Обобщающий тест по теме: А ты знаешь Великобританию хорошо?

France in 1888 С. England in 1888
France in 1886 D. England 1886
On which flag of American`s states you can see two women who are at the head of a horse?
New Jersey C. Kansas
·Сколько часовых поясов на территории США6
15. How many times number you can find on the American coat of arms 8
16. Why American build fragile houses?
Because of poorness
Because of desire often change their design
Because of Tornadoes
Because of high pric
·а national importance
B. No, it does not. Now the bell is on display in Independence Hall in Philadelphia
C. No, it does not. Americans doesn`t remember this tradition
D. Yes, it does. It rings only on Independence Day.
25. What was drawn on the first jeans label?
A. jeans
B. teenagers in jeans
C. two horses in jeans
D. one horse in jeans