Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему Путешествие по англоговорящим странам

Сш. №31

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему "Путешествие по англо-говорящим странам"

Учитель английского языка: Куштаева С.Т.

п. Жалагаш

Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку на тему "Путешествие по англо-говорящим странам"

Задачи мероприятия:
Воспитательные: 1 Воспитание у молодого поколения толерантного открытого восприятия мира; 2 Воспитание уважительного отношения к другой культуре и осознание своей через контекст культуры англо-говорящих стран.
Развивающие: 1 Развитие творческих способностей учащихся; 2 Развитие способности к выбору выражений адекватных ситуации общения.
Познавательные: 1 Знакомство с чертами американцев, британцев, австралийцев; 2  Ознакомление учащихся с новыми знаниями.
Учебные: 1 Развитие умения понимать детали сказанного.
Ход мероприятия:
Музыкальная заставка.
 Сцена украшена плакатами – достопримечательности стран, в которых побывают учащиеся во время мероприятия. На сцену под музыкальное оформление выходят ведущие.
S1 – Good afternoon, dear friends! S2 - Welcome to our party of English speaking countries. S1 – Modern life is impossible without traveling. Thousands of people travel every day either
Шум на борту самолета. Взлет..
S2 Let me introduce you with our board’s rules. (Во время оглашения инструкций первый ведущий показывает тематические картинки на формате А3, либо это может быть компьютерная презентация) 1 Keep your seat belts fasten all the time. 2 Don’t smoke. 3 Don’t take guns on the plane. 4 Take part in our competitions, quizzes, games and singing. 5 Don’t interrupt each other. 6 First listen and then speak. T: И не успели оглянуться Как сверх наш скоростной корабль Примчал уж в США. Что знаем мы о той стране, В которую так быстро прибыли мы все?
USA New York  (Kennedy Airport) Звучит музыка кантри, исполнение шуточного танца «Ковбои»
S1 – What music was it? (country music) Yes, perfect. You are right. What country is it from? (It’s from America)  Well done! I’d like to know what do you remember about this country? Could you try to answer my quiz-questions.
СL: Yes, we could.
T: Before you start answering our pilot’s questions let’s divided into two groups. Pupils of form 9B will be the
·ty come from? (France) Look at this picture and tell me, please what you think. Whose face does the Statue of Liberty have: man or woman? Excellent! Значит, у Свободы женское лицо. И не случайно из античной истории до нас дошло изречение, что «все в руках человека, а человек в руках женщины».
S1: Do you know in Boston there is a monument of a bird that saved the city from insects that try to destroy the crops. What bird is it? (воробей) What’s “воробей” in English? It’s easy to remember. Знаете ли вы марку автомобиля «Део эсперо». Так вот 2 часть этого слова и будет означать «воробей». All together. A Sparrow. A Sparrow. Well done. America is the one of the greatest countries in the world. But modern Europeans knew nothing about American continent till the XV-th century when Christopher Columbus discovered it. It’s a pity, but we have to say good bye America.
Группа мальчиков исполняют песню:  “Be happy, don’t worry”. Шум дождя.
Great Britain London (Heathrow Airport)
S2 – (ведущий выходит с зонтом) The land of White Albeons greets us. People in England like to talk about the weather. It changes very often. There are often clouds in the sky and it often rains. Rain falls in spring, rain falls in summer, rain falls in autumn and even in winter. (на последней реплике в зал летят брызги воды из самодельных брызгалок) Many games which we played in our childhood are the same in many countries. English and Russian children play game called “Hockey-Cockey”. Let’s stand up, remember our childhood and play together. Т: Итак, прошу всех встать. Сейчас мы с вами поиграем. Игра не сложная Прошу лишь повторять за мной движения.
Put your right arm in, take your right arm out In, out, in, out. Shake it all about Do the Hockey-Cockey and turn around That’s what it all
S2: Let’s get known how well do you know Great Britain? I have some questions for you. Are you ready to be brilliant students?
 Children: Yes, we are!
1 What is the capital of Great Britain? (London) 2 How many parts does the Great Britain consist? What are they? (4 parts: Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland) 3 What is the highest mountain in Great Britain? (Ben Nevis) 4 What river does London stand on? (Thames) 5 What is the symbol of England? (red rose) 6 What is there in the centre of Trafalgar Square? (The Column of Nelson) Good work!
T:  Летим! Австралия встречается в пути Мы здесь немного постоим, народ мы этот оглядим.
Australia Sydney Airport Слышны звуки выстрелов.
Oh, my Lord! What’s up? Where are we?
S1: Don’t panic! Don’t leave our board. We are in Australia. T:   Если у вас стреляет в ухе, пояснице, За бортом самолёта – не теряйтесь, Мы на необeтованной земле Австралия, Имеющей обыкновение, забирать острейшие социальные проблемы Старушки аристократки Великобритании.
Музыка из м/ф  «Бременские музыканты»
Пиф-паф, а мы разбойники, разбойники, разбойники Пиф-паф, и вы покойники, покойники, покойники. Исполнение мальчиками танца на данную песню.
S2: Do you know the name of Australia, except its official name the Commonwealth of Australia.
OZ (Aussieland)
Down Under
The Lucky Country.
You are right.  But it has one more name - The Land of Wattle
Captain James Cook discovered Australia in 1770. At that time England had many social problems. Unemployment was high. Crime was one of the greatest problems. The government punished people by sending them to prison The English government decided to send prisoners to the far colonies. One of such colonies was Australia.
S2: Do you know: 1 What is the capital of Australia? (Canberra) 2 What is the biggest and the oldest city in Australia? (Sydney) 3 Who are the Australian natives? (aborigines) 4 What is the official language in Australia? (English) 5 What is one of the famous and popular animals in Australia? (Kangaroo)
Wonderful! Our passenger plane touched down 5 cities in Australia. See if you can find the names those cities by putting together the jumbled word pieces correctly in pairs.





Keep it up! Travelling by plane is very fast and convenient. And we needn’t so much time come back home. They say: “East or West – Home is Best”.
Kazakhstan.Astana Airport Исполнение казахского танца «Каражорга»
S1: Let’s  check up how well do you know Kazakhstan? 1 What are the largest rivers in Kazakhstan? (Irtish,Ural,Syrdaria,Illi) 2 Who is the official head of Kazakhstan? (the President – N.N.Nazarbaev) 3 What is the capital of Kazakhstan? (Astana) 4 What are the state languages of Kazakhstan? (Kazakh& Russian)
5.Where Kazakhstan is situated? (In the Central Asia) Well done!
S2 – Kazakhstan is very rich in natural resources such as coal and gas. The chief mineral wealth of the republic is oil. It is a highly industrialized republic. Agriculture of the republic is also of great importance. S1 – We are proud of our republic. But most of all we are proud of our people who work in the factories, plants and in the fields. We are proud of our workers, our doctors, our teachers and their achievements. We are proud of our country where we live and study.
Исполнение песни на казахском языке о родном крае.
Our trip is over. Did you like it?
Children: Yes, we did.
T: But what do you remember about our trip? 1 In what countries did we stop? 2 What language do the people speak in the USA, Great Britain, Australia? 3 What is the national music in the USA? 4 What’s the English for «воробей»? 5 What game did we play? 6 What Australian cities did we mention? Thank you, everybody.
S2 - Thank you for your flight with our Kazakhstan Airline. S1,2 (together) Good luck!