Intellectual show (4th group)

"Intellectual show"
The theme of the competition lesson: «Intellectual show».The aims of the lesson:
a) to enrich students’ knowledge about languages, countries
b) to develop communicative skills and abilities
c) to bring up the feeling of respect to traditions of other countriesProcedure of the lesson
I. Organization moment.
Good morning, pupils and teachers, guests! I congratulate you with Day of languages. Welcome to our intellectual show! We are glad to see you we hope that you’ll enjoy today game. Today we have an unusual lesson. We shall have a competition. Three teams will take part in our competition. At the lesson you will answer the questions, play acts, sing songs. I hope the lesson will be interesting for you and you will enjoy it. Let me introduce our teams and our jury. There are three teams here today. They are students of 4th group.
- Well, begin our game and let`s meet our participants
The first team is called ……………….
The second team is called……………..
The third team is called…………………….
The members of our jury are teachers of our college.
Now listen to the rules of our competition.
II. Introductions
Each team calls your name, motto and introduce your emblem.
III. Read a poem
Each team will read a poem about language
IV. BaygaA man who knows many languages has no barriers and difficulties, especially in the third level. Well let us start the third level. Are you ready?
1. How many parts has the UK?(4parts)
2.What is the best river in Great Britain?(The Thames)
3. Who is officially head of the UK (the Queen )4. What is the capital of Scotland? (Edinburgh)
5. What is the highest mountain in Scotland? (Ben Nevis)
6. How many states are there in the USA? (50 states)
8. Where is the Statue of Liberty situated? (New York)
9. What’s the capital of Russia?(Moscow)
10. Қазақстанның астанасын атандар. (Астана)
11. What’s the capital of Great Britain? (London)
12.Қазақстанда 30 (отызыншы) тамызда қандай мейрам өткізеледі?(Конституциясы күні)
13. What holiday do people of Great Britain celebrate on the 25th of December? (Christmas Day)
14. Қазақ ұлы ақыны, ойшылы, философы кім? (Абай Құнанбаев)
15. When do people celebrate the Day of languages in Kazakhstan? (on the 22nd of September)
16. Қазақстанның мемлекеттік рәміздерін атандар? (ту, елтанба, әнұран)
17. Who is the president of our Republic? (Nursultan Nazarbayev)
18. Қазақстанда Наурыз мейрамы қашан тойланады? (22 Наурызда)
V. The fourth level is Riddles. Three members from each team go to the blackboard and choose the envelops with riddles. Riddles are in three languages. Guess the riddle and name the answer in three languages.
1 - тақия толған сөк, таң атқанда жоқ.(жұлдыздар - звезды - stars)
1. 2 – айдалада ақ отау, аузы мұрны жоқ отау.(жұмыртқа - яйцо - an egg)
1. 3 – аласа ғана бойы бар, тоғыз қабат тоны бар.(пияз - лук - an onion)
2. 1 - везет, а не лошадь, летит, а не птица, жужжит, а не пчела.(ұшақ –
самолет - a plane)
2. 2 - упадет - поскачет, ударишь - не плачет(доп - мяч - a ball)2. 3 - не куст, а с листочками, не рубашка, а сшита, не человек а рассказывает.(кітап - книга - a book)
3. 1 - It is vegetable. It has many eyes,(ақ түйнек - картошка - a potato)
3. 2 - it is white and deliсious.(қант - сахар - sugar)
3. 3 - a little old woman has twelve children(жыл - год - year)
VI. Find the pictures
Pupils look at the blackboard there are some pictures you must find and say what are these?
Новая Зеландия - птица киви
Казахстан - снежный барс
Таиланд - слон
Сан - франциско, золотые ворота
Опера Сиднея
Бурж Халифа, Дубай
VII Hiding the words. Guess what is it?
1.Қылдырықтай бір нәрсе иретілгенМойнында үзін арқан сүйретілген (ине - needle)
Аяғы жоқ жүреді, аузы жоқ сөйлейді(хат - letter)
Екі бала қатар тұрса да бірін бірі көрмейді - (көз - eyes)
Отқа жанбас, суға батпас(мұз - ice)
Кішкентай ғана бойы бар
Айналдырып киген тоны бар(қой - sheep)
Менің өзімді жеке жей алмайдыБірақ менсіз тамақ желінбейді (тұз - sаlt)
VIII. Poуglot. Find the endings of proverbs
1. Better late …. than never.
Лучше поздно чем никогда
Ештен кеш жақсы2. A friend in need is……a friend indeed
Друг познается беде
Ерді кебенек ішінде таны3. East or West….. home is best
В хорошо, адома лучше.
Өз үйім, кең сарайдай бөз үйім4. Live and…… learn.
Век живи, век учись.
Өмір бойы оқып өт5. Health is ……. above weathЗдоровье – богатство
Денсаулық - зор байлық6. Easier said …than done
Говорить легко чем сделать
Айту оңай, істеу қиынIX. Sing songs. Participants must sing foreign songs.
X. Conclusion.
That is all for today. you were active. Thank you for your work. I hope you’ve liked our competition. Three teams were very good. But the team…… is the winner. Let us congratulate them. Good - bye, everybody!