Контрольная работа Unit 1 (5 класс), УМК: Rainbow English О.В. Афанасьева, И.В. Михеева, К.М. Баранова. — М.: Дрофа, 2014

Unit 1
Holidays Are Over
( максимальный балл -53)

Аудирование (максимальный балл – 6)
Задание 1. Прослушайте три высказывания о каникулах. Соотнесите их содержание с утверждениями четырёх школьников. Определите, как зовут каждого из говорящих. Вы услышите запись два раза.
Martin studied abroad.
Joan did a lot of shopping.
Donna didn’t like her hotel.
Sandra didn’t like bad weather.
Speaker 1 ___________
Speaker 2 ___________
Speaker 3 ___________
Чтение (максимальный балл – 6)
Задание 2. Прочитайте текст и отметьте, являются ли утверждения после него верными или неверными. Если утверждение верное, обведите TRUE. Если утверждение неверное, обведите FALSE.
For most schoolchildren summer is the best season. They have these wonderful three-month holidays. Some children go to the countryside and visit their grandparents. Others travel abroad with their families. But many children stay in Moscow because they want to spend summer with their school friends.
You can often see groups of happy children in Moscow in summer. They walk in the city centre, ride their bikes in big parks, eat hamburgers in McDonald’s, go to the cinema. Some girls like to spend time in big shopping centres. They don’t buy many things, but they enjoy going from shop and looking at beautiful clothes in the shop windows. Boys don’t like shops, they prefer playing sports games like football, basketball and volleyball at sports grounds. But all children go big shopping centres to have lunch, because you can buy cheap fast food and ice cream there.
At weekends parents don’t work and they want to be with their children. They take their sons and daughters to museums and cosy cafes. Some families go to their country-houses – dachas.
In summer children don’t have any homework, so they can play computer games or watch TV. The most popular TV programmes in this holiday time are sports, different films and cartoons. Also, teenagers spend a lot of time on the Internet, more than they do during their school year.
Some children go to other countries in summer.
Children stay in Moscow because of their parents.
Children buy a lot of clothes in supermarkets.
Children often eat in big shopping centres.
At weekends parents and their children spend time together.
Children don’t like to watch sports, films and cartoons.
Лексика (максимальный балл – 11)
Задание 3. Дополните предложения верными словами a, b или c.
In autumn most days are cold, rainy and ______________.
foggy b) hot c) sunny
Last weekend my family and I went ____________ the sea.
on b) to c) in
Fred never writes letters ______________ his friends.
for b) to c) on
There are a lot of interesting things ____________ Red Square.
on b) for c) in
I often drink tea ______________ breakfast.
with b) on c) for
Задание 4. Дополните предложения подходящими по смыслу словами из рамки.
city capital town abroad hotel Square
Many tourists come to Moscow. Almost all of them visit Red ______________.
When people travel ______________ , they usually take a lot of luggage.
Last year I visited a very big American ______________ I went to New York.
London is the ______________ of the United Kingdom.
I prefer to stay in a big and expensive _______________ in the city centre.
The family lived in a small ______________ not far from Madrid.
Грамматика (максимальный балл – 12)
Задание 5. Дополните предложения подходящими по смыслу глаголами из рамки, поставив их в нужную форму.
write begin go meet take be
Last week Sally _________her old friend Jim. They had a good time together.
This weekend my mother and I are ____________ to visit my granny.
Why are you late, Doris? The lesson ___________ ten minutes ago.
I ____________ this letter a week ago. I want to send it today.
Jane and her family _____________ not going to spend this summer abroad.
Every weekend Anna’s mother ___________ her to the cinema.
Задание 6. Прочитайте текст. Преобразуйте слова в правой колонке так, чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста.
The Turners are a big family. They have different
interests and (1) ___________________.
Mr. Turner (2) ___________________ travelling.
This summer he, his wife and their three (3) _____________
are going abroad. They are going to visit Madrid. Madrid is
one of the (4) _____________________ cities of Europe.
Some people say it is as beautiful as Paris and Rome.
The family will probably visit Mrs. Turner’s friends.
They (5) ________________ to Madrid five years ago.
Now the Turners (6) ____________________ very
excited about their trip. They want to see Madrid very much. hobby
Письмо (максимальный балл – 6)
Задание 7. Напишите открытку своему другу, соблюдая правила оформления открытки.
You are on a holiday with your parents.
Write a postcard to your friend Tom.
Remember to write about:
where you are;
what the weather is like;
what you do;
how much you like it there, why.
( Write 50-65 words.)
Говорение (максимальный балл – 6)
Задание 8. Составьте монологическое высказывании на предложенную тему. Объем моноло-га - не менее 10 предложений.
Give a talk about summer holidays.
This plan will help you.
Introduction. (Вступление – 1 предложение.)
Where did you go?
Who did you go with?
What was the weather like?
What did you do?
Conclusion. (Заключение – 1 предложение.)
Социокультурные знания (максимальный балл – 6)
Задание 9.Соотнесите страны с их столицами.
The United Kingdom a) Rome
France b) London
Finland c) Moscow
Spain d) Paris
Italy e) Helsinki
Russia f) Madrid
Перевод баллов в отметки
Баллы Отметки
53-47 5
46-39 4
38-31 3
30-0 2
Таблица для самооценивания
Какие из разделов теста оказались самыми сложными? Как вы думаете, почему? В каких грамматических явлениях вы допустили ошибки? Какая лексика требует дальнейшей отработки? Что могло бы вам помочь лучше справиться с заданиями по говорению и письму? Насколько вы довольны своими результатами?