Розробка нестандартного уроку з англійської мови в початковій школі.



К л а с: 3
Тип уроку: урок узагальнення, урок-гра.
Тема: Animals and birds
Мета: активізувати вивчену лексику з даної теми, розвивати уміння
монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, розвивати інтонаційний слух, слухову й зорову пам’ять; виховувати любов до предмету, привчати учнів до напруженої розумової праці під час уроку, до певних вимог дисципліни.
Обладнання: м’яч, картки із зображенням тварин, плакати, магнітофон.

Х і д у р о к у

І. Організаційний момент.

Teacher. - Good morning children! Today is a fine day.
The sun is shining, the birds are singing. It`s a good time to make an excursion. Would you like to go for a walk to the forest?

Children. - Yes, of course.

Teacher. - Children, do you know who lives in the forest?

Children. - Yes! A wolf , a fox , a monkey, . . . .

Teacher. – And do you know who is a king of all animals?

Children.- Yes, It`s a lion.

П. Рольова гра
·Діти хором співають пісню.

Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear lion,
Happy birthday to you.

Ш. Основна частина уроку.

Teacher. – Let`s play now. We are going to play a game “My favorite things”
I toss the ball
Дити хором рахують: one, two, , , .

Teacher. - The 1st team is a team .

ІV. Фізкультхвилинка.

Lion. – Oh! I ,m tired. Let`s have a rest.

Teacher. – Let`s do mimic exercises.

Діти виконують рухи, які називає вчитель

Fly like a bird,
Swim like a fish,
Trot like a horse,
Run like a hare,
Climb like a monkey in the zoo.
Slide like a snake,
Skip like a girl,
Hop like a frog and then
Clap your hands high,
Clap your hands low.

Teacher. – Guess the crossword. It contains pictures.

Додаток 1

Teacher. – It`s a pity. But our snake is ill now. She could not come, but she has sent a letter. Look! You can see a word snake. Find the names of the animals here. Who is quicker? You have 5 minutes. Write down the names of animals.

Додаток 2

Squirrel - білка 8. Tiger - тигр
Leopard - леопард 9. Rabbit - кролик
Duck - качка 10. Tortoise - черепаха
Kitten - кошеня 11. Echidna - єхидна
Nag - маленький кінь 12. Antelope - антилопа
Giraffe - жирафа
Elephant - слон

Teacher. – Well done, children, thank you very much for your answers. You know a lot about animals and birds. Many of you have pets. So, my dear friends, you must take care of them and not only of your pets but of all birds and animals. Don’t hurt animals, don’t catch birds. It is necessary for you to remember some rules about your pets.

Give him food every day.

Give him water every day.

Give him a clean place to sleep.

Give him a dry mat to sleep on.

Give him a warm place to sleep in winter.

Give him a cool place to sleep in summer.

V. Підсумки уроку

Teacher. - Dear children, we had a very good time at the lesson. You have done many interesting things. You know the names of the animals and birds, you know many poems about them. I liked your answer. You”re sensational! You` re unique! You`re fantastic!

VІ. Домашнє завдання

Write a short composition about your favourite animal ( 5 – 6 sentences )
Ask your friend about his ( her ) favourite animal. Write 5 questions.

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