Задания для проведения олимпиады по английскому языку в 3 классе.


Вставьте is или are:

There. а big grey carpet on my floor.
There three windows in our living room.
There.no chairs in my bedroom.

Закончи предложения, используя Was/wasn’t, were/weren’t:

The weather fine last autumn.
..you at home last night? -Yes, I am.
The farmhouse. Old, but nice.

Составь предложения, поставь слова в нужном порядке:

computer, Saturdays, on, games, my, plays, sister;
play, puzzle, didn’t, Sam, yesterday;
were, England, summer, in, don’t, my, morning.

Вставьте Do; does:

. You like winter?
Where you go in summer?
..you sing songs at the lessons?

Ответьте на вопросы:

What is the capital of Great Britain?
What is the capital of Russia?
What is the capital of Buryаtia?
Переведите на английский язык:

Меня зовут Пит. Мне 9лет. Я хожу в школу. У меня есть брат и две сестры. Я люблю играть в футбол. У меня много друзей. Мы ухаживаем за животными. У нас есть собака, котенок и много кроликов.


Прочитай рассказ и ответь на вопросы:

This is a tiger. The tiger is a wild animal. It is a big animal. It is yellow and black. The tiger has a long tail and a short neck. It has sharp teeth. It can run well. The tiger eats meat. It lives i
Вставьте “is” или “are”.

There ____four seasons in a year. My favorite season _____autumn. It ___warm in September. The leaves in the trees ____red, yellow, brown and green. I ___glad to see my friends at school. There___a lot of vegetables and fruit.

Вставьте “have” или “has”.

At school we___a lot of toys. We like to play with them . As for me I ___ a nice doll. The doll ___long hair. It can open and close her eyes. My doll ___a white dress. It ___a nice blue ribbon and pink shoes.

4. Составьте предложения, поставьте слова в нужном порядке:

Pete , every day, does, exercises , morning.
Reads, he, writes, and, at, lessons, the.
We, poems, songs, recite, sing, and.
Know, very well, I, English.
Are , many , there, in, class, boys, girls, and, our.

5. Вставьте глаголы в прошедшем времени. (Past Simple)

Yesterday I (go) to the forest. I (meet) my best friends there. It (be) sunny and frosty. We (ski) and (play snowballs) in the forest. We (like) it very much. We (want) to go to the river
· next weekend, too.

Вставьте do, does.

___you like to watch TV in the evening?
____your friend play hockey in winter?
Where ____they go in summer?
When _____she play the piano?
He doesn’t like to cook,____he?

7. Раскройте скобки, поставьте прилагательные в нужной степени сравнения.

1.I am (small) in my family. My sister Jane is (old) than me. She is (tall) than my mum. Jane is (good) student in her form. But I think that I’m (clever) too. Sometimes I have (good) marks than Jane has.

8.Переведите на английский язык:

Меня зовут Huk. Мне 9лет. Я хожу в школу. У меня есть два брата и одна сестра. Я люблю играть в шахматы. У меня много друзей. Мы любим ухаживать за животными. У нас есть собака, котенок и много кроликов.

9.Какое слово лишнее в каждом ряду?

А) red. swim, jump, run,
B) clever, funny, big, dance.
C) a dog, a cat, a horse, a dolphin.
D) What, White, Where, When.

10.Ответьте на вопросы:

1.What is the capital of Great Britain?
2.What is the capital of the USA?
3.What is the capital of Russia?
4.What is the capital of Buryаtia?

Ключи к заданиям 1-10.

1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-c, 5-c.

are, is, is, are, am, are.

have, have, has, has, has.

1. Pete does morning exercises every day.
2. He reads and writes at the lessons.
3. We recite poems and sing songs.
4.I know English very well.
5.There are many girls and boys in our class.

I went, I met, it was, we skied and played snowballs, we liked, we wanted.

the smallest, older, taller, the best, the cleverest, better.

My name is Nick .I am 9. I go to school. I have two brothers and a sister. I like to play chess. I have many friends. We like to take care of animals. We have a dog, a kitten( a cat) and many rabbits.

a)-red ; b)- dance; c)-a dolphin; d)- white

1.-London; 2- Washington, 3-Moscow; 4- Ulan-Ude.

(Лондон, Вашингтон, Москва, Улан-Удэ.)