мотивація навчальної діяльності учнів. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T: The today's topic is “Parts of the body”. Today you will learn new words, practice using the words on the topic and improve your speaking skills.
And now repeat after me.
Mr. Hall is very tall. Who is tall? Mr. Hall.
Mr. Cort is very short. Who is sport? Mr. Cort.
Mr. Pick is very thick. Who is thick? Mr. Pick.
Mr. Lynn is very thin. Who is thin? Mr. Lynn.
T: Very well. And now what words do you associate with our topic “Parts of the body”?

II. Основна частина уроку
1. Контроль домашнього завдання
T: Ok. Very good. And now we’ll check on your homework. How is with your homework. Who will be the first?
2. Виконання лексико-граматичних вправ
(з використанням різних видів ігрових моментів)
T: OK. Write down and say about yours: face…
face – oval, round
nose – short, long, turned-up, straight
eyes – blue, black, hazel, green, glay, brown
hair – fair, dark, long, short, curly, wavy
lips – thin, rosy, red, thick
shoulders – broad, narrow
eyelashes – long, short
Example: My face is…
T: And now, we'll play game “Snowball”.
P1: This is a girl.
P2: This is a girl. She is tall.
P3: This is a girl. She is tall. Her face is round…
T: Copy the “Parts of the Body” words.
look, body, animal, ear, book
pen, pond, hand, leg, tomato
arm, plate, cup, arm-chair, head
foot, boot, eye, open, mouth
grass, nose, finger, berry, fruit
hair, shoulder, super, table, toe.
T: Very well, children. And now read the sentences and write down the common word.
They are blue, brown, grey…
It has got a nose, mouth and eyes…
The body has got two…
It has got five fingers…
A foot has got five…
It's long, short, blond or dark…
A head has got two eyers and two…
They are in the mouth and they are white…
T: Complete the sentences using the “Parts of the Body” words.
A hand has five…
A foot has five…
An adult has thirty-two…
You smell with your…
You hear with your…
You taste with your…
The… symbol of love.
The little girl likes to sit on her daddy's…
You have two… and two…
You wear a hat on your…
T: And now children listen to the following texts and tell the names of the fairy-tale characters.
=Winnie – the – Pooh=
It is a small bear. He has many friends: Rabbit, Pig.
He is small and very thin. His nose is very long. His hair is long too. He has a hat on. He is kind to his friends. He helps them. He is made of wood.
=Riding Hood=
She is very nice little girl. She loves her mother and her grandmother. She has a write skirt on. She has a red hat on. She has a basket in her hand.
=Karabas – Barabas=
He is a very big man. He has got a very long beard. His mouth is big and round. His eyes are very big and round too.
She is beautiful. She has long fair hair. Her eyes are big. She has no nice dresses. She has no beautiful shoes. She sleeps in the kitchen. She has no mother. Her sisters have beautiful dresses and shoes.
She is very nice girl. She has a round face. Her eyes are large and blue. Her hair is blue. It is long. She has a blue ribbon in her hair. Her nice dress is blue too. She has shoes on. She is very nice and clever. She can read and write. She helps her friends.
T: We'll translate into English these sentences.
Це його голова, а це його очі.
Волосся Ані чорне, очі та брови також чорні.
Обличчя Мері кругле, ніс прямий та довгий, щоки рожеві, губи тонкі.
Шия Тома коротка, а плечі широкі.
Джон – високий чоловік, і його руки та ноги довгі.
У неї кругле підборіддя і вузькі плечі.
Волосся Джейн світле, ніс прямий. Губи повні, обличчя овальне. Вона – невисока жінка.
Хелен – гарненька дівчина.
У мого брата кучеряве волосся.
У Еліс кирпатий ніс і зелені очі.
T: And now we'll play game “Detective”.
Role 1: You are a detective. Ask the witness questions about the appearance of the man you are looking for.
Role 2: You are a witness. Answer the detective's questions.
• Is the man tall or short? He is tall
very tall
• What colour is his hair? It is fair
• What kind of nose does he have? He has a straight nose
turned - up
• What does he have on? He has a coat
jacket on
suit on
ІІІ Заключна частина уроку
1. Рефлексія. Підбиття підсумків уроку та виставлення оцінок.
T: Ok. You worked hard in the lesson. Well done, children!
What have you been doing in the lesson? Your marks are…
2.Повідомлення домашнього завдання.
T: Your homework: use your notes to draw a picture and write a description of one member of your family.