Конспект урока по теме Здоровая пища

6 класс
Тема: Здоровая пища
Цели: развитие навыков диалогической и монологической речи; усовершенствование лексических и грамматических навыков; воспитание культуры общения; сознательного позитивного отношения к здоровому образу жизни; здоровых привычек в питании; развитие умения обобщать и анализировать полученную в результате опроса информацию, делать выводы, давать полезные советы.
Оборудование: картинки (тарелка супа, картошка, рыба, салат, колбаса, конфеты, молоко, торт), анкеты для проведения опроса.
Ход урока:
1) Greeting.
T: Good morning, children.
Class: Good morning, good morning,
Good morning to you,
Good morning, good morning
I’m glad to see you.
2) Aim.
T: Today we’ll revise the material we had learned from the topic ‘food’. By the end of the lesson you will know what the favourite dishes of your classmates are.
3) Homework. Children are acting the conversation at café.
1) Phonetic practice.
T. The topic of our lesson is healthy food. Let’s start with the rhyme:
I like my food,
It’s very good!
I like tea,
Give it to me!
I like pizza
You like cheese
We like ice-cream
Ice-cream, please!
2) Lexical practice.
T. Let’s remember the words according to the topic “food”.
Класс делится на 2 команды. Учитель рисует на доске 2 солнышка (для каждой команды) за каждое слово команде пририсовывается лучик.
T. Today we are going to speak about healthy food and healthy habits. Look at the pictures and say if you like or don’t like the following foods or dishes and why.
T. shows the pictures to the pupils. They tell about their attitude to the dishes.
P1. I don’t like soup. It’s too hot.
P2. I like potatoes, it’s delicious.
P3. I like fish, it’s delicious and healthy.
P4. I like salad, it’s very healthy.
P5. I like sausage, it’s delicious.
P6. I like milk, it’s very healthy.
P7. I like sweets, they are very delicious.
3) Writing
T. Now open your copy books and write down the date and draw the table.
Healthy food Unhealthy food
Учитель показывает карточки со словами, ученики пишут их в подходящий столбик.
4) Listening comprehension.
T: Yesterday I met Dr. Smith; he gave us some advices according to the healthy habits. Now I’ll read his advices and you have to listen to the text attentively. After it I’ll read you ten sentences and you have to put +, if the sentence is true, or – if the sentence is false. Let’s start. (Teacher read the text 18 on page 156.)
Some foods have a lot of proteins, vitamins and fiber. +
You should eat the foods which have a lot of sugar and fat. –
You should eat a lot of fruit and vegetables. +
Fruit and vegetables have a lot of vitamins minerals and fibers. +
Fruit have all the sugar your body needs. +
Too much salt is very good for your health. –
Eat more chips and salted nuts. –
We don’t need a lot of fat. +
Grilled food is much healthier fried. +
Drink 5 or 6 glasses of water every day. +

5) Физкультминутка.
T. Now let’s have a rest. Let’s sing a song. (на мелодию «в траве сидел кузнечик»).
What can we cook for you, mum?
What can we cook for you, mum?
What can we cook for you, mum?
What can we cook for you?
What can we cook? What can we cook?
What can we cook for you, mum?
I’d like to cook pancakes.
I’d like to cook some porridge.
I’d like to cook some salad.
I’d like to cook black coffee.
I’d like to cook.
I’d like to cook.
I’d like to cook some coffee.
6) Speech practice.
T. And what about the rest of the pupils? Let’s make a poll and find out if the other pupils in our class like or dislike these foods and dishes, and how often they eat them. So we can make a portrait of a typical pupil of our class. Each of you will ask questions about something one. And one of you will find out about the favourite food of a typical pupil. Don’t forget to give useful advice.
Группа «социологов» опрашивают всех учеников класса и заносят данные в анкету.
T. let’s sum up the results of our poll and describe the portrait of a typical pupil of our class.
P1. I’ve found out that typical pupil of our class likes borsch because 5 pupils of 8 answered “yes” and 3 –“no”.
But they don’t eat borsch very often.
You should remember that borsch is very useful for our health. It consists of almost 20 components and gives our body enough energy for a half of a working day. That’s why you should eat borsch more often.
P2. A typical pupil of our class likes potato, because 6 pupils of 8 answered “yes” and only 2 pupils do not like potato. And it’s understandable, because potato is the most popular vegetable in our country. It has a lot of vitamins, fiber and minerals. But you shouldn’t eat potato very often because it has a lot of calories.
P3. I’ve found out that a typical pupil of our class likes fish. Because 7 pupils of our class said “yes”. But these pupils eat fish not very often, so you must remember, that fish is very useful for our health you should eat more fish.
P4. A typical pupil of our class like cakes. All pupils answered “yes”. But almost all of them eat cakes only on holidays. And it’s very good, because cakes have a lot of carbohydrates and fats and you should not eat them often, they are not good for our health.
P5. I would like to say that a typical pupil of our class likes apples. (All pupils answered “yes”). It’s very good. Because apples have a lot of vitamins. But most pupils don’t eat apples very often.
You should remember an English proverb “an apple a day keeps a doctor away”. So, eat more apples!
P6. I’ve found out that a typical pupil of our class likes salted nuts ( 6 pupils said “yes” and 2 “no”).
I think those 6 pupils are right and I agree with them. But the other 2 pupils, who like salted nuts, don’t eat them very often and it’s very good.
You should remember that salted nuts are not good for our health. They have a lot salt and spices and other unhealthy elements. You shouldn’t eat salted nuts very much.
P7. An English proverb says, “Tastes differ”. And it is really so. I’ve found out that almost all people have different favourite dishes. There are 6 pupils who like potato, 7 pupils who like fish and 2 pupils who like salad. And it is very good because fruit and vegetables have a lot of fiber, proteins, minerals and vitamins. One person, who likes fried potato, must remember that it has a lot of fats and calories. That’s why you shouldn’t eat much of it. So, enjoy healthy food!
7) Reading
T. Thank you boys and girls. My grand mother likes cooking and she writes down the recipes to the copy book. But the cat poured the coffee on the copy book and spoiled some words. Please help me to understand the recipe. Now let’s read the recipe (text ex. 7 p. 51). What dish is it? (Mashed potatoes)
III Summarizing.Our lesson is coming to the end. Open your daybooks and write down your home task for the next lesson. Write down everything you eat during one day. Put down the time and the food.
(Показать на доске как надо)
Time Food
7.00 A cup of tea with bread and butter
11.00 Some soup, porridge, bacon, a glass of juice
Do you like the lesson? What do you like most of all? What was difficult for you? Have you learned something new during the lesson? You marks are…
The lesson is over. Good-bye.
At the pictures pupils are acting the conversation at café (their homework).