Урок по английскому языку «Англо-говорящие страны»

Урок-практикум «English-speaking countries».

Морозова Светлана Георгиевна, учитель английского языка
Цель урока:

Образовательная – увеличения объёма знаний об особенностях культуры англо-говорящих стран.
Учебная - развитие речевых умений, навыков письменной речи.
Развивающая - развитие творческих способностей учащихся, умения высказываться логично и связно.
Воспитательная – прививать учащимся интерес к англо-говорящим странам.
План урока:
I Организационный момент. Приветствие.
II Подготовка к основному этапу: целеполагание, мотивация.
III. Фонетическая зарядка.
IV. Основной этап.
1. аудирование.
2.Развитие грамматических навыков (прилагательные).
3.Релаксационная пауза
4. Практика написания письма.
V. Подведение итогов. Рефлексия.
VI.Домашнее задание.

Ход урока.

I. Организационный момент. Приветствие.

Teacher ( T): Morning , children! I`m glad to see you. Is everybody on time? I hope nobody is absent today.
Pupil (P): Yes, all the pupils are on time.

II. Подготовка к основному этапу : целеполагание, мотивация.
T: Dear children and guests, today we have an unusual lesson, the topic of our lesson is « English-speaking countries». Today we`ll practice in listening, writing, speaking , doing grammar tasks.
III.Фонетическая зарядка.
T: listen and then repeat the proverb “East or West – home is best” ( CD “Доктор Хикинс).
“When in Rome, do as the Romans do”

IV.Речевая зарядка.
T: Now
· (The White House)
Who was the 1st president of America? (W.Washington)
What is the largest American state? (Alaska)

V. Проверка домашнего задания. Практика разговорной речи.
·Основной этап.
1. Аудирование.
T: Dear Students, it`s time to start practice listening the text. You’ll listen 6 speakers. Which information goes with which? Match 1-6 with A-G. (слайд 1)
(Tренировочные варианты ЕГЭ , И.В.Ермолова В.-1).
2. Грамматика и лексика.
T: Now. W’ll practice grammar – adjectives. ( презентация ).
VII. Релаксационная пауза.
T: Dear students, it’s time to relax .
T.: I see you are tired. Let’s relax.
Hands up! Hands down! Shake! Shake!
Stand up! On the tiptoes
Turn around. Step aside,
Step left! Step right!
-One more time now.

VII. Практика письма.
T: Now, we’ll practice how to write a letter.
When you write the letter to you pen-friend
1.Don’t forget write your address at the right up corner.
- house’s number, street
-city, town
- country
2. Bellow address you must write the date.
3. At the top of the letter you write the informal addressing. After the addressing you give a point:
“Dear .,
4.Divide the text of the letter into some logical parts. Each part must begin with a new line.
1) At the 1st part you thankful your friend for his\her letter:
Thanks for your letter. It was great to hear from you again!
2) You can excuse you haven’t write before:
I’m sorry I haven’t answered earlier but I was really busy with my schoolwork.
3) At the main part of the letter you must explain all aspects giving in the task. Don’t forget to ask all necessary questions. You can use such words as
Actually, well, by the way, as for me
4) At the last part of the letter you should explain why you finish the letter:
Well,I’d better go now as I have to do my homeworke.
Remember about future contacts:
Write back soon !
5.At the end of the letter you write:
Love, best wishes
And your signature.

VIII. Подведение итогов урока. Рефлексия.
T.I appreciate your work very much today. Your marks are.

IX. Your home task is : to write a letter to your pen-friend about interesting places in Russia.
Thank you for the lesson. I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Good bye.