Конспект открытого урока в 6 классе по английскому языку

Открытый урок в 6 классе
What will happen to me Good morning, children! How are you? Are you fine? Ok, very good!
I hope everybody is ready to work. Let’s greet our quests. Sit down, please. Let’s start our work.
Tell me, please, who is on duty today?
What date is it today? What day of the week is it today?
Thank you for the information!
Warming up
Let’s do phonetic exercises:
Very good!
Please, answer my questions:
I know, you’ll have 5 lessons tomorrow, won’t you? I try to predict your working day. Please, agree with me or say that it is true.
P1, you’ll have mathematics today, won’t you?
P2, you’ll write a test, won’t you?
P3, you’ll come home at 2 o’clock, won’t you?
P4, you won’t watch TV in the evening, will you?
Объявление цели урока
T: We always want to know what will happen in the future, don’t we?
At the previous lesson we learnt the formation of the future simple. Now, let’s revise everything.
Today we are going to speak about the things which will happen with us in the future, we’ll practice the future simple tense
T: Let’s sing a song “In ten years”
Very well
Актуализация прежних знаний
And now I want you to predict your future. Your homework was to make your own prediction. There are your predictions on the blackboard, but they are hidden. And you don’t know where your own prediction is. Please, choose some picture and read it. Who wants to be the first? Maya, please go to the blackboard, choose picture and read.
After reading you should express your opinion, using these phrases:
How interesting!
So nice!
It’s great!
How funny!
Very good!
T: look at the blackboard and repeat them all together
I am glad to see that everyone has done the homework well today
Grammar material
T: какое глагольное время использовали вы в своих предсказаниях?
Future Simple
Давайте вспомним временную форму Future Simple
Let’s remember the temporary form of Future Simple
Look at the screen and study this grammar material carefully
I графство Future город Simple. Назовите вспомогательной глагол, который работает в этом городе.
II Вспомните пароли города
Какой порядок слов в утвердительном предложении? Как сокращается will?
В отрицательном?
Общий вопрос? А как отвечать на общий вопрос?
Какой порядок слов в специальном вопросе? В вопросе к подлежащему?
Now match the following words and their translationsPut up your hand if you know the answer. – Если знаете, как ответить на вопрос, поднимите руку.
Tomorrow через минуту
Next week через день
Next month завтра
Next year на следующей неделе
In a day через час
In a minute через пять лет
In an hour в будущем
In two weeks в следующем месяце
In five years через две недели
In the future в следующем году
Now read the words properly.
VIII Физкультминутка
It is time to have a rest. Stand up please Let’s do some exercises.
IX Отработка грамматического материала
Thank you. Sit down and let’s go on
I’m sure you can easily fill in the gaps, can’t you? Please, try. Well done. Don’t forget about the short form of Future Simple. Is everything clear?
I think it is not very difficult to translate the sentences from Russian into English and from English into Russian, isn’t it? Let’s do it.
Я прочитаю эту книгу завтра
Он будет петь эту песню через два месяца
Мы будем спать в спальном мешке –sleeping bag
Они не поедут в Испанию на следующий год
Она не позвонит завтра
They will fly to Moscow in two month
We will watch an interesting film tomorrow
Kate will phone me in three days
Our friend won’t go to London
Peter will come to my birthday party next week. I will use my sleeping bag in May. They will fly to London in 5 months. My friends will give me presents on my birthday.
Very nice, and now you should put words in the correct order СЛАЙД
Now your task is to make negative sentences
1. It’ll be 24 November in two days. 2. Your teacher will go to London next month. 3. Your granny will come to see you in March. 4. It’ll rain today. 5. It’ll be cold tomorrow. 6. You’ll play football next week.
Try to ask a general questions and answer it. Give short answer
And now try to ask speсial questions to the underlined words one by one
Model: It will rain tomorrow. rain/go to school/get up early/see friends/phone Granny/do homework/read/watch TV/ dance/ buy presents/walk the dog.
Ok. Dear boys and girls!
Let’s play a game “What will happen to me in the future”
Now we can say and ask what will happen in the future.
I think our lesson was great. I am very pleased with your work. Write down your homework, please.
Домашнее задание. Учащимся дается домашнее задание написать маленький рассказ о планах членов своей семьи на неделю. Примеры: On Sunday my father will play hockey. On Monday my Granny will watch TV. On Friday my sister won`t go to school. Подчеркнутые слова надо изменить, не нарушая структуру предложений.
Now open your books at page ………..
Listen to a dialogue and
You will take a tasty cake with your mum.
You’ll get a “5” mark in Math
You’ll sleep in your sleeping bag on the balcony.
You won’t have homework in English for tomorrow
You’ll fly to London in your dream {во сне} tomorrow
You’ll be a teacher at PE lesson tomorrow
You’ll have breakfast tomorrow
You’ll be the president of the school
You’ll be a very important person at school
You’ll sing popular songs to your classmates
You’ll find 100 roubles at the street
You’ll travel by car in your summer holidays
Your friend will write you a letter next week.
You’ll have fun in two days
You’ll be happy in the future
You’ll read a very interesting story tomorrow
You’ll play football next week
You’ll be a famous dancer in ten years