Конспект урока по английскому языку по теме: Модуль 5 Глобальные проблемы (Culture Corner 5)

Урок № 61 Модуль 5. Culture Corner 5 (p.85) Шотландские коровы. Совершенствование навыков чтения с различными стратегиями и последующим обсуждением прочитанного.
Задачи: развитие умений прогнозировать содержание текста и умений поискового чтения.
Ход урока.
а) Орг. момент, б) Проверка Д\З (__________________)
2. Речевая разрядка (монологические высказывания)
T:- I want you to remember the theme of our Module 5 Global Ussues. We spoke about the pollution of enveronment and the protection of endangered animals. What can you say about the pollution? ….And what about the protection of endangered animals?
- S-s1,2,3..... : (–о загрязнении окр.среды)
-S-s 1,2.......: ( o защите вымирающих животных)
a) T: – What kind of endangered animals do you know? What do you know about domestic animals? Why do people keep them? What do they produce?
S-s: -People keep them to produce wool, eggs, meat)
b) T: - Look at the screen and let's try to place animals under their headings. (Выполнить задание (таблица) TEST1 (карточка 1)
Формулировка темы и цели урока: Scottish Coos.
T: a) Today we are going to talk about the interesting animal which lives in the Highland of Scotland.
b) Let’s write new words:
Legendary-легендарный (very famous)
Creature -coздание (animal)
Spot - увидеть, заметить (see, catch of)
Highland –северошотландский, характерный для горной Шотландии (from the Highland of Scotland)
Breed - порода (type of animal)
Fringe - челка (hair that hangs over the forehead)
Legend – легенда (old and popular story)
Impress - впечатлять (make an impression)
Grazing grounds - пастбища (lands where animals feed)
Crossed- скрещенный (mixed two types of animal)
Shaggy- лохматый (hairy)
Miss the chance - упустить возможность (lose the opportunity to do sth)
b) T: Let’s try to say them another way, name synonyms: (слова в скобках)
T: Now try to fill in the new words into the sentences: (TEST 2) (карточка 2)
Fill in: miss the chance, legendary, impress, breed, spot.
It was very easy to ……………..Tom with his fair hair at the meeting.
Maradona is the……………………football player in the world.
This…………………..of cats is very rare.
I wouldn’t like to……………………..to participate in the Olympic Games.
The children were…………………. by their tour in Britain.
T: Now look at the blackboard and complete the sentence: (Задание на доске)
Animals, cows, useful, sheep, are, very, and, animals)
(Cows and sheep are very useful animals.)
T: a) Open your books. Ex.1 p. 85 (What is the animal in the picture? Think of 3 questions about it. Then read, listen and see if you can answer your questions)
S-s: - Where is it from? Does it look different to other cows? Is it an endangered animal? (написать на доске ) b) ЧТЕНИЕ И ПЕРЕВОД СЛАЙДЫ
c) T: But do you know where is Scotland situated? Показать на карте место их обитания (Очень коротко о Шотландии)
Scotland is situated in the UK to the north of England.
Edinburg is its capital.
It has a symbol – thistle.
It is washed by the North Sea.
The country is divided into Highlands and Lowlands. So Highlands are home to the Highland coo.
d) T: Now, can you answer to your own questions?
S-s: 1. It lives in the Highland of Scotland.
The Highland coo is an ancient Scottish breed with long…………………
Put the sentences in the right order: (TEST 3) (карточка 3)
If you take a bus tour to the Scotland Highlands, don’t miss the chance to take photograph of this animal.
The Highland coo has become a national symbol of Scotland.
The Scottish Highlands are the home of the Highland coo.
A farmer wanted to impress his wife with a new variety of cow.
The Highland coo is an ancient Scottish breed with long horns, long hair and a fringe.
1 2 3 4 5
Check your answers:
1 2 3 4 5
T: Now can you answer to my questions?:T: a) - What is the Highland coo?
S-s: -The Highland coo is an ancient Scottish breed with long horns, long hair and a fringe.
T: b) - Where do the Scottish coos live?
S-s: - They live in the Scottish Highlands.
T: c) - What is their hair like?
S-s: -Their hair is long and they have a fringe.
T: d) - Do they eat the same food as ordinary cows?
S-s : - No, they don’t.
T: e) - What do they eat? What makes it special?
S-s: - They eat plants that other animals don’t.
T: f) - Why is the coo unique?
S-s: - Because it can survive on poor grazing grounds and eats plants that other animals don’t.
T: g) - Is it important to farm them? Why?
S-s: -Yes, it is. Because they produce both milk, meat and great fur.
8. Mark the sentences T(true) or F(false). Correct the false sentences. (TEST 4) (карточка 4)
1. Nessie is a breed of Highland cow.
2. Highland coos are difficult to find.
3. The Scottish coo came from different breeds of cattle.
4. Scottish coos were bred to withstand difficult conditions.
5. Scottish coos are popular for more than one reason.
Check your answers:
F –Nessie is a legendary monster from Loch Ness.
F - Highland coos are easy to spot.
9. Рефлексия урока.
-Do you like the lesson? (I do, because I knew about the Highland coo)
-Would you like to visit Scotland? Why? (….I would like to see this cute animal…)
H/W - ex. 4 p 85, p 50 WB
(Необходимо провести итоги: отметить успешную работу учащихся, оценить каждого,
T: - You were very active today. I think you have learnt a lot of new facts about this animal, may be, one day you travel to this nice country and there you can enjoy its nature. So, for this lesson you have got the following marks: you have …..,you have…
The lesson is over. Thank you. Good bye.