Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку для 7 класса «Звездный час»

Звездный час.
Игра основана на одноименной телевизионной игре. В каждом задании участник, который первый и правильно отвечает, получает звездочку.
Цели: 1. образовательная:
- проверить знания учащихся об англоязычных странах;
- закрепить знания учащихся о достопримечательностях Лондона;
- проверить знания учащихся праздников, исторических дат, связанных с Англией;
- закрепить грамматические знания учащихся видовременных форм глагола, модальных глаголов;
- активировать лексику по темам «rooms, time expressions»
2. развивающая:
- способствовать развитию психофизиологических способностей, таких, как память, мышление;
- развивать у учащихся быстроту реакции;
3. воспитательная:
- воспитывать чувство уважения к стране изучаемого языка;
- способствовать воспитанию командного духа.
Оборудование: таблички с цифрами от 1 до 6, флаги стран, символы стран, картины достопримечательностей Лондона, картины праздников, исторические даты, названия известных людей, комнат, писателей, сказочных героев, таблицы форм глагола, модальных глаголов, звездочки.Ход мероприятия:
- Glad to meet you, dear boys and girls, guests and teachers! Today we are having a competition “The Star Hour”. The participants will introduce themselves (знакомство участников). You will have many tasks today and who collects the great number of stars he will be a winner. So, To get stars you have to be the first and right answering the questions. We begin. (В каждом задании ученик, ответивший первым иправильно получает звездочку).
The 1st competition “All over the world”.Task 1. Flags. 1 2 3

4 5 6

Which is the flag of Australia?
Which is the flag of England?
Which is the flag of Canada?
Which is the flag of New Zealand?
Which is the flag of America?
Task 2. Symbols. 1 2 3 4

What is the national symbol of England?
What is the national symbol of Wales?
What is the national symbol of Ireland?
What is the national symbol of Scotland?
Task 3. London sights. 1 2 3
St. Paul’s
Buckingham Palace
The Houses of Parliament

4 5 6
The Tower of London
Westminster Abbey
Trafalgar Square

What building has Big Ben?
It was built in the 11th century by William Conquerror as a fortress and a royal palace. Later it was a prison, now it’s a museum and a royal Treasure.
What is the home of the Queen?
It’s a royal church. There are tombs of many British kings and queens and other famous people. This is where the coronation takes place.
Task 4. Holidays. 1 2 3

4 5

This holiday is celebrated on the 14th of February as a day of love and friendship.
People buy presents and cards and send them to their parents, friends. Parents put their presents into the stockings. The traditional meal is roast turkey and pudding. They also decorate streets, rooms and trees.
Children make lanterns out of pumpkins, dress as withes and ghosts and go from house to house saying “Trick or Treat!”
Children usually eat chocolate eggs and Cross Buns on this day.
(Участник с наименьшим количеством звезд покидает игру).
The 2nd competition “History”.Task 1. Dates. 1 2 3 4 5 6

When did the 1st Englishman Richard Chancellor come to Russia?
When was the 1st treaty between England and Russia signed?
When did the 1st stamp “Penny Black” appear?
When was the 1st official document the Domes day Book written?
Task 2. Famous people. 1 2 3 4

Agatha Christie

Who was one of the best British artists? He painted “Marriage o la Mode”, “The Graham Children” and other pictures which are kept in the National Gallery in London.
Who wrote 75 detective stories?
He was a spaceman and the 1st person to walk on the Moon.
Who invented the telephone?
(Участник с наименьшим количеством звезд покидает игру).
The 3rd competition “Grammar”. 1 2 3 4
+ V3
Ved, V2
Is + VingAre
V, Vs

+ V

Task 1. English Tenses.
Show the formula of the Future Simple Tense.
Show the formula of the Present Perfect Tense.
Show the formula of the Present Simple Tense.
Show the formula of the Past Simple Tense.
In what tenses we use the following time expressions:
Now, at this moment.
Every day, usually, often, always
Yesterday, last week, a month ago
Tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next year
Already, just, not yet, never
Task 2. Modal verbs. 1 2 3 4


What modal verbs we use to translate the following sentences:
Не могли ли бы вы передать мне соль?
Можно задать вам вопрос?
Я умею кататься на роликах?
Улицу следует переходить на зеленый цвет?

(Участник с наименьшим количеством звезд покидает игру).
The 4th competition “At home”
Task 1. Rooms. 1 2 3 4

5 6 7

In this room there is a table, a mirror, a chest of drawers and beds. We sleep there.
There is a table, a sofa, chairs, TV, a fireplace.
There is a desk, chairs, shelves of books, computer. You may do your homework there.
There you may wash your hands, face, clean your teeth, take a bath or a shower.
There is a fridge, a stove, plates, cups and others. We usually eat there.
Task 2. Home-library writers. 1 2 3 4
Lewis CarrolPamela
Beatrix Potter
Daniel Defoe

5 6 7
Alan Milne
M. Barrie

Who is the author of “Robinson Crusoe”
Who is the author of “Marry Poppins”
Who wrote about Winnie-the Pooh
Who wrote about funny rabbits ND OTHER ANIMALS
Who wrote about the adventures of the girl called alice in the magic country Wonderland
Task 3. Home-reading characters. 1 2 3 4
Mary PoppinsPeter Pan
5 6
Robinson Crusoe
He took care of animals, because he loved them very much. Many different animals lived in his house.
She looked after children. She usually had a bag and an umbrella in her hands. In her bag there was an armchair, a piano and a magic bottle.
He was a boy who didn’t grow. He could fly as a bird.
He was a sailor. One day there was a storm in the sea and the ship was wrecked. He swam to an island, lived there alone for a long time.
(Участник с наименьшим количеством звезд покидает игру).
The final. Остается два ученика – победителя игры, подсчитываются количество звезд, у кого меньше звезд, тот начинает финальный конкурс. Из данного слова ученики должны составлять слова за 1 минуту или по усмотрению, но не более 3 минут. Затем начинается словообмен. Тот, у кого закончились слова, проигрывает. Ученик с лишними звездами может их применить вместо слов, если есть необходимость.
Make up as many words as you can out of the word SPORTSMEN.
(sport, port, men, most, sort, nose, rose, stop….) and so on.