Лексико-грамматический тест по английскому языку для 5 класса

Unit 1My world
Name ____ ___ ____ Class 5____
Personal pronouns & possessive adjectives.
Match the words.
1 Ia your
2 Youb their
3 Hec our
4 Shed my
5 Wee her
6 Theyf his
The names of family relationships.
Unscrumble the words.1 gfrndatareh ____________6 streis _________________
2 theraf ________________7 gmorahndtre ____________
3 tuna _________________8 cnelu _________________
4 hrobetr _______________9 unicos ________________
5 thmoer _______________10 tpe __________________
The family relationships and possessive adjectives.
Look at Tom’s family tree. Answer the questions.
Who is Susan for Justin? _________________________________
Who is Tom for Jane? ___________________________________
Who are Justin and Linda for Tom? __________________________
Who are Howard and Faith for Linda? _________________________
Who is Richard for Justin? _________________________________
Who is Graham for Linda? _________________________________
Unit 1My world
Prepositions of place.
Answer the question, using in, on, under, next to. Where is the ball?
42176707620009029716477000 _______ the box 3. _______ the box
9029707366000 _______ the box 4. _______ the box
Write the sums and answers to them.
2*3+61 =
41 – 16 =
1+4*13 =
18-9*5 =
Read the text and complete the sentences using There is, There isn’t, There are, There aren’t, Is there, Are there.
________________ a beach.
________________ a castle?
________________ a lot of shops.
________________ any supermarkets?
________________ a railway station.
________________ any supermarkets.