Открытый урок по английскому языку на тему Environmental problems (11-класс)

Theme: Environmental Problems
Aims of the lesson: 1. Identify and discuss different kinds of pollution.
2. Identify and discuss sources of pollution.
3. Bring-up the sense of responsibility and to teach respect the nature, environment
Aids: lesson vocabulary cards, photographs of water, air, and land pollution, chart paper, “Let’s Stop Pollution” poster, poster board, crayons, markers, variety of sizes of cardboard boxes, Kleenex, soap, water, variety of pollution bumper stickers.
Type of the lesson: combined
Method: brainstorming, working in groups
Procedure of the lesson
1. Organizational moment
Reporting questions
2. Checking of the home task
What was your home task? – It was to make up sentences using First Conditional or Second Conditional. Let’s check!
If the weather is fine, we’ll go to the mountain.
I will buy a new computer if my parents give me much money.
If I were fish, I would say not to pollute the water.
If I had more money , I would travel all over the world.
3. Phonetic drill
Look at these beautiful pictures of our land I’d like to begin the lesson with the poem:
“The Earth”
The Earth is a garden
It’s a beautiful place
For all living creatures
For all the human races
Helping Mother Earth
We can peacefully roam
We all diverse a place
We can call our home
I’ll write the word, The Earth ‘on the blackboard and ask you to tell me the words, which come to you mind connecting with this word.
Who will be the first and write the words to each letter of the word ,,EARTH ’’
E – environment, ecology
A – air , animals
R – river, radiation
T – tree, temperature
H – home , hill
The theme of our lesson today is «Environmental problems » We‘ll speak about our planet, ecological problems, read the text, listen to the text and have fun during our lesson.
Teacher: Read  and repeat the words
4. New words
№ English қазақша Русский
1 Lay down Жоспарлау Устанавливать
2 Oblige Міндеттеу Обязывать, заставить
3 Residue Қалдық, тунба Остаток
4 Spray Себу Опрыскивать
5 Detect Табу, көріп қалу Найти, обнаруживать
6 Slick Дақ Нефтяная плёнка
7 Toxic Ұлы Токсический
8 Identify Біріктіру, теңдестіру Отождествить, соединять
9 Hazardous Қауіпті, қатерлі Опасный 10 waste қоқыс Отход, мусор
Make up some sentences using new vocabulary
1 My sister bought a new spray for hair. 2 Omar, you shouldn’t pollute the soil air and water with wastes!
Before reading the text let’s to see the video! What are the main problems of our planet?
    5. New theme: Environmental Problems
The poisoning of the world's land, air, and water is the fastest-spreading disease of civilization. It probably produces fewer headlines than wars, earthquakes and floods, but it is potentially one of history's greatest dangers to human life on earth. If present trends continue for the next several decades, our planet will become uninhabitable. Overpopulation, pollution and energy consumption have created such planet-wide problems as massive deforestation, ozone depletion, acid rains and the global warming that is believed to be caused by the greenhouse effect.
The environment of Kazakhstan has been badly damaged by human activity. Most of the water in Kazakhstan is polluted. Irrigation projects has caused the level of the Aral Sea to drop by 13 m, decreasing its size by 50%. The change in size has changed the climate in the area and revealed 3 million hectares of land that are now subject to erosion.
By contrast, the water level of the Caspian Sea, and many of Kazakhstan’s Caspian oil fields could be submerged by 2020.
Industrial pollution is a bigger concern in Kazakhstan’s manufacturing cities, where aging factories pump huge quantities of unfiltered pollutants into the air and groundwater. Almaty, is particularly threatened, in part because of the post-independence boom in private automobile ownership.
The gravest environmental threat to Kazakhstan comes from radiation, especially in Semey. In February 1989, in Kazakhstan led to the creation of the republic's largest movements, Nevada-Semipalatinsk, which was founded by Kazakh poet and public figure Olzhas Suleymenov. After a year of demonstrations and protests, the test ban took effect in 1990. Once its major ecological objective was achieved, Nevada-Semipalatinsk made various attempts to broaden into a more general political movement; it has not pursued a broad ecological or "green" agenda. A very small green party, Tagibat, made common cause with the political opposition in the parliament of 1994. The government has established a Ministry of Ecology and Bioresources, with a separate administration for radioecology
What are the main problems of our planet?
Pupils: Water pollution
             Air pollution
             Soil pollution
Teacher: How can we solve those problems?
Pupils: We can plant trees, flowers
             We can reduce using water, gas
             We can use recycling things
              We can clean parks.
Water, Air, Soil
At first you should write down the words connecting your theme.
Water pollution: the Aral sea, the Caspian sea, the Aksu river
Air pollution: Baykhonur, Semey polygon, factories-Shymkent cement, oil
Soil pollution: Semey polygon, forest disappearing
What can you say about the ecological problems of the Aral Sea and Caspian Sea?( work in a group)Discussing 1-st groupThe Aral Sea is one of the environment disasters of the world. The air has salt, dust and pollutant blown from the sea. The people of that area are not very healthy. Many people suffer from different illnesses. The health of the people is becoming worse and worse. The government should help the people and the environment.2-nd group:The Caspian Sea has many ecological problems. Many foreign oil companies and our national oil company work in  Atyrau region. Oil brings them a lot of profit but it destroys the land and sea birds.The Caspian Sea is polluted. Oil kills fish and sea seals. The Caspian Sea becomes smaller than some years ago.
6. Game
Now we can play the Game So how can we help the environment? You have tree leaves. Let’s make a green tree. Put the leaves We must or We mustn’t saying your sentences. Write please on your leaves how we can help the environmental.
7. Working with grammatical exercises . 1-group
   1.Human beings/kill/our planet 1. Animal/disappear
2. A man/not cut down/tree 2. People/cut down/many trees
3. I/plant/a tree3. Students/plant/trees4. He/solve/environmental problems4. He/live/among litter5. Scientists/alarm5. She /not think/about environment
6. The Dead Sea/become/smaller 6. Student/take/the rubbish/to the local recycling center
7. We/clean/our park7. The average person/throw away/about 70 food cans
8. The forests/disappear/all over world 8. He/keep/himself informed/about environmental problems
2-group: Environmental quiz.The gradual warming up the Earth is called________ warming. (alogbl)Acid ________ destroys trees and kills fish in lakes. (ianr)Many factories dump dangerous ______ straight into the sea. (michecals)Burning things releases _______ dioxide into the atmosphare. (boncar)Huge areas of tropical rain ________ are dissappearing every year. (orestf)The exhaust fumes from cars and lorries cause serious ________ in many cities around the world. (llutionpo)8. Letter Writing.
T: We have discussed the problems of nature with you.
I task. 1-group: write a letter to the President of Kazakhstan.
And now I want you to sit in small groups and think over the letters to the President of Kazakhstan. We’ll compose the best variant and send it to Akhorda. In your letter you will express our anxiety about the fate of our planet. (Pupils are working in small groups. Pupils read their variants of letters and P1 is printing the most important words.)
2-group: There are “SOS” cards. You should come to the map of Kazakhstan and stick to the ecological areas these cards and explain them.
9. ReflexionNow fill in the table. There are 4 columns in the table.
You knew this fact before
“√” New information
“+” Thought differently
“–” Don’t understand, have questions“?”
   Now let’s discuss.
– What facts did you know before?
– What new information have you learned from the text?
– Are there any facts in the text you don’t understand?
– Thank you.

10. Marking
11. Giving home task: To write an essay “Problems of our region”
Қысқа мерзімді жоспар
Сынып:11 –в
Пәні: ағылшын тілі
Пән мұғалімі: Якубова Гулистан Эргешовна Өтілетін күні: 06.12.2014ж.
Сабақтың тақырыбы: Қоршаған ортаны қорғау .
Сабақтың мақсаты:Оқушыларда қоршаған ортаны қорғау проблемалары туралы түсінік қалыптастыру, осы проблема шешімін табу арқылы сыни тұрғыдан ойлау қабілеттерін дамытуға қолдау көрсету.
Нәтиже: Оқушыларда қоршаған ортаны қорғау проблемалары туралы түсінік қалыптасады, сол проблема шешімін табу арқылы сыни тұрғыдан ойлау қабілеттерін дамытуға қолдау көрсетіледі. Топ ережесін ұстануға, пікір алмасуда өз тұжырымдамасын дәлелдей білу арқылы ауызша сөйлеу дағдысы дамыди.
Мұғалімнің іс-әрекеті Оқушылардың іс-әрекеті Ресурстар
3 минутСыныпты ұйымдастыру.
Сәлемдесу, оқушылардың түгелдеу, көңіл-күйін білу.
Оқушыларды топқа бөлуОқушыларды түсті парақшалар тарату арқылы топқа бөлу. Сынып топқа бөлініп отырады.
Оқушылардың көңіл –күйі көтеріледі.
Әр түсті стикер
5 минутТоптық жұмыс
Ойлан, жуптас, бөліс -топтық қорғау
Сабақ барысында оқушылар топтық жұмыс кезінде үй тапсырмасы бойынша өз жұмыстарын қорғайды. Өткен материалдар бойынша сұрақтар.
5 минут1-топ «Сәйкестікті тап»,
2-топ «Мимикалық-визиуальдық баяндау» әдістері бойынша тапсырма беру Оқушылар өткен тақырыптағы жаңа сөздердің мағынасына сай іс-қимыл жасап түсіндіреді Үлестірме материалдар
3 минутТақырыпты ашуға арналған видеоролик көрсету Оқушылар осы роликте тамашалаған сюжет бойынша сөздер құрастырады АКТ
2 минутСөздік пен жұмыс Оқушыларға жаңа сөздер туралы түсінік беріледі Сөздік
12 минутЖаңа тақырып: бойынша топтарға тапсырма беріп, мәтінді 2 бөлікке бөліп береді. Үй тобында оқып алуын тапсырады. Жұмыс тобына жиналуын сұранады.
Берілген тақырып бөлігін оқып шығады. Топтарға берілген бөліктері арқылы бөлінеді.Топ ішінде талқылайды.Бір- біріне түсіндіреді. Сұрақтар қояды, жауап береді.Өз жұмыстарына талдау жасайды. Джиксо стратегиясыОқулық, тірек сызбалар, презентация
2 мин Сергіту сәті: «Ой шебері» әдісі Оқушылар табиғат туралы мақал-матал және нақыл сөздер айтады 8 минутТоптық жұмыс «Кубизм» стратегиясы бойынша әр топқа тапсырма беру.
1.Картада көрсету. Паразит турлерін жазып бір - бірімен салыстыру.
2. І топ: Синквейн: Қоршаған ортаны қорғау бойынша мәтін құрастыру
ІІ топ: Президентке хат : Оқушылар қоршаған ортаны қорғау бойынша өз пікірлерін білдіреді. Оқушылар Қазақстандағы экологиялық ахуалы төмен болған мекен жайларды картадан белгілейді.Топтық жұмыста оқушылар диалог нәтижесінде әр оқушы өз пікірін айта отырып бір - бірінің сөзін тыңдап, ортақ шешімге келеді. Тапсырмалар, түрлі түсті бағалау парақтары
«5»баға-қызыл түсті жұлдызша, «4» баға-көк түсті төртбұрыш, «3» баға-сары түсті үшбұрыштар
4 минутРефлексия
«Екі жұлдыз, бір тілек» -590551809750048768055435500
Сабаққа қорытынды жасалады. Топтардың бір-бірін бағалаунда әр топ басқа топтың жұмысына “Екіжұлдыз,біртілек ” бағалау стратегиясы арқылы бағалап отырады. “Екіжұлдыз,бір тілек ” бағалау парақтары
1 мин Үйтапсырмасы: «Экология және біз» тақырыбында эссе жазу Оқушылар үй тапсырмасын күнделікке жазады Күнделік
Merry Christmas 
1. Вступление ведущих.
1 – Good morning, girls! Good morning, boys!
2 – Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!
1 – Good morning, guests!
2 – We are glad to see you!
1 – Today we are going to show you Christmas Party!
Рождество является самым популярным семейным праздником в Британии. Он празднуется 25 декабря. Санта Клаус получил своё название от человека известного как Светой Николас, который делал пожертвование бедным и очень часто детям.
Санта Клауса в разных местах мира называли по разному например, испанцы Санта Бальтазаро, итальянцы Ла Бельфана,в Дании Джула Ниссен, в Германии Занкт Герр, в России Дедушка Мороз. Наши ученики 5-класса не так давно начали изучать английский язык. Они обогащают свои знания, изучая традиции и обычаии английского народа.
Today we have 2 teams. The 1-team is “Christmas” and the 2-team is “Santa Claus”
1-ведущий:  Этапы конкурса:
1-этап: выразительное чтение стихов
2-этап:нахождение фонетических пар
3-этап: собрать мазайку
4-этап: решение пазлов
5-этап: домашнее задание
2-ведущий: Dear children! Today we are going to have an interesting lesson-competition. These are our judges. They will give marks for every task. Your answers should be right, loud, expressive, artistic. Good luck! Let’s begin our competition.
2. Выходят Новый год и Снегурочка.
New Year:
I am little New Year, ho, ho!Here I come jumping over the snow,Shaking my bells with a merry din – So open your doors and let me in!
Ice Princess:
Presents we bring for each and all – Big folks, little folks, short and tall.Each one of you a treasure may win – So open your doors and let us in.
New Year: Do you like to guess riddles?
Ice Princess: We have some for you. Now listen carefully.
New Year:
It`s blue and by night,By day it`s white.It is cold and not dry,It falls from the sky. (The snow).Ice Princess:
In winter and it in summerStands in one colour. (A fir-tree).New Year:
Higher than a house, higher than a tree – Oh, what can that be? (The sky).Ice Princess:
I come with cold and snow.But you like me and know. (Winter).New Year: You are very clever children.
New Year: But where is Father Frost?
Ice Princess: I don`t know. Let`s call his: “Father Frost! Father Frost”! (The children are calling). Father Frost: Yo-ho-ho!
Father Frost : Merry Christmas, my dear! Ho, ho, ho! Merry Christmas, everyone! We hope you have a lot of fun! Hello my dear boys and girls! Can you tell me English poems and songs?
Children: Yes, of course.
Ice Princess: Father Frost, I know, the children like to sing songs, girls and boys like to tell poems. Do you want to listen them?
Father Frost: Yes, I do.
It is winter, it is Christmas!Look at our Christmas tree!
There are big balls, there are nice dolls,Many candies can see you. There are flags, there are ribbons,
Little bells and bright stars, too.
Red and orange, green and yellow,Pink and purple, violet and blue.We have a fir-tree in the hall.It is so beautiful and tall!
Around it we dance and playBecause it is a New Year Day.The New Year Tree so fine and tallStands in the centre of the hall.
Its needles are green,Its toys are bright.Our New Year Party is tonight.
Around the fir-tree let us play,Because it is a New Year Day.
What do you see in the fir-tree?I see a plane, a ship, a car, A flag, a bird, a tram, a star,A horse, a cat, a cock, a dog.
A fox, a pig, a duck,A frog, a hen, a chick,A ball, a drum,An apple, a pear and a plum.
A song
We wish you a Merry Christmas,We wish you a Merry Christmas,
Good tidings to youWherever you areGood tidings for ChristmasAnd a Happy New Year!
We wish you a Merry Christmas,We wish you a Merry Christmas,We wish you a Merry ChristmasAnd a Happy New Year!
We wish you a Merry ChristmasAnd a Happy New Year!
Good tidings we brightTo you of good cheer.Good tidings for ChristmasAnd a Happy New Year!
We wish you a Merry Christmas,We wish you a Merry Christmas,We wish you a Merry ChristmasAnd a Happy New Year!
Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you.
Good morning our teacher
We are glad to see you.
Hello, hello
My name is Umida I live in the village
And I am ten
One, two, three, four,
Mary at the cottage door
Five, six, seven, eight,
Eating cherries of the plate
Rain, rain, go to Spain,
Never show you face again!
Rain, rain, go away
Come again another day
Little Marry wants to play
Merry, merry Christmas
Is likely to come
Merry, merry Christmas
You are welcome!
A song
New Year Day! New Year Day! Let us singAnd let us play!
Father FrostBrings many toysFor little girlsAnd little boys!
When Santa comes to our house,I would like to peek.But I know, he`ll never comeUntil I fall asleep.
Snow in the window,Much confetti.Bright – blue, red and yellowLights on the tree.
Smiling eyes and faces,Sweet music in the hall.I think someone placesHappiness her for all.
Merry, Merry ChristmasIs likely to come.Merry, Merry ChristmasYou are welcome!
2-этап: нахождение фонетических пар Например: Bee-he wet-forget
1 команда
Hop Joking
2 команда
Sun Wet Hop
Feel Run

3-этап: собрать мазайку
New Year: Let`s play. The game is name “Collect the picture”. (The children are playing).

Father Frost will give riddles for our guests while 2 teams do their task.
Father Frost’s riddles:
1. A little old woman with twelve children: some short, some long, some cold, some hot.
What is it?
2. Which month of the year is the shortest?
3. What is white and falls on the top of the roof?
4. What can you see with your eyes shut?
5. Its white, it is cold. You can skate on it. What is it?
4-этап: решение пазлов
Father Frost: Wonderful! I hope you can help me solve my puzzles. Take these envelopes. Let`s make the words. (The children are making: Merry, Christmas, snowman, snowball).

5-этап: домашнее задание-приготовление новогодних открыток
Now it is turn to our juries to say who is the best, better and good. Thank you our dear Father Frost and guest! And we wish you health, wealth and happiness. We wish you peace and joy in the New Year. Our competition is over. Thank you that you were with us.
Прощание Деда Мороза и Снегурочки, подарки.
Ice Princess:
New Year Day, happy day,We are all glad and very gay!We all dance and sing and say:“Welcome! Welcome! New Year Day”!Happy New Year, my dear friends!Happy New Year!
Father Frost:
I want to give you lots of loveAnd want to say right here:Have a happy New Year DayAnd then a happy Year!
All together: Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
(песня*We wish you a Merry Christmas*)
                                        The end