Методическая разработка по английскому языку на тему Творчество и культура эпохи Возрождения. У.Шекспир — самый яркий представитель эпохи

План занятияТема занятия: Творчество и культура эпохи Возрождения. Уильям Шекспир - самый яркий представитель эпохи.
Цели занятия:
- внедрять элементы мультимедийных технологий в процесс подготовки специалистов с целью формирования навыков активной, самостоятельной работы и приобретения обучающимися индивидуального опыта учебно-познавательной деятельности;
- совершенствовать методику активного управления познавательной деятельностью студентов;
- развивать интерес к изучению иностранного языка;
- обобщить и систематизировать знания студентов об эпохе Возрождения, творчестве и культуре эпохи;
- отрабатывать коммуникативные навыки, приобретенные знания, умения на практике;
- привлекать студентов к творческой деятельности;
- развивать у студентов творческие способности, языковую реакцию и оперативную память;
- способствовать развитию самостоятельной познавательной деяльности студентов;
- формировать потребность в знаниях и стремление к их постоянному обновлению;
- развивать критическое, логическое, креативное мышление обучающихся;
- воспитывать уважение к культурным ценностям;
- готовить студентов к активному, сознательному участию в процессе жизнедеяльности социума;
- расширять кругозор студентов.
Вид занятия: практическое занятие Форма проведения занятия: использование метода проектов (презентации), видеоматериала; использование игровых форм обучения (викторина).
Межпредметные связи:
Обеспечивающие – "Мировая литература", "Русский язык", "Всемирная история", "Мировая художественная культура"
Обеспечиваемые – "Мировая литература"
Методическое обеспечение: опорные конспекты, наглядный материал (фото, портреты), тестовые задания, видео задания
Технические средства обучения: мультимедийный проектор, ноутбук
1.“Arts&Entertainment: William Shakespeare. "Britannica Encyclopedia" 2009
2. Sharman E. "Across Cultures" Longman, 2004
3. Kay, Dennis " Shakespeare: His Life, Work, and Era". Great Britain: Sedgwick& Jackson Limited, 1992
Ход занятияІ. Организацонный момент:
приветствие студентов;
проверка присутствия студентов;
проверка готовности аудитории и студентов к занятию.
ІІ. Актуализация опорных знаний:
- выполнение упражнений по предыдущей теме:
а) перевести слова на английский язык;
б) подобрать синонимы к словам;
в) подобрать антонимы к словам.
IІІ. Изложение и изучение нового материала:
1) объявление темы, цели и задач занятия;
2) мотивация учебной деяльности студентов:
осознание студентами практической значимости знаний, умений и установок из изученных тем;
раскрыть важность владения данной темой для студентов, изучающих английский язык.
3) ход изложения нового материала:
3.1. Вступительное слово преподавателя.
3.2. Общая характеристика понятия «Ренессанс».
3.3. Представление презентации на тему «Эпоха Ренессанса».
3.4. Представление видеоматериала по теме "Великие люди эпохи Ренессанса".
3.4.1. Викторина " Знаете ли вы об эпохе Возрождения?"
3.5. У.Шекспир - самый яркий представитель эпохи Возрождения.
3.5.1. Биография У.Шекспира (представление презентации):
3.5.2. Детство.
3.5.3. Жизнь в Лондоне.
3.5.4. Любовь к театру.
3.5.5. Популярность У.Шекспира.
3.5.6. Последние годы жизни поэта.
3.6. Творчество У.Шекспира.
3.7. Интересные факты об У.Шекспире.
3.8. Стихотворения поэта.
IV. Закрепление знаний студентов:
- выполнение тестовых заданий.
V. Подведение итогов занятия:
- оценка достижения цели занятия;
- комментарий ответов студентов и выставление оценок.
VІ. Домашнее задание:
- написать сочинение "The World of Shakespeare has the right to exist nowadays";
- написать письмо У.Шекспиру "I am your admirer".
Ход занятияІ. Организационный момент:
Good morning dear students and guests! I'm very glad to see you today. Who is absent today? Are all present? Are you ready for the lesson? Then let's begin it.
ІІ. Актуализация опорных знаний:
Before studying the new topic let's repeat the previous material and do several exercises. First of all translate the following words into English:
- искусство; - пьеса;
- театр; - комедия;
- актеры; - драматург;
- сцена; - трагедия;
- художник; - шедевр.
The next task is to find synonyms for the following words:
a) disagreement, argument;
b) to struggle;
c) pretty.
And now find antonyms for the following words:
a) poor;
b) to end, to finish;
c) to love.
IІІ. Изложение и изучение нового материала:
1) объявление темы, цели и задач занятия:
The topic of our today’s lesson is “Creation and culture of Renaissance. William Shakespeare as the brightest representative of the epoch”. The aim of the lesson is to develop your interest to historical events and culture, to get information about the representatives of the period of Renaissance, to know some facts about the biography of William Shakespeare and his literary activity, to compare the facts and make conclusions, to expand your outlook, to develop your skills in logical thinking.
2) мотивация учебной деяльности студентов:
“Our lesson is devoted to one of the brightest periods of the world’s culture, the epoch of the English Renaissance and the most famous representative of this period William Shakespeare. Let’s start our talk with the term Renaissance. What is it? (the general characteristic).

In April literature fans all over the world commemorate the birth of W. Shakespeare. He was one of the brightest representatives of the epoch of Renaissance. More has been written about the greatest English dramatist and poet than about any other writers. And yet many facts of his life are still unknown.
The last half of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th centuries are known as the golden age of English literature.
It was the time of the English Renaissance and sometimes it is even called the age of Shakespeare.
3) ход изложения нового материала:
Our students have prepared the presentation devoted to the period of Renaissance. Let’s watch and hear.
Демонстрация презентаций студентов
Now let's watch the material about the great people of the Renaissance.
Демонстрация видеоматериалаI propose you the quiz "What do you know about the Renaissance? Give the right answer.
Our student wants to represent to your attention the presentation about the greatest man of all times William Shakespeare.
Представление презентации "Биографии У.Шекспира"
There's hardly a country in the world, which doesn't know Shakespeare's plays. He wrote 37 plays and 154 sonnets.The most famous of them are "Romeo and Juliet", "King Lear", "Othello", "Hamlet", "Macbeth", "Much Ado about Nothing", "The Comedy of Errors", "Twelfth Night" and many others.
W.Shakespeare's works will always be interesting for all people because he shows the real life of the people and their high aspirations, his works teach us to understand better the essence of human relations, passions and conflicts.
"He was not of an age, but for all times", said Ben Johnson and it is really true, his works have become eternal".
Some interesting facts about Shakespeare's life:
1.William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 and died on the same date, April 23, 1616.
2. Some documents of that time indicate that Shakespeare's father could not write.
3.William was a very good pupil. He was still a boy when he began to produce plays.
4. At the age of 21 he was the father of three children.
5.William Shakespeare travelled up to London on foot without much money in his pocket because he wanted to become an actor.6.In the last 35 years all the plays by W.Shakespeare have been filmed.
7.Hamlet may have been written about William's son, Hamnet who died at a young age.
8. Shakespeare has no descendants. His only granddaughter Elizabeth - daughter of Susanna - died childless in 1670.
9. Shakespearewas a rich man his last years. He left his property to his daughter Susanna.
10. Shakespeare was also an actor who performed many of his own plays.
11. There is a garden behind the Shakespeare's house in Stratford-upon-Avon. All the flowers, trees and plants that are mentioned in Shakespeare's plays are growing in this garden.
William Shakespeare wrote a lot of poems. Let's listen to one of them.
Декламация стихотворений Шекспира студентами
I've prepared tests and tasks by our topic for you. You have several minutes to do them.
1. Shakespeare was born in Stratford-upon-Avon, but what county is this town in?
a) Sussexc) Durham
b) Norfolkd) Warwickshire
2. When did Shakespeare write his plays?
a) 15th and 16th century
b) 14th and 15th century
c) 16th and 17th century
d) 17th and 18th century
3. When is Shakespeare's birthday traditionally celebrated?
a) April 1c) April 21
b) April 12d) April 23
4. Who ruled the country when Shakespeare was born?
a) Charles Ic) Henry VIII
b) James IId) Elizabeth I
5. How old was Shakespeare when he got married?
a) 16c) 18
b) 17d) 19
6. Who did Shakespeare marry?
a) Anne of Clevesc) Anne Feineb) Anne Hathawayd) Anne Ditover7. How many children did Shakespeare have?
a) 1c) 3
b) 2d) 4
8. What was the name of Shakespeare's theatre?
a) The West Endc) The Rose
b) The Globed) The Universe
9. How many sonnets and plays did Shakespeare write?
a) 38 plays and 154 sonnets
b) 54 plays and 38 sonnets
10. What happened to the Globe Theatre in 1613?
a) It fell downc) It was opened
b) It leaked d) It burnt down
11. Where did Shakespeare retire to?
a) Londonc) Stratford-upon-Avon
b) Brightond) the USA
12. How old was Shakespeare when he died?
a) 53c) 51
b) 52d) 50
13. As well as being a playwright, Shakespeare was also...
a) a glove-makerc) a diplomat
b) a butcherd) an actor
14. Shakespeare's plays were usually performed in...
a) a churchc) an open air theatre
b) a royal palaced) an indoor theatre
Now I want to say some words about our lesson. I think that the aim of our lesson is achieved. You have known something new about the epoch of Renaissance, its culture, art, achievements, great people. You also have known about one of the greatestand brightest man of that period William Shakespeare, about his life and his works. You've also improved your skills of communication and have got practice in areas of speaking and making presentations.
"Write down your hometask for the next lesson. All of you have to write the composition "The World of Shakespeare has the right to exist nowadays" or the letter to W.Shakespeare "I am your admirer".