Игровой урок английского языка в 8 классе на тему Новый год и Рождество

Новогодний урок для учащихся 8-10 классов
Конкурс 1.  Make   up   new   words   using   the   letters   of the   word "Congratulations".Учитель привлекает внимание детей к слову "Congratulations", заранее записанному на доске. Учащиеся составляют новые слова, используя буквы данного слова. На выполнение данного задания детям отводится 3 минуты.Конкурс 2. Draw a fanny snowman.Игроки каждой команды получают плакат и маркеры для рисунка на тему «Смешной снеговик». После выполнения задания, на которое отводится 10 минут, плакаты вывешиваются на доске.Конкурс 3.  Read the short texts how people celebrate the New Year in different countries and choose the correct version. Ученики выполняют первое задание: читают текст и выбирают один вариант ответа.Choose the correct version: а)Madrid  б) New York  с) Moscow1. In this city a lot of people gather in Times Square and watch the "Big Apple" fall. The "Big Apple" isn't a real apple. It's a moving picture of an apple on a side   Madrid of one of the big buildings in Times Square. Every New  York Year's Eve during the last few seconds before midnight  Moscow it starts to "fall" down the building, and when it gets to the bottom it's the start of the new year.а)Japan  б) Italy  с) Canada2. In this country housewives start to cook special food for the New Year's Day and the members of the families do a big cleaning up. The idea is to get rid of the the past year dirt, and welcome the new. On the television or on the radio you can hear 108 bells. The 108th bell rings just a second before the midnight. The people say: "Happy New Year!" People eat the special food and drink rice wine during the meal.a) The USA   b)  Scotland   c) Canada3. People call the New Year's Eve "Hogmanay". They visit their friends' houses just after midnight on the New Year's night; The first person who comes to your house brings you luck. At midnight when the clock begins to strike twelve, the head of the family goes to the entrance door, opens it wide and holds it until the last stroke. Then he shuts the door. He has let the old year out and let the New Year in.a) Egypt   b)  Ireland    c)  Australia4. This country is sometimes called "the upside down world". It lies in the Southern Hemisphere. During the Christmas holidays people often sunbathe on the beach or swim and surf in the ocean. On the 31st of December many people go to the country for the picnic. In January the temperature ranges from from 20 to 30 °C above zero or higher.a) France    b)  Italy   c) Germany5. In this country it can be dangerous to have a walk at night at the end of December. People usually throw the old things from the house through the window: broken cups and plates, old clothes and boots and sometimes different pieces of furniture, believe that on At the New Year's Eve the magician Befaniya comes to the houses through the chimney and put the presents for the children in their stockings or shoes.КЛЮЧИ: 1 — New York; 2 — Japan; 3 — Scotland; 4 — Australia; 5 - Italy.Конкурс 4.  Now you will listen to the song and write down the missing words on the cards. You will listen to the song twice. Be careful, please.Команды получают карточки со словами песни, в которой пропущены некоторые слова. Задание для учащихся: прослушать аудиозапись и записать недостающие слова. После проданного задания учитель может предложить ученикам исполнить песню "I wish I were a Snowman" хором.
I wish I were ... ,So tall and ... and white.I'd never have to clean my ... ,Or go to bed at....But... Mister SnowmanWishes he were me,For I'll be here when ... comes,But where will the Snowman ... ?
I wish I were a Snowman,So tall and big and white. ,I'd never have to clean my teeth,Or go to bed at night.But maybe Mister SnowmanWishes he were me,For I'll be here when summer comes,But where will the Snowman be?
Koнкypc 5.  It's time for the last task now. I want you to put the words in their logical order and read the poem.Каждая команда получает набор предложений для составления стихотворения. После того как стихотворение будет составлено, его необходимо выразительно прочитать.Every little girl would like to beThe fairy on the Christmas tree.Up above the party, dressed in white,Shining in the candle light.Every little boy has lots of funWith his trumpet and his gun.Every little girl, you understand,Is really the queen of the fairy land.There is little secret she must keepThat she can fly when she's asleep.