Внеклассное мероприятие на тему Рождество в Англии и Америке английский язык (3-5 класс)


УЧИТЕЛЬ: Куджоян Е.Ю.

Цели:- повысить интерес учащихся к изучению английского языка
-развивать социокультурную компетенцию
- активизировать творческие способности при подготовке мероприятия
- пополнить словарный запас

Ход мероприятия

Ведущая1: Hello, friends! We are glad to see you again. The 25th of December is Christmas Day. This day
is connected with traditions:
decorating homes with evergreens
gift giving
singing Christmas carols
sending Christmas cards

Девочки исполняют песню «I heard the bells on Christmas Day», «Every little wish».

Выходят 2 ученика в костюмах почтальонов – Robins. Они держат в руках открытки . Также на экране изображение различных видов Рождественских открыток. Ребята читают стихотворение.
Christmas cards, Christmas cards
Red and green and blue.

Ведущая2: you see here Christmas birds. The Christmas Robins. Why the Robins? The origin of the robin as a Christmas bird dates back 100 years. In the 19th century the Post Office dressed its postmen in bright red coats of a colour to match the official red of the pillar-boxes. Because of this striking uniform, the postmen were called “robin postmen”.

Ведущая3: The holiday postcards also have candles, holly branches and, of course, the Virgin Mother with the Christ child. The religious service is being transmitted from the marvelous church of the 15th century. That is King`s College in Cambridge. There are Christmas hymns performed by the clear voices of the children and words read from the Bible.

Исполняется песня на английском языке «Virgin Mother».
Silent night, holy night
All is calm, all is bright.
Round you, Virgin Mother and child.
Holy infant, so tender and mild.
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.

Ведущая4: It has become a tradition to go fr
Сейчас мы вам предлагаем исполнить одну из таких песен вместе с нами.
Все поют и танцуют под песню «Ring those bells».
Ring those bells and clap your hands (3р)
For Christmas time is coming!

Ring those bells and stamp your feet (3р)
For Christmas time is coming!

Ring those bells and turn around (3р)
For Christmas time is coming!

Ring those bells and shake your body (3р)

· For Christmas time is coming!

Ring those bells and jump and jump (3р)
For Christmas time is coming!

Ведущая5: On the eve of Christmas the radio broadcasts appeals to collect money for the blind and cripples. The acts of charity are traditional, too. Children gather money and give it to the church to treat poor and homeless people to apples. In England they say if you eat an apple on Christmas you`ll enjoy excellent health until the following Christmas eve.
Исполняется сценка со стариком-попрошайкой. Он держит в руках шапку и ходит по залу. Публика раздает самодельные монетки-penny. Группа ребят поет шуточную песенку.
Christmas is coming
The goose is getting fat
Please, put a penny
In this old man`s hat

If you haven`t got a penny
A half penny will do,
If you haven`t got a half penny
Got bless you!

Ведущая6: Look at the wonderful fir tree!
Девочка-елка: Now my arms, for girls and boys,
Have blossomed already with coloured toys.
Oh, little pines, it`s so fun to live
To be a Christmas Tree and give.

Ведущая6: To know how the tradition of decorating the house with the evergreen plants was born, we must go back to the 16th century. In Germany there was the head of the Protestant movement Martin Luther. Once on Christmas eve he was going home and paid attention to the sky studded with bright stars. The sight was exciting. It seemed as if the stars were twinkling on the branches of the trees. Luther came home and decided to bring home a little fir tree. He made up his mind to decorate it with candles and light them. So the first decorated fir-tree appeared in Germany in 1513. Prince Albert, German by birth, became a husband of Britain`s Queen Victoria. He brought this tradition to England.
А сейчас мы исполним рождественскую песню про елочку.
Ребята хором поют песню «Oh Christmas Tree»

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree
How evergreen your branches (2р)
They are green when summer days are bright
They are green when winter snow is white
Oh Christmas Tree, oh Christmas Tree
How evergreen your branches!

Ведущий7: In England on New Year`s Eve , a lot of people go to Trafalgar Square, and at midnight they all cross arms, join hands and sing. People have parties in their houses too. The TV and radio stations broadcast the sound of Big Ben.

В конце программы все вместе поют «We wish you a Merry Christmas» and «Jingle bells».

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