Конспект урока английского языка по теме The secret of success

Конспект урока английского языка по теме
«The secret of success»
(9 класс)

Автор: Ковалёва Юлия Валерьевна-
учитель английского языка.
с. Дивное
Основная тема: «Going down Hollywood Boulevard»
Тема урока: «The secret of success»
Тип урока: комбинированный
Класс: 9 б
Учитель: Ю.В. Ковалева
Цель урока: создание условий для усвоения детьми новых знаний по теме «The secret of success».
Задачи урока:
Познакомить обучающихся с фактами биографии людей, достигших успеха в карьере.
Формировать навыки аудирования с опорой на текст.
Развивать навыки самостоятельной работы с текстом с целью извлечения необходимой информации.
Обеспечить усвоение нового материала через выполнение типовых заданий письменной части ОГЭ по английскому языку.
Способствовать расширению кругозора учащихся.
Развивать механизм языковой догадки.
Формировать и развивать умение анализировать и классифицировать, делать самостоятельные выводы.
Развивать навыки самоконтроля, само и взаимооценки.
Формировать ответственное отношение к учению, готовность к саморазвитию.
Воспитывать культуру партнерского общения и учебного сотрудничества.
УМК: учебник для 9 кл. общ. учр.Кауфман К. И., Кауфман М. Ю. Счастливый английский.ру/Happy English.ru – Обнинск: Титул, 2012. – 272 с.: ил.;CD MP3.
Предполагаемый результат:
Личностные УУД: Формирование познавательных мотивов обучающихся, формирование коммуникативной компетенции в общении и сотрудничестве со свертниками, развитие интересов к иностранному языку.
Коммуникативные УУД: Умение понимать речь учителя и одноклассников и сознательно строить речевое высказывание в соответствии с задачами учебной коммуникации; умение формулировать точку зрения; адекватно использовать речевые средства для решения коммуникативных задач.
Познавательные УУД: Выделение основной информации из аудиотекстов и специальной информации из печатных текстов; умение определить общую цель и пути ее достижения.
Регулятивные УУД: Умение самостоятельно ставить новые учебные задачи на основе соотнесение того, что уже известно и усвоено обучающимися и того, что еще неизвестно; владение навыками самоконтроля, само и взаимооценки.
Обучающийся должен продемонстрировать:
Предметные умения: Лексические навыки (владение лексикой по теме), навыки аудирования, восприятия информации на слух. Умение извлекать из текста специальную информацию.
Ход урока.
1. Организационный момент (Picture 1)
Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls. I’m glad to see you. How are you?
Student: I’m fine, thank you. And you? Teacher: I’m fine too.
Today we will have an unusual lesson. We are going to speak about a very important thing in your life.
Look at the screen, please. Read, translate these proverbs and try to guess the topic of our lesson.
2. Мотивационный этап (Picture 2)
Student: “Diligence is the mother of success.” Прилежание – мать успеха. “Cheek brings success.” Самоуверенность приносит успех.
Teacher: What are we going to talk about?
Student: Success.
Teacher: Quite right. We are going to speak about being successful. And the topic of our lesson is “The secret of success.” (Picture 3)
Success can be achieved in different spheres of our life. Look at the screen, the pictures will help you.
Student: Success can be achieved in education, career, friendship, family.
Teacher: Exactly right. To the end of this lesson we have to define the most important qualities to be successful in your future career and make your own recipe for success.
Фонетическая зарядка. You will need these words and expressions: (Picture 4)
Listen to the speaker and repeat after her.
talent a lot of experience a lot of patience and hard work money self confidence high self-esteem strong character good education good looks good health to have good connections

3.Речевая разминка. Совместное исследование проблемы
Teacher: At our previous lesson we read the text about Jack who works as a guide in Los-Angeles and dreams to be a famous Hollywood actor. What is the most important thing to be successful in Jack’s opinion?
Student: Jack thinks that good connections and a lot of luck are important for being successful.
Teacher: Does Emily agree with Jack?
Student: She says that hard work, a bit of talent and self confidence are the only things that matter.
Teacher: As you know Jack complains that he has to work as a guide in LA and doesn’t have a chance to star in the film in Hollywood.
Sometimes the path to success is very difficult and long. A lot of well-known people from Hollywood didn’t work as actors or film directors at first. They began their career as waitress, drivers, cashiers or post delivers.
4. Открытие нового знания (Picture 5)
Teacher: I think you know these famous people (celebrities).
Student: Madonna, Jack Nicholson, Sylvester Stallone, Stephen King, Sharon Stone, Walt Disney.
But they started their careers very ordinary.
Try to match the star with his/her first job. (Picture 6) Use the word combinations, which are written on the blackboard: I’m sure that…, I think that…, in my opinion…
1. Madonna a) lion cage cleaner
2. Jack Nicholson b) MacDonald`s server
3. Sylvester Stallone c) ambulance driver
4. Stephen King d) mail sorter
5. Sharon Stone e) concierge
6. Walt Disney f) cashier at Dunkin Doughnuts
Student: I’m sure that Walt Disney had been an ambulance driver before he became the founder of the Disney studios.
Teacher: Let’s check your answers. Take the card 1, please. Listen to the speaker and fill in the table. (Picture 7)
Keys (card 1):
1. Before Walt Disney founded Disney Studios and became rich and famous, he
used to be an ambulance driver.
2. Before she became a famous pop star, Madonna worked as a cashier at
Dunkin Doughnuts. 3. Before his successful role in “Rocky”, Sylvester Stallone had to work as
a lion cage cleaner.
4. The famous writer Stephen King had a lot of time to think about the ideas for his future books when he was working as a concierge.
5. The actor and living legend Jack Nicholson was discovered when he was
working as a mail sorter.
6. Before she became one of today’s most beautiful woman actresses, Sharon Stone used to serve customers in McDonalds.
Teacher: Tell us your answers, please. Now look at the screen and correct your mistakes. (Picture 8)
Students 1, 2, 3, 4: Madonna worked as a cashier, etc. (Picture 9)
Teacher: Now tell me please what things were the most important for these Hollywood stars to have a successful carrier? Let’s think what helped Mr/Mrs … to become successful?
Students 1, 2, 3, 4: good looks, a bit luck, a big talent.
5. Динамическая пауза
Teacher: I think your eyes are tired, let’s have a rest now. Stand up, please.
Look left, look right. Look up, look down. Look around. Look at your nose, Look at that rose. Close your eyes, open, wink and smile. Your eyes are happy again. Sit down.
It’s time to meet another famous person. She is well known all over the world. But she isn’t an actress or a film director. Listen to the text about her. Take the card 2 and answer the questions:
Where does the woman come from?
What jobs did the woman do?
What is the woman famous for now? (Picture 10)
Students 1, 2, 3, 4: The woman comes from South Wales, the UK. She worked as a secretary and as a teacher. She is famous as a writer. (Picture 11)
Teacher: You are doing a good job! Read the text again and say whether the statements are true, false or whether there’s no information.
Teacher: Are you ready? Exchange your cards, look at the screen and correct your partner’s mistakes.
Учащиеся выполняют задание. Затем обмениваются карточками и осуществляют взаимопроверку с опорой на слайд презентации.
The quiz (card 3). Say “true, false or no information”.
She was born in England.
She has always been interested in the arts.
Her first story was about a little fox.
She was trained to be a writer.
She wasn’t a very good secretary.
She taught French to Portuguese children.
Her marriage wasn’t happy and she left her husband.
She had a very good time in Edinburgh.
She wrote her book in cafes and restaurants because she was keen on coffee and cakes.
Her name was Jessica.
She didn’t become a very famous writer but she sold one of her books.
Keys: 1. False (Wales) 7. True
2. False (languages) 8. False (difficult)
3. False (a rabbit) 9. False (It was warm there)
4. True 10. False (Joanne)
5. True 11. False (became)
6. False (English) (Picture 12)
Do you know the name of this woman? (Joanne Kathleen Rowling)
See the extract from the film (about Harry Porter) and guess her name. (Picture 13)
Take the card 4. Look through the titles of the magazine articles and answer the questions;
a) What is her real name? b) Did she become very successful? c) What made her popular? d) What is the name of her most popular character? e) What are the titles of her books?
6. Обобщение усвоенного материала (Picture 14)
Teacher: Well, today we have spoken a lot about successful people. What do we need to be successful? Students: (составляют кластер на доске) “Success” is talent, education, money, hard work, luck, personal qualities, someone’s support, experience.
Look! Here are your secrets of success! You all have got different answers. That means that each person has got his/her own way of achieving success. As we could have seen the texts prove it as well.
Well, to crown it all I’d like to draw your attention to these nice words. You’re finishing school and it’s needless to say that everybody needs luck and success.
May the road rise to meet you,May the wind be always at your back,May the sun shine warm upon your face,
May the rain fall short upon your fields,And, until we meet again
May God hold you in the palm of his hand.
Thanks a lot for your work. Your marks…
7. Домашняя работа (homework) (Picture 15)
«God helps those who help themselves» - write a short composition referring to the proverb;
Secrets of success in 8 words, 3 minutes | Richard St. John - YouTubewatch the video “Secrets of success in 8 words” by Richard St. John and make a report; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6bbMQXQ180Ex. A, B p.168
The lesson is over. Good bye!