Сценарий внеклассного мероприятия на тему Мэри Поппинс


Сценарий открытого театрализованного мероприятия на английском языке по мотивам произведения П.Л. Трэверс «Мэри Поппинс»

Учитель английского языка Ефимова А.Н

2014-2015 учебный год

I. Сцена 1. Занавес закрыт. Из-за занавеса появляется Мэри Поппинс. Marry Poppins: Hello, friends! I am glad to see you
· II. Сцена 2. Мэри Поппинс раздвигает одну (правую) половину занавеса. За ней зрители видят гостиную и кухню. Мэри Поппинс идет на кухню, показывая на различные предметы на кухне, она читает стихотворение. Marry Poppins: Missis Grundy washes on Monday, Irons on Tuesday, Shops on Wednesday, Bakes on Thursday, Sews on Friday, Cleans on Saturday, Cooks on Sunday. This is the tale of Missis Grundy. You see how much Mrs. Grundy must do. But her children don't help her. III. Сцена 3. Мэри Поппинс уходит. Появляется Mrs. Grundy. С другой стороны, споря, бегут Jack, Jill, Bell и Phill. Они кричат, толкаются, сваливают вокруг стола стулья. Jack: I can fly, and you? Jill: Me too. Bell: And I can swim. Can you, Phill? Phill: No, I can't. But I can read and
·(плача, бежит к маме): Mother! Brothers don't want to play with me. They are bad. Mrs. Grundy (обращаясь к зрителям): I am so sad. My children are not friendly. They don't love each other. They don't want to pay together. Where is our new teacher? When wi
·on't want! Phill: I don't want! Jack: I don't want! Together: We don't want! IV. Сцена 4. Раздается стук. Children: Who is that? Marry Poppins: It's me, your teacher. May I come in? Children (весело): Yes, you may. Come in, please! Marry Poppins (входя): Good morning! Дети подбегают к ней, ходят вокруг, рассматривают ее наряд, зонтик, потом отходят и начинают петь. Children: What is your name? What is your name? Could you tell me what is your name? Mary Poppins: My name is Mary. My na
· so funny, you are so funny You ask many questions, my dear friends. V. Сцена 5. Mrs. Grundy (singing): Good morning, Lady Mary! Good morning to you! Good morning! Good morning! I am glad to see you! Mary Poppins: I am glad to see you, Mrs.Grundy, an
· Уходят. Занавес. V. Сцена 6. Открывается левая половина занавеса. Детская комната. В центре ковер, на заднем плане кресло. Справа и слева кровати. Пэт и Билл кидаются подушками, а маленькая Бетси сидит возле ящика с игрушками. Входит Мэри Поппинс с другими детьми. Пэт и Билл сразу же ложаться, стонут. Пет держится за голову, а Билл - за живот. Jack: Hi! This is our new teacher. Her name is Mary Poppins. Mary Poppins: How do you do, Pat? How do you do, Bill? Why are you in beds? Are you ill? Pat: Ye
· And I can sing a song about it. Mary Poppins: Please, sing, Betsy. Ben(begins to sing): Every time I have a head-ache (на мотив "Кукарачи") Mama takes me to the doctor. All children (together): Every time I have a head-ache Mama takes me to the doct
·it is! Mary Poppins: Thank you. Bill: You are welcome! Mary Poppins (раздаёт детям разноцветные стеклышки): Green for Jack, Yellow for Jill, White for Bell, And black for Phill. Brown for Bill, And pink for Betsy, For me - red, And blue for Pat. Let's look trough our glasses and say what we see. (исполняется песенка "Colours") Jack: I see green, Jill: I see yellow, Together: I see that funny fellow. Bell: I see white, Phill: I see black, Together: I see this, and that, and that. Ben: I s
·картинка кота в шляпе) Children: What? A cat with a hat? A hat for a cat? Who ever saw a cat with a hat? Mary Poppins: Take these pictures and make up your own rhymes. Jill: A fox went to town to buy a box. (картинка лисички с коробочкой) Bell: A mouse went to town to buy a house. (картинка мышки и домика) Jack: A pig went to town to buy a stick. (картинка поросенка с тросточкой) Phill: A cock went to town to buy a clock. (петушок с будильником) Ben: A duck went to town to buy a jug. (утка с кувшином) Bill: A lion went to town to buy a iron. (лев в утюгом) Pat: An owl went to town to buy a towel. (сова с полотенцем) Mary Poppins: But, Pat and Bill, do you wash your hands and face, do you clean your teeth? Bill: No, I don't like to wash
·hands and face. Pat: I don't want to clean my teeth. Children (all together): We want to play. Mary Poppins: But it's very funny if you sing a song. Stand up! Дети становятся в круг. Мэри Поппинс в середине круга. Она начинает петь и показывает движения, а дети повторяют их и поют вместе с ней. Mary Poppins: Here we go round the mulberry-bush. Everybody: Mulberry-bush, mulberry-bush. Here we go round the mulberry-bush On a Sunday morning. Mary Poppins: This is the way we wash our hands. Everybody: Wash our hands, wash our hands. This is the way we wash our hands. On a Monday morning. Mary Poppins: This is the way we wash our face. Everybody: Wash our face, wash our face. This is the way we wash our face. On a Tuesday morning. Mary Poppins: This is the way we brush our hair. Everybody: Brush our hair, brush our hair. This is the way we brush our hair. On a Wednesday morning. Mary Poppins: This is the way we clean our teeth. Everybody: Clean our teeth, clean our teeth. This is the way we clean our teeth. On a Thursday morning. Mary Poppins: This is the way we cook our lunch. Everybody: Cook our lunch, cook our lunch. This is the way we cook our lunch. On a Friday morning. Mary Poppins: This is the way we meet our guests. Everybody: Meet our guests, meet our guests. This is the way we cook our lunch. On a Saturday morning. Ben: Let's play another game! Mary Poppins: No, we cannot. You like to play, but you don't like to work. You are lazy, my friends. You don't help your mother about the house. It is very bad. You must help her. Jill: Yes, we must go and help our mother. VI. Сцена 7. Дети бегут на кухню к Mrs. Grundy и поют песенку (на мотив "В траве сидел кузнечик"). Children: What can we do for you, Mum? What can we do for you, Mum? What can we do for you, Mum? What can we do for you? What can we do? What can we do? What can we do for you, Mum? What can we do? What can we do? What can we do for you? Mrs. Grundy: What would you like to do, kids? What would you like to do, kids? What would you like to do, kids? What would you like to do? What would you like? What would you like? What would you like to do, kids? What would you like? What would you like? What would you like to do? Pat: I'd like to clean the carpets. Bill: I'd like to wash the dishes. Jill: I'd like to dust the sideboard, Phill: I'd like to sweep the floor. Mrs. Grundy: How nice of you, how nice of you, You've got so many talents, How nice of you, how nice of you, I'll bake a cake for you. Дети убираются. Уносят с кухни таз, доску и утюг. Поднимают стулья, вытирают пыль (Jill), подметают пол (Phill), Mrs. Grundy уходит и через некоторое время возвращается, неся торт. Она ставит его на стол. Betsy, Bell и Jack приносят 8 чашек и блюдец. Mrs. Grundy приносит чайник и кофейник. Mrs. Grundy: One, two, three, Let me see. Who likes coffee And who likes tea. One, two, three, Oh, I see. You like coffee And I like tea. Mrs. Grundy наливает всем в чашки чай, а себе и Marry Poppins кофе. Все встают вокруг стола и поют песенку. The more we are together, together, together, The more we are together the happier we are. For my friend is your friend And your friend is my friend, The more we are together, The happier we are. Ben: Thank you Lady Mary for all the things you’ve done
For helping us to grow
For making us so kind

Mrs Grundy: We’ ll always think of you
With glad and grateful heart
You are very special
And we knew it from the start

You’ ve touched our lives with kindness
You knew what just we need
You’ ve taught us to be caring
In every though and deed

Mary Poppins: Goodbye is not forever Or it doesn’t have to be. Our paths will cross someday But you’ll always be with me. You are with me every day when I think of you. Nowhere else I have found friends so very true.

Mary Poppins: Goodbye, goodbye I'm afraid I have to fly Our time together is coming to an end Goodbye, goodbye That twinkle in your eye Says it won't be long before we meet again all together: The wind might blow It might rain or sleet or snow You never know just what tomorrow brings Whatever kind of day Everything will be ok 'Cause we'll have another chance to laugh and sing Goodbye, (goodbye) Goodbye (goodbye) For me, myself and I I L-O-V-E Y-O-U I love you I L-O-V-E Y-O-U! (I love you)