Практикум по английскому языку к учебнику английского языка. Для 6 классов школ с углубленным изучением английского языка

Практикум по английскому языку

к учебнику английского языка

Для 6 классов
школ с углубленным изучением
английского языка
(Л. В. Хрусталёва В. Н. Богородитская)

Составитель С. И. Лысенко

Шымкент 2014 UNIT 2

Theme: We Learn a Lot at School

I. Match the phonetic sounds with these words

Modern, knowledge, subject, science, education, diligent, design

·] -
·] -
·‰] -
·] -
·] -
·] -

II. Fill in t
Adjective. Not lazy. A person who works hard.

V. Match the words

diligent a. ленивый
time-table b. знания
idle c. наука
ancient d. образование
science e. предмет
modern f. усердный
subject g. древний
education h. искусство
knowledge i. современный
art j. Расписание

VI. Match the English word-combinations

Modern times a. знания испанского
ancient history b. социальные науки
to make progress c. усердный студент
to be good at languages d. хорошее
a diligent student e. современные
time-table for Monday f. новые предметы
social sciences g. расписание на
new subjects h. делать успехи
knowledge of Spanish i. древняя история
a good education j. быть успешным в
VII. Translate into English

Они хотят дать сыну хорошее образование
Его знания испанского скудны (бедны).
Вы начали изучать какие-нибудь новые предметы в этом году?
История и география – это часть общественных наук.
Английский, французский, немецкий и испанский – это современные языки.
Джейн очень успешна в языках.
Анна делает хороший прогресс.
Ты помнишь свое расписание на среду.
Том очень усерден в его работе.

VIII. Fill in the gaps using the following words
Ancient, art, idle, subject, progress, education, knowledge

My brother wants to get a good _____________ in Cambridge.
We are surprised at her ________________ of
Маугли приходилось учить «Закон Джунглей».
Ей приходится идти в общеобразовательную школу.
Ему приходится носить униформу каждый день.
Шестиклассникам приходится идти на спортивную площадку.
Завучу приходится быть строгим.

V. Complete the sentences. Use H
·Мне приходится переводить этот текст.



Ему приходится быть более внимательным




Ему пришлось сделать перевод стихотворения


VIII. Ask Special and General Questions

I had to open the window.

a) _
· recite

·] -
·] -
[e] -
·] -
[ж] -
[a:] -
[au] –

II. Fill in the gaps
a _ _ iv _ ty
pr _ n _ n _ iat _ _ _
tran _ _ _ t _ _ n
dis _ u _ _ I _ _
m_ m _ r _
n _ m _ e _
m _ l _ ip _ _
d _ v _ d _
r _ c _ t _
t _ _ k
sub _ _ _ c _
_ d _

III. Put the letters in the right order


Match the words
to recite a. делить
task b. номер
subtract c. задача
multiply d. обсуждение
divide e. память
add f. вычитать
number g. перевод
memory h. произношение
discussion i. умножать
translation j. деятельность
pronunciation k. декламировать
activity l. прибавлять

Match the English word-combinations
to pronounce a word a. проявить интерес в дискуссии
English spelling b. хорошая память
to make a translation c. прибавить 5 к 5
to take an interest in the discussion d. легкая задача
a good memory e. разделить 30 на 6
telephone numbers f. сделать перевод
add 5 to 5 g. декламировать стихотворение
divide 30 by 6 h. произнести слово
an easy task i. вычесть 6 из 9
to recite a poem j. телефонные номера
subtract 6 from 9 k. английское правописание

Put the
·Я не могу произнести его имя.
Эти предложения слишком трудны, чтобы произнести.
Каждый имеет шанс принять участие в обсуждении.
Ты думаешь, что эта задача слишком трудная?
Если ты умножишь 3 на 5, получишь 15.
Modal Verbs: Be (to); Ought (to); Needn’t; Use
“The patient _____ stay in bed for a few days”, ordered the doctor.
I told her she _____ open the window for a while every day.

Translate into English using Have (to) or Be (to)

Мне приходится переводить этот текст.
Вам предстоит перевести этот текст к понедельнику.
Ему пришлось произносить слово каждую минуту.
Не забудьте, что мы должны встретиться завтра.
Мы решили, что она сделает перевод этого стихотворения.
Ему приходится быть более внимательным.
Кто должен пойти в библиотеку и принести новые книги?
Ей придется прибавлять, вычитать, умножать и делить?
Ей не пришлось декламировать стихотворение.

Ought (to) – Needn’t – Used (to)

Translate into English

Тебе следует пойти за покупками.
Ему нет необходимости принимать участие в дискуссии.
Когда мой дедушка был маленьким, он, бывало, коллекционировал монеты.
Вам не следует приходить так рано.
Тебе нет необходимости спешить.
Ей следует идти туда сегодня.
Когда мы жили в деревне, мы, бывало, ходили купаться каждый день.
Тебе следует быть добрым к животным.

Use the modal verbs: Have (to); Be (to); Ought (to)
I ________ open the window because it was very hot.
What story ________ we ____ read for next Friday?
You ________ be more careful.
Nick ________ hold our class discussion on Friday, but he came
·e] -
[u:] -
[i:] -
[e] -
·] -
·‰] –

Guess the word. Definitions
Noun. A type of paint that is mixed with water.
Noun. A type of metal. You usually use it for sewing.
Verb. An action for doing scarf and gloves.
Adjective. It’s very clean and well-done.
When something is broken you usually do it for making it new.

Fill in the gaps
ne _ e _ _ a _ y
_ mpor _ an _
h _ m _ _ r
re _ a _ r
n _ _ d _ e
p a _ _ t _ _ _
_ hre _ d
_ il _

Translate into English

Translate into English

цветные мелки
рисовать маслом
шить платье
вязать шарф
аккуратная работа
чинить мебель
очень важное собрание
необходим для жизни

Fill in the gaps. Use the following words

Necessary, drill, neat, needle, repair, tools,
Мне пришлось починить стол.
Ей не следует вязать шарф.
Ему не нужно покупать калькулятор.
Ты должна сшить платье к понедельнику

Match the words
coloured a. tools
neat b. in oils
to sew a c. gloves/scarf
kinds of d. work
to paint e. task
to repair f. dress
to knit g. chalks
an important h. furniture

Translate into English

Можем мы порисовать акварелью или масляными красками?
Я ненавижу пришивать пуговицы на мою одежду.
Если ты собираешься шить, тебе нужны иголка, нитка и ножницы.
Анна успешна в вязании, она уже сделала так много симпатичных вещей.
Трава зеленая и аккуратно подрезана.
Никто не знал, как починить мою машину.
Это очень важно, что вы поняли правила.
Еда необходима для жизни.


Your Favourite Pastime. Sports and Games.

Match the phonetic sounds with the words.

Competition, lose, sport, prize, race, hike, roller-skate, skateboard, gym

·:] -
·] -
[u:] -
·] -
·] -
[ou] –

Find the correct translation

prize a. скейтборд
race b. гимнастический зал
result c. терять, проигрывать
skateboard d. приз, награда
hike e. чемпион
gym f. результат
to win g. соревнование
to lose h. выигрывать
champion i. длительная прогулка
competition j. гонка

Match the word – competitions

a schoo
Мы уверены, что Ник будет чемпионом.
Ты хочешь выиграть игру?
Много людей любят длительную прогулку пешком.
Мой брат научил меня кататься на роликах.
Люди могут наслаждаться спортом круглый год.
Наш спортивный зал расположен на улице.
Какие у тебя результаты по плаванию?
Наша команда выиграла первое место.
Кто примет участие в соревновании?
Не теряйте ваше время, играя в компьютер.
Катя будет чемпионкой во всех гонках.
Второе место было отдано школе номер 9.
Длительная прогулка пешком очень полезна для здоровья.
Мальчик потерял свои ключи.

Open the brackets. Put the words into Present or Past Indefinite

My brother ________ (to like) team games.
The children ________ (to take part) in the competition last year.
My sister _______ (to win) the race two mo
·____ .

Be able to – Enjoy doing – Verb + (a) tion=Noun

Translate into English using “ to be able to”

Он мог плавать каждый день
Это было не просто, но наша команда смогла выиграть игру.
Скоро он сможет играть на фортепиано.
Я не смогу играть в футбол завтра.
Ты сможешь взобраться на холм?
Она сможет выполнить работу вовремя?
Я не смогу водить машину.
Мы не сможем пойти на рыбалку.
Наша команда может выиграть игру.
Ты можешь принять участие в соревновании.
Я могу выиграть первое место.

Put “
·[] - b. last
·] - c. hope
[i:] - d. victory
[ou] - e. exciting
[e] - f. seem

In each line there is a word that does not go with the sound. Find it

·] - exciting, ride, winner, prize, hike
·] – city, victory, gym, friendly, win
[i:] – seem, team, need, winner, green, meet

Find the noun in each group of words

possible, impossible, fan, excellent
joy, to seem, proud, ancient
ready, fair, exci
Мне кажется, что жизнь прекрасна.
Концерт длился 3 часа.
Как долго продлится соревнование?
Я надеюсь, что эта гонка не возможна.
Ходить по магазинам – это отличная идея.

VIII. Choose the correct answer

Someone who admires a famous person, sport, type of
·1. Слон не такой медленный, как черепаха.
2. Девочки не такие успешные в спорте, как мальчики.
3. Весна так же красива как лето.
4. Осень не такая холодная, как зима

III. Translate into English
1. Мудрый, как сова
2. Голодный, как волк
3. Занятый, как пчела
4. Счастливый, как жаворонок
5. Медленный, как черепаха
6. Быстрый, как лиса

IV. Making comparisons. Complete the sentences
Ex.: Helen’s car isn’t very big. She wants a bigger car.
1. My job isn’t very interesting. I want to do something __________
2. [
·] - b. age
3. [ju:] - c. excursion
4. [e
·] - d. amusement
5. [‰:] - e. guitar

Put the letters in the right order
1. epmaits
2. oxencisru
3. yarzc
4. eechufrl
5. biontieihx
6. tnemeamus
7. correred
8. ohby
· безумный a. cheerful
2. забавный b. age
3. флейта c. excursion
4. бодрый d. dull
5. выставка e. crazy
6. экскурсия f. recorder
7. скучный g. exhibition
8. возраст h. amusing

Match the words

1. to enjoy playing a. voice
2. an amusing b. idea
3. a long c. story
4. a cheerful
·Он ушел из дома в возрасте 18 лет
Ты чувствуешь себя бодрым после такой долгой прогулки?
Вы могли увидеть на её лице, что она не была заинтересована в нашей дискуссии.
Мы ходили на дневную экскурсию в Лондон.
Прослушивание музыки это моё любимое времяпрепровождение.
Многие люди имеют хобби.

Test Yourself
Fill in the modal verbs into the gaps

Have to, may, must, can, be to, ought to

I _________ do this homework for Monday.
He ________ jump, run and play football very well.
_______ I go out, because the lesson is over?
He isn’t good at school subjects. He ________ be more attentive
We ______ walk home. There are no cars.
You ______ study well.

Translate into English and ask General and Special Questions

Мне приходится переводить этот текст
а) _______________________________________________________________

в) _______________________________________________________________

с) _______________________________________________________________

Ему приходится быть более внимательным
а) ________________________________________________________________

в) ________________________________________________________________

с) ________________________________________________________________

3. Им пришлось сделать перевод стихотворения
а) _________________________________________________________________

в) _________________________________________________________________

с) _________________________________________________________________

III. Write down your own sentences using:
1. Can _____________
2. M
a) race b) champion c) result


Telling stories in the right order

I. Укажите какая из перечисленных форм соответствует действию, завершенному к определенному моменту в прошлом (т.е. Past Perf
Когда я встретил Тома, он съел мороженное
Когда мама пришла, дети уже съели суп
Моя сестра прочла книгу, когда я пришел домой
Девочка увидела книгу, взяла её и начала читать
Ученики пошли домой, после того, как учитель закончил урок

IV. Past Perfect or Pa
·.Том уже сделал свои уроки

а) ____________________________________________________________________

в) ____________________________________________________________________

с) ____________________________________________________________________

2. Они только что купили красивые цветы

а) ____________________________________________________________________

в) ____________________________________________________________________

с) ____________________________________________________________________

3. Анна сходила в библиотеку

а) ____________________________________________________________________

в) ____________________________________________________________________

с) ____________________________________________________________________


I. Translate into English

Я знаю, что родители уйдут в поход завтра
Они говорят, что Том сегодня работает
Папа сказал, что дети были в кино
Я был уверен, что он ходит в школу каждый день
Она надеялась, что её брат ходит в школу каждый день
Она надеялась, что её брат уже сходил в школу
Я знал, что ты можешь увидеть звезды только ночью

II. Translate into English

Я узнал, что вода кипит при температуре 100 градусов по Цельсию
Я думаю, что ты врешь
Папа сказал, что он был в магазине
Я помню, что обещал сделать домашнее задание вчера
Ученики выучили, что красный свет, значит стой

III. Future-in-the-Past

Я надеялся, что застану его дома
Он сказал, что постарается придти вовремя
Я был уверен, что они приедут вечером
Он сказал, что будет годов через минуту
Он надеялся, что он сделает это
Моя сестра сказала, что она напишет так скоро, как это будет возможно

IV. Past Perfect or Future-in-the Past Open the brackets

The friends knew that they
·differ, separate, top, situated, climate, plain, idle, coast, late, ago

·] -
·] -
[ou] -
·] -
[e] -
·] –

II. Guess the word. Definitions
Noun. The weather conditions
Noun. A large, hot area of land
Verb. To divide into parts
Noun. A space between two places or things
Noun. The line that separates two countries or states
Noun. The land beside the ocean
Noun. The land between hills or mountains

III. Find the correct translation
be situated a. занимать
climate b. простираться
to separate c. регион
region d. окружать
to stretch e. быть расположенным
border f. климат
to surround g. разделять
to occupy h. граница

IV. Match the word
·_____ the desert
They live on a farm ______ the plain
The village was surrounded ____ high mountains
She is always ____ the top at the class
These two girls differ only ____ character

VII. Translate into English
летний лагерь расположен в долине
граница лежит вдоль побережья
наша страна занимает очень большую территорию
Казахстан граничит с Россией
высокие горы поднимаются над равниной
как называется море, которое отделяет эти острова от континента?
почему климат такой ужасно холодный в этой части страны?
путешественникам пришлось пересечь огромную пустыню

VIII. Fill in the gaps. Choose the correct answer
Our house is _____________ in a very beautiful place
a) situated b) separate c) to border
This country ________ a very large territory

·nto ____ Oka River
Is ______ India in ____ Asia?


I. Put the letters in to the right order

II. Translate the words

The (климат) __________ of Africa is very hot
What (территорию) __________ does this (регион) __________ (занимает) ___________?
The town is (расположен) ___________ on the (берег) ____________ of the river
We drove along the (побережье) ___________ to our house
These girls (отличаются) __________ in characters
The (граница) _________ lies along the mountains which (окружают) ____________ a beautiful (долину) _________

III. Past Perfect or Future-in-the Past

She knew that she (would reach/ had reached)London soon
Children said that they (would make/ had make)
·[] -
·] -
[‰:] -
[e] -
[i:] –

II. Fill in the correct letters
ex_ l_ ra_ _ on
dan_ _ r_ _ s
j_ _ r n_ y
be_ i _ _ ing
c_ nt_r_
v_ y_ag_

III. Put the letters in the right order and write down the translation of each word

plxeoer _______
danger b. конец
to sail c. открытие
explorer d. столетие
discovery e. начало
century f. достигать
end g. исследование
exploration h. исследователь
beginning i. опасность

VI. Make up the word-combinations

from beginning a. of something
to go b. new discoveries
to make
· seas and oceans in old times
Lots of big ships __________across oceans to far-off _________
The explorers knew that their _________ was __________

VIII. Translate into English

мальчики решили исследовать каждую часть острова
Путешествие из Англии в Индию заняло 6 месяцев
Счастливого пути!
История закончилась счастливо
Много важных открытий было сделано в 16 веке
Это не просто достичь вершины этой горы
Подводные исследования важны для исследования морей и океанов

Reading comprehension

The United Sta

A settler

A colony

A colonist

A settlement

To form
Формировать, образовывать

To prosper

To rule


To belong

To unite




Grammar and Vocabulary tasks based on the text “The United States of America”

I. Fill in the missing words

Voyage, explore, discovered

Endless plains, mountains and deserts were ___________
After a stormy __________ across the ocean, their ship reached the shores
The first settlers began to ____________ the new country

II. Choose the correct answer

The USA, is a large country stretching across the middle of the ________
a) South America b) North America c) West America
In _____ a group of people left England for America
a) 1492 b) 1621 c) 1620
Their small ship, the _______ reached the shores of new land
a) Mayflower b) March flower c) Flower of May
All the riches of new country belonged to _________
a) Spain b) England c) Ireland
“The birthday” of the American nation is _____
a) July 4 (1776) b) July 5 (1775) c) July 6 (1776)
The first President of America became _______
a) George Washington b) George Whitewashton c) George Washington
The capital of America is _______
a) Washington b) Texas c) London
Early settlers began to explore the new country which they called _______
a) New Atlantic b) New England c) New America

III. True or False

The USA is a small town stretching across the middle of the East America _____
After a stormy voyage their ship reached the shores of Africa _____
Early settlers explored the new country which they called New England _____
The American colonies were ruled by Spain ________
The leaders of the new state decided they would have a king _____
George Washington became the first President ______

IV. Choose the correct tense form
A group of people left England for America because they (decide, decided, had decided) to make homes for themselves
They were sure they (would have, will have, had) better life there.
Before American colonists (begin, began, had begun) the War of Independence they (choose, chose, had chosen) the president.
The colonists (win, won, wined) the victory and a new nation (were, was, will) born.
One by one new states (was, were, had been) added to the first thirteen.
Today the USA (consist, consists, consisted) of more than 50 states.


I. Definitions. Guess the words

Noun. The ability to deal with dangerous or difficult situations without being frightened.
Adjective. Very brave.
Adjective. Brave and taking risks.
Noun. A strong, unpleasant feeling that you get when you think that something bad, dangerous or frightened might happen
Noun. Someone who is not brave and tries to avoid dangerous or difficult situations.
To meet someone or discover something by chance
To get information about something or to learn a fact for the first time

II. Match these words with correct sounds

Discover, power, sail, fear, plain, suffer, fearless, coward, courage, climate, powerful, appear, cowardly, divide, serious, discovery

1. [
·] -
2. [
·‰] -
3. [a
·] -
4. [au‰] -

III. Fill in the gaps

1. c _ _ ra _ e 6. d _ r _ ng
2. c _ w _ rd 7. c _ ura _ e _ _ s
3. s _ f _ e _ ing 8. f _ _ rl _ s _
4. e _ tr _ m _ 9. _ xtr _ me _ y
5. p _ w _ r

IV. Make up the word-combinations

1. to suffer a) cold
2. to find b) across some words
3. to come c) no fear
4. extreme d) from a shock
5. to show e) out the news
6. a courageous f) explorers
7. daring g) man

V. Fill in the words in gaps

To find out, suffer, coward, came across, courage, fear

It is a _________ who fears everything
Small children sometimes ___________ the dark
He was a man of great ________
A good way ____________ more about great men is to read books about them
When we were at the new exhibition, we ________ some of our friends
It is terrible to see someone you love __________ so much

VI. Match the sentences. Translate the second part of each sentence into English

Tom was a) наиболее влиятельный человек в Америке ____________
Small children b) чрезвычайно тяжелым для многих детей _____________
The president is the c) храбрым мальчиком ___________________
The task seemed d) отважных людей в Казахстане ________________
There are a lot of e) иногда боятся темноты ________________

VII. Translate into English

Трус не играет в хоккей
В течении войны было очень много людских страданий
Многие люди не знают как вести себя в чрезвычайных ситуациях
Трусливый как заяц
Когда я был в деревне, я встретил старого друга
Хороший способ узнать больше информации – это читать различные книги


One night, soon after we entered the tropics, a terrible storm began. The strong wind carried away two of our masts and washed off everything that was on the deck. Only one small boat remained. For five days the storm raged. On the sixth morning we saw land ahead. It was an island surrounded by a reef of coral on winch the waves broke.
The ship could not reach the shore, and the captain ordered to get the boat. "We shall be on the rocks in less than half an hour." he said.
The men worked in silence, because they felt that there was a little hope to sail to the shore in such a small boat.
The men were already ready with the boat, when suddenly a great wave fell on the deck. At the same moment the ship struck, the foremast broke off close to the deck and went over the side, carrying the boat and men along with it. The next moment we were in the wild sea. Then I didn't feel anything.
When I recovered I could hardly open my eyes. I found myself lying on the soft grass, with Jack and Peter on his knees near me. He was carefully watered my head and trying to stop the blood that flowed from a wound in my head.
Slowly my thoughts became clear again and I remembered everything.
"But what happened to our ship. Jack?" I asked my friend. "'What happened to the captain and the sailors? Is anybody else alive?'"
Jack shook his head sadly. "I have little hope that they are saved. They were too many for one boat."
There was a long silence. We thought about our poor friends and felt very unhappy.
"What shall we must do now, Jack?" I asked at last.
"We must find a place for a camp first, and then explore the island. This island, it seems, will be our home for some time, and we must try to make ourselves as comfortable as possible, we must find food, water and a good shelter. There may be people on the island and we don't know if they will be friendly or unfriendly to us. We shall soon find that out. Come on! Be careful! Never say die!"
a mast -мачта
to rage - -бушевать
a reef of coral - коралловый риф
in less than -менее чем
the foremast - фок-мачта
to strike (struck) - ударить
to recover -прийти в себя
blood - кровь
to flow -течь
a wound – рана
to shake (shook) smb's head - покачать головой
12. shelter - приют
poor - бедный
Never say die! - Не отчаивайтесь!


1. Listening comprehension. Say if the sentences are true or false:

The ship could not reach the shore because there were dangerous coral, reefs near the shore.
The boys were able to reach the shore because the boat was very good.
A captain and two sailors saved themselves
The boys had little hope that other sailors were alive.
The boys took care of each other.
The boys saw a man on the shore.
Boys decided to explore the island because they wanted to find food and water.
The boys decided to make a boat to leave the coral island.
2. Find the correct answer of the question.

1) What happened to the ship after the storm had begun?
The ship sank.
The ship was almost destroyed.
The ship was in order
2) Was the situation very dangerous? Why?
Yes it was. There was no food on board.
Yes it was. People were ill.
Yes it was. All people could die in the sea.
3) What did the boy see when he recovered?
He saw unknown men around him.
He saw big stones.
He saw his friends.
4) Were the friends sure that some sailors from their ship were alive?
Yes, they were.
No, they weren't
5) What were the first important things the friends had to do when they discovered they were alone on the island?
They had to look for their captain.
They had to find food and water.
They had to repair their ship.

II. Past .Indefinite? Past Perfect? Choose the correct form of the verb.

One night a storm broke out, and it (carried, had carried) away two masts.
When the boy recovered, he couldn't understand what (happened, had happened)
Some time passed, and the boys (decided, had decided) to explore the island.
The boys thought that, some people (were, had been) in that place before them.

I. Listening comprehension. Say, if the sentences are true or false:

The storm was strong and the ship could not reach the shore.
The boys jumped into the water because they looked for more adventures.
Other sailors helped the boy, that's why they were able to reach the shore.
The boys have been lost in the island.
Nobody suffered from the shipwreck.
The boys didn't know if there were any people on the island.
The boys couldn't help their friends and they felt unhappy.
The boys decided to explore the island because they wanted to find food and water.

II. Find the correct answer of the question.
1) How did the people decide to reach the shore?
They decided to reach the shore by boat.
They decided to reach the shore by ship.
They decided to swim across themselves.
2) Why did the boys find themselves in the sea?
The ship sank.
They decided to swim themselves to get the shore,
A great wave washed them overboard.
3) Did the boy feel hurt? Why?
He had broken his leg.
The blood flowed from his head.
He couldn't hear anything.
4) What did the boys do in the island after the shipwreck?
They began to take care of their friend.
They began to prepare food.
They had found a good shelter.
5) What did the boys think about their friends-sailors?
The boys thought they would save their friends.
The boys were sure, their friends were in the island.
They had no hope that some of them were saved.

III. Past Indefinite? Future-in-the-past? Use the correct form of the verb

Everybody ----------------- ------------ (hope) that storm ------------------ (not last) long.
The captain ------------ (fear) that the ship ---------- (hit) the dangerous coral reefs and ---------- (break).
The sailors ----------------- (not believe) that the little boat -------------- (reach) the shore.
The boys ------------------- (understand) that their life on the island -------------- (be) hard.


Commands and Requests
I. Put these words in right order
TV, John, me, asked, watch, to
in the, mother, me, to, told, play, yard
asked, to, keys, brother, me, house, give
to, the librarian, Helen, return, asked, the books

II. Commands and Requests
“Cross the street at the crossing place”, - said mother
“Keep your mouth closed when you eat”, - said sister
“Don’t make so much noise, Michael” – said Helen
“Please sit still, just for a moment”, - said the teacher
“Pick it up and bring it to me!” – said father
“Please, return books in time”, - said librarian
“Don’t read at mealtime”, - said a doctor

III. Report Commands and Requests
“Show me your hands, please”, - said Jerry
“Don’t make me nervous, Tom!” – said Joy
“Give me this book”, - said the little girl
“Please, tell me the truth”, - said the teacher
“Look at the blackboard and remember the rule”, - said the boy
“Play in the yard”, - said mother
“Return books in time”, - said the librarian
“Cross the street at the crossing place”, - said father
“Don’t make so much noise, Michael”, - said brother
“Keep your mouth closed when you eat, Harry”, - said Bob

IV. Report the following
“Pick it up and bring it to me!” – said Marry
“Don’t make this work”, - said mother
“Please sit still, just for a moment”, - said sister
“Give me the book, Peter”, - said Jim
“Keep your arms off the table”, - said mother
“Look at the picture, Tom”, _ said the teacher
“Don’t play in the street“, - said father
“Cross the street behind a bus, please”, - said Tom
“Don’t eat with a knife”, - said Jimmy
“Return books in time”, - said the librarian

I. Report the following Statements
Children: We shall swim tomorrow
Helen: I always return books in time
Sarah: I shall go to the theatre tomorrow
Kate: I am working now
Kate: I get up at 8 o’clock
Michael: I have already done my homework
Ann: I was at my grandmother’s house yesterday
Masha: I shall write a letter tomorrow
Lena: I have bought a new car today

II. Report the following Statements
Kate: I know the truth
Tom: I have broken my leg
Mary: My father will buy a new car
Jack: I hope to sail to the shore
Tom: This island will be our home
Peter: I know English well
Tom: I cross the street at the crossing place
Tamara: She had some problems last year
Tim: My brother is working now
Peter: I have bought a new car

III. Report the following
“Don’t tear the book”, - said the teacher
“Tell me your name, please”, - said the boy
Tom: I know your name
George: We shall go to the woods tomorrow
Dina: I am working now
“Don’t take this book”, - said brother
“Give the newspaper”, - said Tom
Sarah: She will go the theatre tomorrow
Children: We shall swim tomorrow
“Look at me”, - said the girl

I. Write down indirect variants
Last week
Next week
II. Make up indirect speech. Statements
Tom: I always return books in time
Mother: I had some problems with my son
Father: My children are very kind
Tim: I shall go to school tomorrow
Tom: My sister saw this film last week
Jim: I was at the zoo yesterday
Mary: This table is very big
Ann: We were here last week
Joy: I am playing now

III. Commands and Requests
“Open the door” –said brother
“Don’t make this work”, - said mother
“Please, wash the dishes,” – said sister
“Look at the picture”, - said the teacher
“Don’t make such noise”, - said father
“Wash your hands”, - said the doctor
“Give me the book, please”, - said Tom
“Don’t tear the book, please”, - said my sister


I. Report the following

Ex.: Tom (to the boy): What is your name?
Tom asked the boy what his name was.

T (S): Where did you find it?
T (S): How did they all get in the cage?
T (S): Who does the pass belong to?
T (S): Why were the birds so angry?
T (S): What happens at the Zoo last night?
T (S): What does the girl say?
T (S): Why are you so glad today?
T (S): Where are my socks?
T (S): How did they all eat this meal?
T (S): Where were you last night?

II. Report the following

T (S): Where did you spend your holidays?
T (S): When will you go to swim?
T (S): What happened yesterday?
T (S): Who went to school last month?
T (S): Why do you open the window?
T (S): How does it happen?
T (S): Who tore the book?
T (S): How did they all get here?
T (S): What is you name?
T (S): Why are you so glad?
T (S):


I. Report the following

Ex.: J (M): Were you at the Zoo last night?
Jim asked Masha if she had been at the Zoo the night before.

T (S): Can you help me?
T (S): Was he at home yesterday?
T (S): Does she go to school?
T (S): Can you write?
T (S): Do you play football?
T (S): Are you singing now?

II. Report the questions
P (M): Can you give me the book?
Is he here now?
P (M): Have you ever been to London?
P (M): Can you close the book?
P (M): Did you work yesterday?
P (M): Were you at home yesterday?
P (M): Can you rewrite this test?
P (M): Are you glad?


I. Report the following

P (M): Can you give me the book?
P (M): Was he at home?
P (M): Why were you at home yesterday?
P (M): Has he ever been to London?
Close the book“, - said Tom
Tom: He works every day
“Sweep the floor”, - said Tom
T (S): Can you find it?
T (S): Were you glad yesterday?
T (S): Who was glad yesterday?

II. Reported Speech

“Read the poem” – said Tom
Tom: I read very well
“Please, give me your toy” – said Tom
T (S): Why are you speaking now?
“Don’t open your eyes” – said Tom
T (S): Can you jump this long distance?
Tom: My brother is the winner
T (S): Who is the champion?
“Be attentive ” – said Jim
“Don’t be rude” – said Jim
“Open the door” – said Jim
J (M): Were you at school last week?
J (M): Why was he at school?
J (M): Can you write this test?
T: He knows her name
T: Did he know her name?
T (S): Who knows her name?
T (S): Are you working now?
J (M): Does he work every day?
T (J): Where does he work every day?

II. Reported Speech

Kate: “I learn the rules”
M (M): Who wrote this book?
“Can you help me with my task?” – asked Sasha
“Don’t go on hike in winter” – said brother
“Sew me a dress, please” – said Mary
Mother (Sasha): Have you heard about our holidays?
Children (Masha): Can we go to Polseath?
“Cheer up” – said Daddy
Ann (Tom): Is it a nice place?
Mother (Feona): What did the children want to know about the place?

“Don’t play on the road” – said father
Mother: I am washing now
Mike asked me: “Who wrote this book?”
John (to his friend): Can you help me to read this word?

“Look at this boy” – said the girl
Sandra: I watched TV-set yesterday
Mary (to her brother): Where is my doll
John (to his friend): Do you know Tom?

“Please, return books in time” – said the librarian
Nina: I knew English well
Lena (to her mother) Where do you find it?
Mother (to her daughter): Did you know Sandy?

“Don’t make so much noise, Michael” – said Elena
Michael (to his brother): Can you give a pen?
Jill (to her friend): Were you alone?
The boy 9to girl0: What is your name?

“Please, pick it up” – said father
Poly: I saw very interesting film yesterday
Tom (to his father): Have you ever been to the theatre?
Tom (to his father): Why are you so angry today?

“Open a book and read a poem” – said the teacher
Sasha: I shall buy a car tomorrow
Olga (to her sister): Can you open the door?
Phil (to his father): Where is my cap?

Kate told to her brother: “I learn the rules”
“Please, tell me your address” – said a man
Bill (to his mother): Can you give a towel?
Bill (to his mother): Where is my towel?
“Try to read this word” – said brother
Tom: I know this poem well
Sam (to his friend): Have you ever been to London?
Elena (to her sister) Why are so glad today?

“Give me a mobile phone” – said a pupil
Oleg: I am writing now
Mary (to her aunt): Were you in the country?
Sasha (to her friend): Who is this man?

“Characters differ”

I. Find the words which are correspond to these phonetic sounds

List of the words Phonetic sounds

Shy, [a:]
secret, [e
noble, [e]
truth, [ou]
selfish, [i:]
heart, [u:]
faith [a

II. Definitions. Guess the words

Noun. The organ inside your chest that send blood around your body
Adjective. Honest, brave and kind
Noun. An idea or opinion
Adjective. Caring only about yourself and not other people
Noun. The real facts about a situation
Noun. Something that you tell no one about or only a few people

III. Make up the expression

A world a. hearted
To find out b. about something
To have c. in common
A man d. shy
Kind e. faith in someone
Be thoughtful f. about
To feel g. a secret
Be modest h. of my own
To keep i. of noble character
To have nothing j. the truth

IV. Fill in the gaps. Use the following words
List of the words
My granny is a very __________ woman selfish
All my thoughts _________ were about my younger sister kind-hearted
Don’t be _______, you should think more of others secrets
My friend has no _________ from me thoughts
I’d like to have my ________ car common
My friend and I have got a lot of __________ interests own

V. Translate into English

Учитель говорит, что преданные друзья никогда не ссорятся
По правде говоря, Яне щедрый человек
Родители попросили меня не быть эгоистом
мой друг сказал, что он сохранил тот секрет
У нас мало общего с этим человеком щедрой души
Мама сказала, что она верит в своих детей