Контрольные работы по английскому языку Говорение.Аудирование.Письмо.Чтение (4 класс)

№1 Контроль аудирования LISTENING
Test 1
Narrator: Listen and look. There is one example.
Woman: Can you see the watch?
Boy: The watch? Yes.
Woman: Put the watch on the armchair.
Boy: The watch is on the armchair. OK.
Narrator: Can you see the line? Now you listen and draw lines.
Woman: Put the guitar behind the armchair.
Boy: Sorry. Put it where?
Woman: Behind the armchair.
Boy: Right.
Woman: Now put the mobile phone next to the keys.
Boy: Where is the mobile phone?
Woman: On the table. Next to the keys.Boy: OK. That’s easy.
Woman: Put the roller blades under the chair.
Boy: Where?
Woman: Put the roller blades under the chair.
Boy. OK. The roller blades are under the chair.
Woman: And now, put the hairbrush in the box.
Boy: Excuse me?
Woman: The hairbrush. Put it in the box.
Boy: Right.
Woman: OK. Now, put the helmet on the chair.
Boy: Put the helmet where?
Woman: There. On the chair.Boy: OK. The helmet is on the chair.

A Legend
money - деньгиto save – сохранятьa core - сердцевина (яблока)
slowly - медленноto plant - сажатьgrow – grew – растиa seed – семя1.
John was a poor man. He didn’t have a family. John wanted to do people some good, but he had little money. Every day he worked hard to get some more money. With the money he bought red, yellow and green apples. When he ate them, he saved all the cores. Then he put them into a bag. Every day he took the bag, walked into the country and planted cores. He bought more apples and planted cores again, again and again. He knew that trees grew very slowly, but he planted cores.
People called him “Appleseed John”. One day the old man died. Today in that country you can see many, many apple trees. If you ask people why there are so many trees there, people usually tell this legend.
1 2 3 4 2. True (T) False (F)
1. John had a wife and two children.
2. John wanted people to be happy.
3. John saved vegetables to plant.
4. There are a lot of apple trees now in that country.

4. Match the halves of sentences
1. John walked into the country A. to get money
2. He was “Appleseed John” B. because he planted a lot of apple trees
3. He worked much C. to plant cores
1- 2- 3-
5. Cross out an odd word
1. people, man, trees, good, cores
2. had, planted, into, bought, grew
3. red, green, apples, yellow, brown

№2 Контроль чтения
Variant 1
1.Прочитай и дополни информацию о домашнем питомце.
I’ve got a pet cat. Her name is Toby. She’s got a fat white body, big green eyes and a long tail. Toby can jump and she can climb, too! She’s lovely!

My pet: e.g. a cat
Name: 1)_________________________
Has got: 2)_____________ body
3) ____________ eyes
4) ____________ tail
Can: jump and 5) ___________________
2. Прочитай и соедини вопросы с ответами. Запиши ответы в таблицу.
e.g. What’s this? a They’re robots.
1. What are they? b I’m playing with my toys.
2. Who’s she? c She’s my sister.
3. What’s your name? d It’s a teddy.
4. What are you doing, Laura? e On your bed..
5. Where’s my shirt? f My name’s Maya.
e.g. 1 2 3 4 5
d Variant 2.1.Прочитай и дополни информацию о домашнем питомце.
I’ve got a pet parrot. Her name is Beauty. She’s got a small blue head, a fat body and a long green tail. Beauty can fly and she can talk, too! She’s lovely!

My pet: e.g. parrot
Name: 1) __________________
Has got: 2)_______________head
Can: fly and 5)________________
2. Прочитай и соедини вопросы с ответами. Запиши ответы в таблицу.
e.g. What’s this? a They’re frogs.
1. What are they? b I’m playing with my cars.
2. What’s your name? c He’s my brother.
3. Who’s he? d It’s a book.
4. What are you doing, Tom? e On your table.
5. Where’s my pen? f My name’s Jenny.
e.g. 1 2 3 4 5
d № Контроль чтения
Hi! I am Jane. I have got a mother, a father and a sister. We are a happy family. We live in a big new house.
There are many rooms in my house. The living -room is big and sunny. There is a sofa, three chairs, two armchairs, a fireplace and a TV in it. When it’s cold and rainy, we like to sit in the armchairs next to the fireplace. We can read books, watch TV or listen to music. Sometimes my mother plays the piano and I sing English songs. My father and my sister like it very much. They say I can sing very well.
There are three bedrooms in our house. I don’t share a room with my sister. I have got my own room. I like my room. There is a bed, a desk, a chair and many bookshelves. I like to read fairy tales very much. Sometimes I write fairy tales and give them to my sister or my mother as presents. They like to read them. They say that my fairy tales are interesting. My father doesn’t like them. He likes it when I sing!
1. Answer the questions
Has Jane got a brother?............................................................................................Do Jane and her family live in a flat?.......................................................................Is there a fireplace in the living room?....................................................................Can Jane read?........................................................................................................Can Jane’s mother sing very well?.......................................................................2. True (T) False (F)
1 2 3 4 5 There are many bookshelves in Jane’s room.
Jane Can write fairy tales
Jane’s father likes fairy tales
Jane has got a room of her own
Jane likes her room
№3 Контроль аудированияTHE STORY OF DICK
Dick was a poor little boy. His father and mother died. He had no friends. His only friend was his red cat.
One day Dick heard that life was very easy in London, that all the people in London were very good and kind, that the streets in London were full of gold.
“Let’s go to London,” Dick said to his cat.
“All right, let’s go,” said the cat.
But when they arrived in London, they didn’t see the streets full of gold. They didn’t see anybody who wanted to help them.
So, Dick found a job on one of the ships ready to sail to foreign countries.
“May I take my cat with me?” Dick asked the captain.
“Certainly, and I think you will have a wonderful travel,” said the captain.
And it was a wonderful travel. The captain was a good old kind man. He told Dick stories about strange lands and strange people, about strange plants and strange animals.
One day there was a storm in the sea. The ship was driven into a strange country. The people who lived in that country had red skins.
The captain of the ship sent beautiful presents to the King and the Queen of that country. Then they invited the captain to the palace. It was very big and nice. There were a lot of tasty things on the tables. But suddenly hundreds of rats ran into the room and began to eat all the tasty things.
“This happens every day,” sad the king. “We don’t know what to do. Nobody can help us.”
When the red cat saw the rats, he jumped from Dick’s arms and soon all the rats were dead. The King and the Queen were so pleased that they gave Dick twelve bags of gold and many other presents.
When Dick and his cat came back to London, they were very rich. Dick married a beautiful girl and they all lived happily together.
I. True or false:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. The boy’s name was Dick.
2. Dick’s parents lived in London.
3. There were many kind people in London.
4. Dick found a job on the ship.
5. The captain of the ship was a kind old man.
6. The people in the strange country had red hats and dresses.
7. The King and the Queen invited the captain and Dick to the restaurant.
8. The King and the Queen gave Dick a lot of presents.
II. Choose the correct answer:
1. Dick’s only friend was: a) a captain of the ship; b) a red cat; c) a beautiful girl.
2. The captain told Dick stories about: a) London; b) boats and ships; c) strange lands, people and animals.
3. The people in the strange country: a) had red skins; b) had brown skins; c) had black skins.
4. The King and the Queen gave Dick: a) eleven bags of gold; b) twelve bags of gold; c) twenty bags of gold.
III. Match:
1. Dick was a) good and kind people.
2. His only friend was b) killed all the rats.
3. Dick and his cat went c) a kind old man.
4. In London there were not d) had red skins.
5. Dick found a job e) to London.
6. The captain of the ship was f) twelve bags of gold.
7. The captain told stories about g) on the ship.
8. The people in the strange country h) a poor little boy.
9. Hundreds of rats began i) a beautiful girl
10. The red cat j) strange lands, people and animals.
11. The King and the Queen gave Dick k) a red cat.
12. Dick married l) to eat tasty things №6 Контроль письма• Using capital letters
Writing Tips!
We use capital letters for:
• continents, cities, towns and villages, e.g. Asia, Moscow
• languages, e.g. Russian
• streets and roads, e.g. Church Street
• days of the week, e.g. Tuesday
• months, e.g. January
1 Correct the paragraph. There are 9 mistakes.
This is my best friend vera. She’s ten years old.
Vera has got blonde hair and green eyes. she’s tall and slim. her mum is from italy! Every tuesday we go sailing! it’s great fun! Vera lives two blocks from my house at 45 perich street. Our dream is to travel to africa and see wild animals!
• Writing emails
Writing Tips!
When we write an email to our friends we use:
• everyday language, e.g. Hi!/How are you?
• short forms, e.g. he’s, can’t, etc
•other expressions like: Write back soon! / Thanks for your… / Give my love to everyone. / Dear …
1 Put the email in the correct order.

New Message
Hi! How are you? Write back soon!
Thank you for your email. I’m having a great time here in Moscow. My uncle Ramil is a vet. He helps sick animals! In the afternoons, we go to the park. It’s really cool! I love it here!
Dear Nikolay,
Контроль чтения

1 Read the story.
A very big and very strong lion lives on a mountain. Every night he goes down to the river to drink some water. One evening the lion falls into a thorny bush. “Ouch!” he says.
“I’ve got a thorn in my foot.” At this moment, a poor slave called Androcles appears. “Kind man, can you help me?” says the lion and holds up his paw to Androcles. “Yes, of course,” says Androcles. “But quickly. My master is looking for me!” Androcles kneels down and pulls the thorn out.
Soon after, Androcles’s master catches him and sends him to fight with a lion in front of the Emperor. Androcles is very scared. The
lion comes out of the cage and runs to Androcles. The lion stops in front of
Androcles and rolls over on his back with all four feet in the air. How can that be? Oh yes. It’s the lion from the mountain! It cannot hurt Androcles. The Emperor is so surprised. He sets them both free. Androcles and the lion go back to the mountain and live happily ever after.

2 Read the story again and answer the questions.
1 Where does the lion live?
2 What is the name of the slave?

3 Why can’t the lion hurt him?
Контроль письма Further Writing Practice

• Using capital letters
Writing Tips!
We use capital letters for:
• continents, cities, towns and villages, e.g. Asia, Moscow
• languages, e.g. Russian
• streets and roads, e.g. Church Street
• days of the week, e.g. Tuesday
• months, e.g. January
1 Correct the paragraph. There are 9 mistakes.
This is my best friend vera. She’s ten years old.
Vera has got blonde hair and green eyes. she’s tall and slim. her mum is from italy! Every tuesday we go sailing! it’s great fun! Vera lives two blocks from my house at 45 perich street. Our dream is to travel to africa and see wild animals!
• Writing emails
Writing Tips!
When we write an email to our friends we use:
• everyday language, e.g. Hi!/How are you?
• short forms, e.g. he’s, can’t, etc
•other expressions like: Write back soon! / Thanks for your… / Give my love to everyone. / Dear …
1 Put the email in the correct order.

New Message
Hi! How are you? Write back soon!
Thank you for your email. I’m having a great time here in Moscow. My uncle Ramil is a vet. He helps sick animals! In the afternoons, we go to the park. It’s really cool! I love it here!
Dear Nikolay,
Контроль письма
1 Fill in the missing information.
Dear Anton,
It’s my ....................... on the ....................... ofDecember and I’m having a ....................... !
Can you come? My ....................... is 23 Pavlovic.
The party begins at ....................... o’clock. Be there!
Nadjia2 Send an invitation to a friend for your birthday party.
Dear .......... ,....................................................................
• Using because
Writing Tips!
We use because to give a reason, e.g. Micha was tired because she studied all night.
Контроль письма
1 Correct the mistakes.

1 My brother likes too stories .2 The prince talked to the princess beautiful.
3 Did the elephant play the saxophone.4 Last night Anton and dimitri watched a funny film.
5 My favourite month is february.
6 Were were you on Monday?

• Writing a story
Writing Tips!
When we write a story, we use time words like first, then, suddenly, finally to show the order of events.
Read the story. Underline the words first, then, suddenly and finally.
Last Saturday my dad and I had a great time! First, we had breakfast. Then, we took our boat and went fishing. We were on our boat for hours. Suddenly, we saw something in the water. It looked like a monster fish! I was really scared! “Help!” I shouted. Finally, the monster fish came closer. It wasn’t a monster fish, it was a dolphin. It was so cute!
2 Put the story in the correct order.
Finally, we left the zoo and went to an Italian restaurant. The food was yummy! It was the best Sunday ever!
Last Sunday my mum and I had a great time.
First, we had breakfast. Then, we went to the zoo. We were at the zoo for hours.
Suddenly, a monkey jumped and climbed on my shoulder. It was really funny!

• Writing about plans
Writing Tips!
Expressions for writing plans:
•Tomorrow I’m going to ... , • On Monday/Tuesday etc, • This evening/afternoon etc, • Then, in the evening/afternoon etc
You are going to London for the weekend. Use your notes and complete the letter to your friend.
Trip to London, 13-15 October * The Natural History Museums: * Madame TussaudsMuseum Sights: * The Tower of London * Buckingham Palace Shows: * The Planetarium Show * Theatre Dear Diana, happy! I’m going to London this Hi! How are you? I’m very weekend! I’m going to go to . On Saturday morning, ....................... . After that I’m going to ............................................. I’m going to . Then, on Sunday morning .......................... excited! I’m very ...................................................... Anyway, that’s all for now, Take care. I miss you! Love, ........ Контроль говорения
• Giving information
1 Take roles and read out.
Denis:Who’s this?
Valentina: This is my uncle Danil.
Denis:Where does he live?
Valentina: He lives in England. He’s a doctor.
Denis:How old is he?
Valentina: He’s forty-five.
Denis:What’s he like?
Valentina: He’s very kind and friendly!
Work in pairs. Use the pictures below or your own ideas and act out similar dialogues.
Moscow teacher 40 friendly

student 10
clever• Asking for/giving directions
Take roles and read out.
Excuse me, where exactly is the animal hospital?
Go along Hill Street and turn left into New road. It’s opposite the garage.
Контроль говорения
Work in pairs. Use the picture and act out similar dialogues.
• Buying food
Take roles and read out.
Excuse me. Can I have two bars of chocolate, a jar of jam and a tin of beans, please?
Yes, of course. Here you are.
How much is it?
That’s four pounds and seven pence, please.
Here you are.
Thank you.
Work in pairs. Use the pictures below or your own ideas to act out similar dialogues.
0 95p 1 . 1 67p £ £1 . 89p 79p 09
Контроль говорения
• Talking about animals
1 Take roles and read out.
Irina:Where do leopards live?
Roman: They live in the jungle.
Irina:What do they eat?
Roman: They eat other animals.
• Expressing surprise
1 Take roles and read out.
Andrey: Where were you yesterday?
Ida: I was at a party with Dima Bilan. Andrey: Wow! I can’t believe it! What was he like? Ida: He was really friendly!

Jungle/ bananas
2 Work in pairs. Use your own ideas and act out similar dialogues.
• Talking about what you did last night

1 Take roles and read out.
Olga:What did you do last night?
Ilya:I visited my grandmother. What about you?
Olga:Nothing special. I stayed at home and watched TV.

Use the prompts below or your own ideas to act out similar dialogues.
Контроль говорения
• Talking about experiences

1 Take roles and read out.
Nadja: What did you do at the weekend?
Yuri:I went to a party on Saturday night.
Nadja: Did you have fun?
Yuri:Yes, I did! I danced all night!
Nadja: That sounds great!
Work in pairs. Use the pictures below or your own ideas and act out similar dialogues.
Saturday dance all night
Sunday see dinosaurs
see a lot of animals
• Talking about plans
1 Take roles and read out.
Masha: What are you going to do this weekend?
Vlad:I’m going camping! How about you?
Masha: I’m going to visit my grandmother on Saturday as usual. Vlad: Well, anyway, have a good weekend!
Masha: Thanks. You too!
Work in pairs. Use the pictures below or your own ideas to act out similar dialogues.