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THE AIMS OF FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING................................ PAGEREF _Toc501732455 h 4
THE IMPORTANCE OF TEACHING VOCABULARY............................ PAGEREF _Toc501732456 h 5
HOW TO TEACH VOCABULARY IN SCHOOL....................................... PAGEREF _Toc501732457 h 7
WORDS THAT ARE THEIR OWN OPPOSITES..................................... PAGEREF _Toc501732460 h 12
WORD RETRIEVAL ACTIVITIES FOR CHILDREN............................. PAGEREF _Toc501732463 h 16
PLAYING GAMES INVOLVING ANTONYMS....................................... PAGEREF _Toc501732465 h 17
ACHOOSE THE CORRECT ANSWER............................................... PAGEREF _Toc501732469 h 23
Presentation of new words. Since every word has its form, meaning and usage to present a word means to introduce to pupils its forms (phonetic, graphic, structural and grammatical) and to explain its meaning and usage.
The techniques of teaching pupils the punctuation and spelling of a word are as follows:
1.pure orcoscious imitation;
4.rules of reading.
Since a word consists of sounds if heard or spoken and letters if read or written the teacher shows the pupils how to pronounce, to read and write it. However the approach may vary depending on the task set (the latter depends on the age of pupils, their progress in the language, the type of words, etc.). For example, if the teacher wants his pupils to learn the word orally first, he instructs them to recognize it when hearing and to articulate the word as an isolated element (a book) and in a sentence pattern or sentence patterns alongside with other words. (This is a book. Give me the book. Take the book. Put the book on the table.).
As far as the form concerned the pupils have but two difficulties to overcome: to lean how to pronounce the word both separately and in the speech; and to recognize it in sentence patterns pronounced by the teacher, by his classmates, or by a speaker in case the tape- recorder is used.
If the teacher wants his pupils to learn the word during the same lesson not only for hearing and speaking but for reading and writing as well, he shows them how to write and read it after they perform oral exercises and can recognize and pronounce the word. The teacher writes down the word on the blackboard (let it be spoon) and invites some pupils to read it (they already know all the letters and the rule of reading). The pupils read the word and put it down in their notebooks. In this case the pupils have two more difficulties to overcome: to learn how to write and to read the word; the letter is connected with their ability to associate letters with sounds in a proper way.
There are two ways of conveying the meaning of words: direct way and translation. The direct way of presenting the words of a foreign language brings the learner into direct contact with them, the mother tongue does not come in between, and it establishes links between a foreign word and the thing or the concept directly. The direct way of conveying the meaning of foreign words is usually used when the words denote things, objects, their qualities, sometimes gestures and movements, which can be shown to and seen by pupils, for example: a book, a table, red, big, take, stand up, etc.
The teacher should connect the English word he presents with the objects, the notion it denotes directly, without the use of pupils’ mother tongue.
The teacher uses various techniques for this purpose.
It is possible to group them into (1) visual and (2) verbal. The first group involves the use of visual aids to convey the meaning of unfamiliar words. These may be: besides, the teacher may use movements and gestures.
E. g., the teacher uses objects. He takes a pencil and looking at it says: a pencil. This is a pencil. What is this? It is a pencil. Is it a pencil? Yes, it is. Is it a pen? No, it is not. Is it a pen or a pencil? It is a pencil. The pupils do not only grasp the meaning of the word pencil, but they observe the use of the word in familiar sentence patterns.
[2] LINGUIST List 6.86 p.-32/1995/ Dr. Alex Eulenberg USA Department of Speech, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
[3] This idea contributed by Mrs. Amada Pérez