Test yourself Are you going to live to100?

Choose the correct answer for you.
How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?
Every day. (3)
Never. (0)
Two or three times a week. (1)
Look at this list of food and drink. How often do you eat in a day?
Ice-cream, fizzy drinks, sweets, chips, extra salt on your food, extra sugar on your food or in a drink, take-away food (hamburgers, pizzas).
More than two. (0)
One or two. (1)
None. (3)
When you have a problem, do you…
Forget about it? (1)
Talk to a parent, a teacher or a friend about it? (3)
Wait, and then talk to a friend later? (2)
Do you play a sport or go to a dance class…
Once a week or more? (3)
Two or three times a month? (2)
Once a month? (1)
When you have a free time do you…
Watch TV? (0)
Go to the swimming pool with friends? (2)
Take serious exercises? (3)
Do you live…In the town? (1)
In the country? (3)
Do you sleep…More than eight hours a night? (1)
Less than eight hours a night? (3)
Your friends live on the third floor of a block of flats. Do you…
Walk up the stairs when you visit them? (3)
Take the lift when you visit them? (1)
When you are in a hurry, do you…
Still remember to eat good meals? (3)
Miss a meal, but eat a packet of chips or chocolate? (0)
Are you going to smoke when you are an adult?
Yes. (0)
No. (3)
Now, add up your points and study the analysis. If you follow the given advice, you will be able to get healthy.
5-12: you are not going to live to 100 without good food and exercise. You must eat more fruit and vegetables. You must also take more exercise. It is fun to be fit!
13-24: not bad… do the same things, but do them more often. Try to eat more fresh vegetables and swim once a week all the year round.
25-30: you do all the right things. You are going to live to 100.