Конторольная работа 6 класс

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On Sunday
It is Sunday morning. Dima is in bed, he is sleeping. He does not go to school on Sundays. His mother opens the door, comes into his room and says:
“Get up, Dima. It’s late.”
“ All right, Mum. What time is it ? “
“ It’s half past eight . “
“ But today is Sunday . “
“ Yes, breakfast is on the table. In the morning we are going to Aunt Tamara’s. “
“ All right, Mum. I am getting up. “
Dima gets up. He washes his face and hands with cold water. Then he comes back to his room and puts on his new shirt and his grey suit. He goes to the dining-room.
“ Good morning, Dad. “
“ Good morning, Dima. “
The family is at table. They are having their breakfast. For breakfast they have tea, milk, bread and butter.
“ Mum, may I go with my friends to the cinema in the afternoon? “
“ Yes, you may. “

Дайте перевод слов:
Turned – up nose
Выберите верный вариант перевода:
Такой же высокий как
a) as tall as b) as high as c) as small as
Не такой большой
a) not so small b) not so large c) not so little
Более быстрый, чем
much faster than b) more fast c) much slower than
Самая милая
a) the ugliest b) the happiest c) the prettiest
Такой же некрасивый как
a) as pretty as b) as ugly as c) as handsome as
A) Older b) the oldest c) more old
Повышенный уровень
Образуйте степени сравнения от следующих прилагательных :Good
Раскройте скобки употребляя нужные степени сравнения прилагательных:
My father ( old) than my mother.
This book ( interesting)
We are ( good) class in our school.