«Утверждаю» «Утверждаю»
Зам. Директора по УМР Зам. Директора по УР
_______ Р.Ж.Хадишина ______І.Ж.Қиқымова

Председатель ПЦК ______К.У Байкенова

Преподаватель______С.Е.БатырбаеваАЛМАТЫ 2016
Технологическая карта
Дисциплина/Subject: Английский язык/English language
Дата/Date: 07/12/2016
Группf/Group: МЗ1р
№ урока/of lesson: 39-40
Тема занятия/Theme of the lesson: Travelling. Types of tourism.
Цель занятия/Aim of the lesson: углублять знания по страноведению; дать рекомендации по публичному выступлению; /to teach students to speak about their family using the new words and new grammar
Задачи занятия/Tasks of the lesson:
Образовательная/Educational: пополнить словарный запас и углублять знания по теме туризма и путешествия. Дать рекомендации по публичному выступлению;/to teach students to speak about their holidays using the new words and new grammar
Развивающая/Practical: совершенствовать коммуникативную компетенцию обучающихся, эмоциональную и эстетическую стороны в процессе обучения английскому языку /to form students’ speaking, listening, reading and writing skills
Воспитательная/Developing: повышать познавательный интерес обучающихся к английскому языку в процессе проектной работы, учить обучающихся работе в парах и группах./to develop students’ thinking and memory perception using the new theme
Тип занятия/Type of the lesson: Объяснение новой лексической темы, комбинированный и практический урок/new theme,combined and practical lesson
Межпредметная связь/Сonnection with other subjects: казахский и русский языки/Kazakh and Russian languages
Оснащения занятия/Teaching materials and visual aids:
учебно-наглядные пособия/visual aids: схема, плакаты, фонетическая зарядка/posters,phonetic drill
раздаточный материал/distribution materials: разноуровневые задания на карточках, тексты, диалоги, карточки для игр/cards, gamecards, phrases, dictionaries.
ТСО/technological materials: аудио и видео записи, презентационные слайды, электронные приложения и игры, электронные картинки/audio and video materials, slides, pictures
Ход занятия/Procedure:
Organization moment:
Stands up! Stands still! Good morning! Sit down!
Who is on duty today? I’m on duty today.
What date is it today? Today is the 7th of December.
What day is it today? Today is Wednesday.
Who is absent today? All are present.
“The More we learn different lands, the more we know each other”
Checking the homework:
T: Now let’s check your home task. Listen to the quiz questions and choose the right answer
1. What is the capital of USA?
a. Los Angeles b. New Yorkc. Washington
2. In what city is Big Ben?
a. London b. Rome c. Paris
3. In what city is Alhambra palace?
a. Paris b. Granadac. Amsterdam
4. What is the capital of Canada?
a. Torontob. Ottawa c. Montreal
5. Where is the Coliseum?
a. Cairo b. Istanbul c. Rome
6. Where is Heathrow airport?
a. London b. Berlin c. Moscow
7. In what country is Euro Disney?
a. Spain b. France c. Italy
Keys 1c, 2a, 3b, 4b, 5c, 6a, 7b.
T: Thanks. You are bright students and you really know a lot of interesting things.
New theme:
T: Let’s try to guess the topic of our lesson. I have prepared a crossword puzzle for you. If you guess all the words correctly, you will be able to name the topic of our lesson.
You buy it, if you want to go by bus, or by plane, or by car. (a ticket)
A grey animal, likes cheese, but it’s bigger than a mouse. (a rat)
A means of transport which you can see at the railway station. (a train)
Tomato, cucumbers are… (vegetables)
Name the antonym to the word “old”. (new)
It’s a sour yellow fruit. (a lemon)
What can birds and planes do, but people can’t? (to fly)
Where can you see a lot of planes? (an airport)
What do monkeys like to eat? (bananas)
Football, tennis are… (games)
T: Now you see that the topic of our lesson is:”Travelling”.
We are going to speak on this topic as much as possible, to remember the new words, to read emails, to revise grammar and do many other interesting things. Look at the blackboard and read the motto of our lesson:
T: The topic, we are going to discuss today, is “Travelling”. As for me, I like to travel. And you?
P: So do I. (Yes, I like to travel).
T: Why do people travel, by the way?
P: They travel to see different countries and continents (to see modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns, for a change of scene, to enjoy picturesque places, to discover new things, to see different ways of life, to meet different people, to try different food, to listen to different musical rhythms.
Our vocabulary:
Beach [bit∫] пляж
Relax [rilæks] спокойный отдых
Sightseeing [saitsiŋ] достопримечательности
Hotel [houtel] гостиница
Excursion [ekskʒn] экскурсия
Camping [kæmpiŋ] поход
Adventure [ædvent∫ә] путешествие
Sunbathing [sɅnbæθiŋ] получать загар
Luggage [lɅgidʒ] багаж
Cruise [kruiz] отдых на море
Museum [mjuzem] музей
Queue [qju:] очередь
Hitch-hiking [hit∫ haikiŋ] автостоп

Exercise 1. Speaking
There are lot countries in the world. What countries do you know?
China, France, Germany, Australia, England, Egypt, India, America.
What are associations with?
China (panda, the White Wall)
Egypt (pyramids, sphinx)
Australia (koala, kangaroos)
USA (the Statue of Liberty, the White House)
England (Trafalgar Square, the Big Ben, queen)
India (a tiger, an elephant, Tag Markham)
Germany (castles)
How can people travel?
They can travel by car, by sea, by plane, by bus, on foot.
Why do people like to travel?
They want to learn about different countries, culture and sightseeing’s.
Travelling is good because you meet new friends.
You can visit famous museums, galleries, buy souvenirs.
You can learn about national traditions of many countries.
What country would you like to go?
I’d like to go to the USA because I haven’t seen ……….
I’d like to go to China because I haven’t seen ……….
I’d like to go to Australia because I haven’t seen ……….
Exercise 2. Conversation.
With another student on places
Student 1: Do you like to travel?
Student 2: Yes I do
Student 1: Where do you like to travel?
Student 2: To Turkey
Student 1: How do you get there?
Student 2: By plane
Student 1: Where do you stay?
Student 2: At a hotel
With quests
T : Thanks, your dialogues were very interesting
Exercise 4. Role-game. Projects.
St. 1. Dear guests! Welcome to our Tour Agency. I am a manager of our tour agency and these are my agents. Our tour agents have prepared some information about Australia, the USA, Egypt and Kazakhstan. They have done small booklets of sights of these countries.
Agent 1. I invite you to visit Australia. Australia. It is a very interesting country. You can see the exotic birds, kangaroos, koalas, the Blue Mountains, The national Gallery. It has more than 70000 art objects in its collection. Welcome to Australia!
Agent 2. I invite you to visit Egypt. It’s a very beautiful country. You can see deserts, sphinx, Pyramids, ancient manuscripts, and of course, you can buy souvenirs. Your traveling will be exciting! You will not be bored!
Agent 3. I invite you to visit America. It’s the most beautiful country. There are a lot of  sightseeing in it. If you go to America, you will see the Statue of Liberty, The White House, the Washington Monument.
Agent 4. There are many countries in the world. But my country is the best. Kazakhstan is my Motherland. I admire its nature, mountains, and rare animals. If you go to Kazakhstan, you will enjoy Charin, Medeo, Tyan-Shan, BaiterekExercise 5. Wordsearch
Conclusion: Have you got any questions? Is it all clear for you?
Do you like our lesson?
What do you know from our lesson about travel and tourism. You all were very active today. Thank you for your hard work. I’m going to write your marks.
Evaluation: Good, now your marks are: “A”, “B”, “C” (5, 4, 3)
Giving the home task: Your home task is: learning vocabulary and do the travel crossword

The lesson is over, Good-Bye!