Ролевая игра на тему Welcome to the World teenagers Competition

7 класс учебник “Enjoy English” М.З. БиболетоваТема: Welcome to the World Teenagers Competition
Цель урока: применение изученной лексики по теме « the world teenager’s competition» в новой учебной ситуации.
Задачи: 1.Формирование речевой и компенсаторной компетенций;
2.Закрепление изученных ранее лексических единиц
3.Повышение мотивации к изучению английского языка
Оборудование: слайды с словами, флаги англоговорящих стран, билеты победителям на бесплатный тур по англо-говорящим странам, бэйджики участникам конференции, жетоны.
The beginning of the lesson
Teacher: Good morning, Children! We’ll have an unusual lesson today. I offer you to play a role play. You’ll be the participants of the the World Teenagers’ Competition. You’ll have to choose the country where you are from and take the flag of this country. Our play is divided into two parts where in the first part you should get acquainted with each other and in the second part you’ll communicate using 5 questions of the competition “we live on the same planet”
Speech warming-up: key vocabulary
But at first I’m going to check how you know the vocabulary on the theme “the word teenagers’ competition”. I prepared the game “Who will be the first”. Children, you’ll get counters and cards for your answers during the whole lesson.
Let’s start the game. Translate the word combinations into English (показ слайда)
Well done! I see you know the vocabulary very well.
And now let’s remember the flags and the capitals of the English –speaking countries. Call the country and the capital of this flag. (Показ флага)
I’m sure you are ready for our role play. I ask you to put your badges on.
Role play
Well, dear participants of the conference, dear winners, I’m glad to see you. Let’s start our game and discuss the following questions:
Hello! How are you?
What is your name?
Where are you from?
What is your hobby?
Why do you take part in our competition?
You are from different countries. I see you like English, don’t you? It helps us to communicate and understand each other, doesn’t it?
So for the chance to win the tour just answer the following simple questions:
Can you describe yourself in 5 words?
What would you most like to change in yourself?
What’s your motto?
How do you see yourself in 10 years ?How do you see our planet in 10 years?

Происходит свободная дискуссия по вопросам. Используя разговорные фразы, дети показывают свою готовность вести диалог, отвечать и дополнять, учитель реагирует на каждый ответ комментарием, советом. За каждый полный ответ учащийся получает жетон.
Rewarding the winners
Now it’s a pleasant minute for you, dear winners! I’m going to present the tickets to you …………
To the Winner of the International Teenagers’ Competition
UNESKO offers you to visit London absolutely free!

It’s chance in a million
To the Winner of the International Teenagers’ Competition
UNESKO offers you to visit Scotland absolutely free!

It’s chance in a million
To the Winner of the International Teenagers’ Competition
UNESKO offers you to visit Wales absolutely free!

It’s chance in a million
Sum up
What’s your score? Your marks for the lesson are…
Do you like our role play? You were very active and spoke only English. Thank you for your work! Write down the homework…….
The lesson is over. Good-bye.