Технологическая карта урока английского языка по УМК Hot Spot 2 издательства MAcmillan

Технологическая карта
урока английского языка в 6 классе
по УМК «Hot Spot 2» издательства Macmillan
«Past Simple»
Разработала: учитель английского языка
Исанова Гулжан ДаулбаевнаI квалификационной категории
СШ.им.О.Саргунановап.ДоссорМакатского района
Дата: April, 15 Тема занятия:
A bad start to the day (Past Simple)
Общие цели:
Talking about what you did in the past
Результаты обучения:
Students can talk about what did they do in the past
Ключевые идеи:
Critical thinking, evaluation (formative), ICT, pair teaching
Источники для заданий: SB, AB, TB, CD
I Evocation stage
a) Opener
b) Game “Bingo”
c) Presentation (regular and irregular verbs)
d) Past simple (questions) II Realization of meaning
a) Group work
b) Past Simple (negative)
c) Group work
d) Relax “Big fish, little fish…”
III Reflection stage
Pair work
Work with picture
Filling “Fruit tree”
Записи учителя по уроку:
T: Good morning, dear pupils!
-Do you know a song “Happy birthday to you”?
-Let’s sing this song but changing the words to “Good morning to you”. Are you ready?
-Excellent. Let’s start our lesson. I want you to choose these slices of papers and take your place. (In the slice of paper: I ate breakfast this morning. I played a lot of sport yesterday evening. I made my bed this morning.)
-What did you do this morning? (I ask this question to everyone and divide them into 3 groups)
I Evocation stage
- Ok, let’s begin our lesson. We’re going to play a game “Bingo” (slide 3)
-Look at this list of the following verbs: switch off, clean, close, open, pick up, arrive, wake up, forget, put on, make, feed, drink, eat.(slide 4)
-Choose any nine verbs from the list and copy them in the squares. The first group to cross out three verbs in a row, vertically, horizontally or diagonally calls out Bingo.
-Ok, you take a point.
-How we make the past form of the regular verbs?
-What the spelling rules are?
a) – There are 2 types of verbs in English. They are regular and irregular verbs. The past form of regular verbs: V +ed (slide 5)
-And irregular verbs make the past form unusual. There is a list of irregular verbs at the end of your books. You must learn them by heart.
- When we want to ask question in the past we use Did. slide 6)
The hare watered the flowers yesterday.(slide 7,8)
-Did I water the flowers yesterday?
II Realization of meaning
b) And now, ask a question (задай вопрос) (slide 9)
1 group- Wolf/ sing a song
2 group- Winnie-the-Pooh/ fly
3 group- Winnie- the-Pooh/eat
-How we make negative form in the Past Simple? (slide 10)
-They did not skate yesterday.
They read the book yesterday.
-Make the negative sentences (создай отрицательные предложения)
1 group- Mouse/ not/ to eat
2 group- They/ not/to run
3 group- They/not/to talk
III Reflection stage
Pair work (взаимопроверка) (слайд 11)
Put the verbs into the correct form
Last Sunday Mag (get) up early.
Yesterday she (have) breakfast and (go) to school.
Jane (do) her homework two days ago.
Last week he (come) to the country to see his grandma.
They (to be) very happy.
They (see) the car which (stop) next to their house.
Criterion of evaluation: (slide 13)
Work with picture. Make as many sentences in the past as you can.(slide 14)
-Ok, our lesson is over. I want you to fill my “Fruit tree” with your “like” or “don’t like”. (slide 15)
-Thank you. See you later.
Последующее задание: AB p21 ex-1-2
Оснащение и оборудование Computer, CD, flashcards
Анализ занятия:
Оценивание практического задания: Приложение 1
Приложение 2
I made my bed this morning.
I made my bed this morning.
I made my bed this morning.
I made my bed this morning.
I made my bed this morning.
I made my bed this morning.
I made my bed this morning.
I made my bed this morning.
I made my bed this morning.
I made my bed this morning.
I ate breakfast this morning.
I ate breakfast this morning.
I ate breakfast this morning.
I ate breakfast this morning.
I ate breakfast this morning.
I ate breakfast this morning.
I ate breakfast this morning.
I ate breakfast this morning.
I ate breakfast this morning.
I ate breakfast this morning.
I played a lot of sport yesterday evening.
I played a lot of sport yesterday evening.
I played a lot of sport yesterday evening.
I played a lot of sport yesterday evening.
I played a lot of sport yesterday evening.
I played a lot of sport yesterday evening.
I played a lot of sport yesterday evening.
I played a lot of sport yesterday evening.
I played a lot of sport yesterday evening.
I played a lot of sport yesterday evening.