Контрольная работа Unit 3 (5 класс), УМК: Rainbow English О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова. — М.: Дрофа, 2014

АУДИРОВАНИЕ (максимальный балл – 6)
Задание 1. Прослушайте три высказывания об образе жизни. Соотнесите их содержание с утверждениями четырёх школьников. Определите, как зовут каждого из говорящих. Вы услышите запись два раза.
Jessica has a healthy diet.
Arnold is a successful sportsman.
Ron wants to start doing sports.
Ryan does different kinds of sport.
Speaker 1 ___________
Speaker 2 ___________
Speaker 3 ___________
ПИСЬМО(максимальный балл - 6)Задание 2. Ты получил письмо от своего английского друга по переписке Бена.
… All members of my family are for healthy ways. We spend a lot of time outdoors. My mum does gymnastics. My dad plays tennis. I go skate-boarding…
What about you? Are you for healthy ways? What sport do you do? What would you like to take up? Do you always do what is good for you?...Напиши письмо – ответ. Не забудь правила оформления письма!
Баллы Отметки
12 - 10 5
9 - 8 4
7 - 5 3
4 - 0 2
ЧТЕНИЕ (максимальный балл – 6)
Задание 1. Прочитайте отрывки текста. Расставьте их в правильной последовательности, чтобы получился логичный текст.
They enjoy cycling, skateboarding, walking and playing different sports games. In summer riding a bike is the most popular sport, because many children have got bikes and there are a lot of places where you can ride them.
But reading, playing a musical instrument and collecting things aren’t as popular now as in the 20th century. Now a lot of teenagers are interested in keeping fit. Boys want to be healthy and strong. Girls want to look beautiful. Here indoor hobbies don’t help. So teenagers choose outdoor hobbies.
A hobby is an activity that we usually do in our free time. And we love doing it! There are a lot of indoor and outdoor hobbies. Many schoolchildren prefer indoor hobbies such as playing video games, watching TV or listening to music.
In winter Russian children go skiing with their parents. It is a popular winter sport because it’s usually very cold in Russia during the winter months and a lot of snow falls. Also many families have long holidays from school and work and they have free time to do sports. People usually ski in the country or in forests and parks.
ГОВОРЕНИЕ(максимальный балл – 6)
Задание 2. Составьте монологическое высказывании на предложенную тему. Объем монолога - не менее 10 предложений.
Give a talk about how healthy your lifestyle is.
This plan will help you.
Introduction. (Вступление – 1 предложение.)
What do you do to keep fit (to be healthy)
Do you always do what is good for you?
Do you want to change your lifestyle? What do you want to change?
Conclusion. (Заключение – 1 предложение.)
Баллы Отметки
12 - 10 5
9 - 8 4
7 - 5 3
4 - 0 2
(максимальный балл - 27)
Задание 1. Дополните предложения верными словами a, b или c.(11 баллов)
1) My younger sister ______________ athletics.
a) does b) goes c) plays
2) How often do you go ____________ .a) badminton b) roller-skating c) gymnastic
3) I’m very______________ from my younger sister.
a) successful b) busy c) different
4) It’s not easy to ____________ a good friend.
a) without b) do c) find
5) Mary looks ________________ her dog very well.
a) after b) with c) at
6) I don’t like to wear a _________________ on my hand.
a) clock b) watch c) clocks
7) If you want to ______________ fun, find a good hobby.
a) have b) get c) find
8) 8) I would like to take part ______ our school concert.
a) in b) at c) with
9) It is not easy to keep to a ____ diet.
a) healthy b) painful c) joyful
10) Ted is good at snowboarding. He is a ___ sportsman.
a) beautiful b) colorful c) successful
11) We don’t have any free time today, we are ___.
a) different b) busy c) ill
Задание 2. Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова в правой колонке так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста. (6 баллов)
My brother Alex is a footballer and he is very fit. Heusually (1) ___________________eight hours and doesn’t go to bed late.
He does morning(2) ___________________ regularly and runs 10 km every day.
Alex (3) _____________ watching TV or playing computer games. He thinks it’s(4) ________ to ride a bike or walk in the park.
Last year my brother (5) ________________ to a very strict diet of vegetables, water and fish before an important match.
I hope Alex (6) ____________________a very successful career in football because he is a real sportsman. sleep
not like
Задание3. Напиши время.(10 балов)
6.30 ---
16.40 ---
11.45 --- 5.50 ---
10.15 ---
Баллы Отметки
27 - 23 5
22 - 18 4
17 - 11 3
10 - 0 2