Разработка урока английского языка на тему У природы нет плохой погоды 6 класс

Развивающие: формировать устойчивый интерес к мотивации к дальнейшему изучению английского языка, вовлекать учащихся в творческую деятельность, развивать воображение;Образовательные:познакомить с занятиями английских школьников в разные времена года. Расширить общеобразовательный кругозор учащихся при ознакомлении их со страноведческими сведениями;
Воспитательные:воспитывать потребность практического использования языка;Учебные:обучать монологической речи, активизировать употребление лексики по теме «Погода», обобщить и закрепить грамматический материал: придаточные предложения реального условия.
Учебник «Английский язык – 6 класс», Кузовлев В.П.
Рабочие листы “Weather map of Great Britain”
Презентация “If-clauses”
Компьютер, интерактивная доска
Ресурсы Интернет – сайт www.britishcouncil.org
The plan of the lesson: “If the weather is fine…”
№ The stages of the lesson Teacher’s activityPupils’ activity1 Greeting. Introductory phrases. Good morning boys and girls! Take your places.How are you?What’s the date today?What’s the weather like Answer the teacher’s questions.
2 Warming up activities. Look at the board!Here you can see the word

The pupils are writing the words associated with weather
3 Checking home taskAnd now let’s describe the weather in our town in different seasons (AB ex.1). The pupils are describing seasons.
4 Listening Now children let’s work in the Internet. Click http://www.britishcouncil.org/kids-topics-weather.htm and then Weather Maze. Who can come home faster? The pupils are working in the Internet.
5 The gymnastics for eyes. We have worked on computers and our eyes are tired. Let’s do gymnastics for eyes. Wink your eyes quickly, close them tight and count till 5. Open your eyes and look into the distance. Look to the right, look to the left, look up and down. (3 times) Pupils are doing the gymnastics.
6 Working with the presentationNow children look at the screen.Here you can see the rule of using tenses in sentences with real condition. The pupils are working with the presentation.
7 Working with Student’s bookNow open, please, your books on page 118. We’ll work with ex.2.2). Here are weather forecasts. You have to say what you and your friends will do in this or that weather. Children are transforming sentences.It will freeze in the evening. – If it freezes in the evening…
8 Gymnastics for restNow, children, stand up. Let’s do gymnastics to rest a little.Hands up! Hands down!Hands to the sides! Sit down!Stand up! Hands on the hips!Bend left! Bend right!Clap your hands! All right! (2 times) 9 Working with handouts “Weather map of Britain” Children, now you must work with the weather map of Britain. Read weather forecast and put weather signs on the map. Then check each other’s maps and give marks your partners. (приложение 1, материалы сайта www.britishcouncil.org) Children read weather forecast and put weather signs on the map. (Контроль понимания осуществляется в ходе взаимопроверки)
10 Written work. And now find in the text sentences in which it is said what weather it will be in different parts of Britain and transform them as in example (образец в презентации) The pupils are writing sentences.If there is strong wind in Ireland, Irish children will stay at home.etc (Контроль осуществляет учитель в ходе проверки работ)
9 Setting homework. All right, children. Your home task will be to do exercise 1 in Activity Book. Pupils are writing down the homework.
10 Giving marks. Children, you have worked well today. Your marks are … (If pupils have questions they may ask them).
11 Reflexion. Did you like the lesson?What did you like best?Thank you for your workGood-bye. Pupils are answering the teacher’s questions and analyzing their own activity.
«Whatever the Weather…»
6 класс
Тема урока: «Whatever the Weather…» («У природы нет плохой погоды»)
Форма урока: обобщающий урок
Цели урока:
обучающая: совершенствование лексических навыков говорения по теме «Погода. Времена года.», совершенствование грамматических навыков говорения (придаточное предложение реального условия);
развивающая: развитие коммуникативной компетенции учащихся;
воспитательная: воспитание чувства толерантности и взаимопомощи при работе в группах, воспитание уважительного отношения к мнению других людей.
Оборудование: презентация (Microsoft PowerPoint); ТСО – мультимедийный проектор.
Ход урока
Teacher (T:): Good-morning, my dear friends! I’m glad to see you! The topic of our lesson today is «WHATEVER THE WEATHER…». People speak about weather every day. They like to speak about it in England too. The weather is so changeable there so the English often say “We have no climate”. The English also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the afternoon, when it rains in the morning and when it rains all day long. Sometime it rains so heavily that they say ‘It’s raining cats and dogs’. But the weather is not so dreadful in England. There are four seasons in the year. What seasons are there in the year? Who knows?
Pupil (P:):They are Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
T:That’s right! Do all these seasons have different kinds of weather?
P:Yes, of course!
T:Let’s talk about it today. Our conversation will be unusual. You are divided into two teams. Each team has got its own name: “The Snowflakes” and “The Suns”. We are going to overwhelm seven competitions:
“Who Has Got More Rays?”
“What Is the Weather Like In Your House?”
“Find The Words.”
“This Is the Season…”
“My Favourite Season.”
(Конкурс «Приветствие». Команды должны поприветствовать друг друга, используя лексику по теме.Полилог)

P1:- Hello, “The Suns”!
P2: - Hi, “The Snowflakes”! Nice to see you today!
P3:- Nice to see you too! We have got an idea. Look here, the weather is marvellous today. Why not go to the park and play in the snow?
P4:- As for me I don’t like such weather. It’s cold and frosty.
P5:- But I like winter and snow. You can make a snowman, ski or skate. It’s so wonderful!
P6:- I like when it snows. But you can not go for a walk. It’s frosty and windy.
P7:- Why not? I like when the frost pinches my cheeks and nose. It is true.
P8:- But as for me my favourite season is Summer. The weather is hot. You can fish or go to the beach.
P9:- As for me I like Autumn. Sweet fruit… Tasty vegetables… It’s wonderful! People call Autumn rainy season. I like rain. You can stay at home, listen to music or read books.
P10:- But I think Spring is the best season. It is marvellous when the sun is shining, the birds are singing. Grass and trees are green. The Nature wakes up.
T:I want to add some words. As for me I think that every season is wonderful in itself.
Spring is green.
Summer is bright.
Autumn is yellow.
Winter is white.
“Who Has Got More Rays?”
(Каждой команде дается набор из 20 слов, из которых они должны выбрать лексические единицы по теме (всего 8) и разместить их на лучах солнца и снежинки соответственно. Победителем является тот, у кого не останется лучей без слов.) Задание (для 2-х команд):

are speak
“What Is the Weather Like In Your House?”
(Каждой команде дается определенный набор букв, из которых нужно составить по 5 слов.)
Команда I
marvellous – изумительный
forecast – прогноз
dreadful – ужасный
lovely – удивительный
weather - погода Команда II
changeable – изменчивый
sunshine – солнечный свет
terrible – ужасный
cloudy – облачно
weather - погода
“Find The Words.”
(Каждой команде предлагается решить чайнворд, а из оставшихся букв составить ключевое слово.)
мороз прогноз

w d f t w e s
in o s a r u
f w r a a m n
o g e c s m u
r a in n t d
f s t h o w e
r o r c o l d
m u d c s f f
f o g o u r o
w w t l n o r
e in d e s e
s n d h n t c
w o r a ir a
a w a r m t s
Ответ: weather – погода
“This Is the Season…”
(Конкурс стихов. Учащиеся рассказывают стихотворения о природе, погоде и т. п., изученные на уроках.) См. Приложение 1. (Презентации детей)

(Предлагается каждой команде по 5 ситуаций, которые они должны продолжить.)

T:We have talked about four seasons and different kinds of weather. We have learnt that the weather may be lovely and marvelous, warm and hot, dreadful and awful. It depends on each season. What do people do in such weather? What do you think about their occupation?
Команда I
If the weather is fine …
If it is snowy and frosty tomorrow …
If there is rain tomorrow …
If it is clear up tomorrow …
If there is fog … Команда II
If the weather is dreadful …
If it is warm and sunny …
If there is snow tomorrow …
If it freezes tomorrow …
If there is storm …
Предполагаемые ответы учащихся:
… my friends and I go for a walk.
… I’ll put on warm clothes.
… I’ll stay at home and listen to the music.
… my father will fish.
… my father won’t drive the car.
… I won’t cycle in the street.
… my friend and I will go to the beach.
… I’ll make a snowman in the park.
… we’ll play hockey.
… I won’t watch TV.
“My Favourite Season.”
(Конкурс капитанов «Мое любимое время года», можно задать несколько вопросов.)

T:Children, I don’t like cold and frosty weather. I hate wearing warm clothes. I prefer sitting at home and doing something. But I like warm and sunny weather. And what about you?T: And now let’s count your points and define the winner. Let’s listen to our jury. (Подведение итогов. Награждение победителей.) См. Приложение 2.
T:Let’s sing the song about weather and our lesson “The North Wind Doth Blow.” (Учащиеся поют песню)
The north wind doth blow,
And we shall have snow.
And what will poor Robin do then,
Poor thing.He’ll sit in a barn
And keep himself warm.
And hide his head under his wing,
Poor thing.T:Today we’ve revised the words and sentences about the weather. We’ve told about “IF” sentences. Your marks for today are…
Our lesson-game is over. You may be free. Good bye. See you later.
Приложение 1.
This is the season
When mornings are dark,
And birds do not sing
In the forest and park.
This is the season
When children ski,
And Father Frost
Brings the New Year tree.
This is the season
When snowdrops bloom,
When nobody likes
To be in his room.
This is the season
When birds make their nests;
This is the season
We all like best. Summer.
This is the season
When nights are short;
When children are full
Of fun and sport;
Playing, swimming
All the day
With a happy song
On a sunny day.
This is the season
When fruit is sweet;
This is the season
When school friends meet,
When noisy and gay,
And brown in the sun,
With their books and bags
To school they run.
Down, down, down,
Red, yellow, brown
Autumn leaves fall down. A Snowy Winter.
Oh, look around!
It is snowy so!
The ground is covered with snow,
The rivers and the lakes.
Completely white!
Oh, what a lovely sight!
The Snowman.
Come to the garden,
And play in the snow.
Make a white snowman,
And help him to grow!
“What a nice snowman!”
The children will say.
“What a fine game,
For a cold winter day!”
Come to the Woods.
Come to the woods
On a sunny day,
Come to the woods
On a day in May.
Look at the grass,
At the busy bees,
Look at the birds
In the green, green trees.
Thinking of Snow.
The day is new,
The snow is white,
‘Tis a beautiful day,
Oh, what’s a sight!
It’s on the ground,
It’s on the rock,
It’s in the trees,
And in my socks.
The Weather.
When the weather is wet
We must not fret.
When the weather is cold
We must not scold.
When the weather is warm
We must not storm.
But be joyful together
Whatever the weather.
White sheep, white sheep
On a blue hill.
When the wind stops
You all stand still.
You walk far away
When the winds blow.
White sheep, white sheep
Where do you go?
How do You Know,
It’s Spring?
How do you know it’s spring?
And how do you know, it’s Fall?
Suppose your eyes were always shut
And you couldn’t see at all,
Could you smell and hear the Spring?
And could you feel the Fall?
So softly came the snowflakes down
That no one heard, in all the town.
And right-side up they landed too,
As parachuting elves would do.
So when the morning came, surprise!
The world lay white before our eyes!
With cotton roof and hills a-blur,
And avenues of rabbit fur.
Приложение 2.
Конкурсы оценивает жюри в составе 3 - 4 человек (учащиеся старших классов, изучающие английский язык).
№п\пКонкурсы \ названия команд “The Snowflakes” “The Suns”
“Greeting” – 5 баллов “Who Has More Rays?” – 10 баллов “What are These Words?” – 5 баллов “What is the Weather Like in Your House?” – 5 баллов “This is the Season…” – 5 баллов “If…” – 5 балов “My Favourite Season.” – 5 баллов “The Weather Forecast.” – 5 баллов Эмблемы – 5 баллов Группа поддержки – 5 баллов Подведенные итоги