Контрольная работа №2 к учебнику Forward 6 класс

Progress Check 2 The 6th form I variant
1Listen to the girls speaking about the weather in their countries. Fill in the table. (7 points)
Name Winter Spring Summer Autumn
Maria Liz warm,cold2. Fill in the gaps using necessary word: a)is situated b)fat c)long d)snowing e)blue. (5 points)
1. He has got beautiful ____________hair. 4. My sister has got________ eyes.
2. Tom is _________. 5. The weather is ________ today.
3. The UK __________ on the British Isles.
3. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous. (5 points)
My sister always (watch) The Simpsons on TV on Wednesday evening.
It’s Wednesday evening and she (watch) The Simpsons now.
It’s eight o’clock and I (have) breakfast now.
I usually (have) breakfast at eight o’clock.
5) They (listen) to music at the moment.
4. Use Present Passive. (3 points) 0 The New Year is celebrated on January the 1st. (celebrate)
1.She ……….. to a party. (invite)
2.English …….. all over the country. (speak)
3. They …..the British?(call)
5. Write the sentences about the weather in five countries. (5 points) 0. It’s snowing in Iceland.

Progress Check 2 The 6th form II variant
1Listen to the girls speaking about the weather in their countries. Fill in the table. (7 points)
Name Winter Spring Summer Autumn
Maria Liz warm,cold2 Fill in the gaps using necessary word: a)is situated b)short c)slim d) brown e)foggy.(5 points)
1.She has got beautiful ________hair.
2. Tom is __________ .
3. The Russian Federation___in Europe and Asia .4. The weather is ______ today.
5. My mum has ________ eyes.
3. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous. (5 points)
My sister often (read) the newspaper on Sunday morning.
It’s Sunday morning and she (read) the newspaper now.
It’s one o’clock and we (have) lunch now.
We always (have) lunch at one o’clock.
At the moment they (sleep).
4.Use Present Passive. (3 points) 0 The New Year is celebrated on January the 1st. (celebrate)
1.They ……….. to a party. (invite)
2.Russian …….. in the Russian Federation. (speak)
3. They …..the English?(call)
5. Write the sentences about the weather in five countries. (5 points) 0. It’s snowing in Iceland.